#!/bin/sh # This is the master OpenVPN build script for Windows. # This script will build OpenVPN, the TAP driver, and # the installer from source, targeting x86 on Windows # 2000 and higher, and x64 on Windows 2003 and higher. # # See top-level build configuration in install-win32/settings.in # # Prerequisite installs: # # MinGW -- for GNU C compiler # MSYS -- for bash # msysDTK -- for perl # NSIS -- for building installer # svn -- for checking out source code (or TortoiseSVN) # Windows Driver Kit, Vista RC1 (5600) -- for building TAP driver + tapinstall # # Required libraries (must be prebuilt) # # OpenSSL -- define OPENSSL_DIR in settings.in # LZO -- define LZO_DIR in settings.in # # Optional OpenVPN GUI binary (prebuilt) # -- define OPENVPN_GUI_DIR and OPENVPN_GUI in settings.in # # Required source code not included in OpenVPN SVN repository # because of MS licensing restrictions: # # ../tapinstall -- This is based on 'devcon' which is found in the # Windows Driver Kit (formerly known as DDK). # Copy the 'devcon' source tree to ../tapinstall # Edit 'sources' and modify TARGETNAME=tapinstall # # ../svc-template -- This directory should contain service.[ch] # from the MS Platform SDK. # # Example usage: # # build everything, then write installer to desktop # INSTALLER_DEST="/c/Documents and Settings/James/Desktop" ./domake-win install-win32/winconfig install-win32/makeopenvpn install-win32/maketapinstall install-win32/maketap install-win32/signtap install-win32/makebin install-win32/getgui install-win32/buildinstaller install-win32/signinstaller install-win32/copyinstaller