# # logactio - simple framework for doing configured action on certain # log file events # # Copyright 2012 David Sommerseth # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which # is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing # forms part of the process of creating an executable the information # including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable # are deemed to be part of the source code. # import sys, os, re, time, ConfigParser, threading, signal import ReporterQueue from LogActio.Reporters import DefaultReporter class WatcherThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, logfile, polltime, reporters): # This object will watch for changes in one particular log file self.__rules = [] self.__logfile = logfile self.__polltime = polltime is not None and int(polltime) or 30 self.__reporters = reporters self.__shutdown = False threading.Thread.__init__(self) def GetLogfile(self): return self.__logfile def AddRule(self, prefix, regex, threshold, timeframe, ratelimit, resetrules, reporters): # Adds a rule specific for this log file rule = {"prefix": prefix, "regex": re.compile(regex), "threshold": int(threshold), "timeframe": timeframe and int(timeframe) or None, "ratelimit": ratelimit and int(ratelimit) or None, "resetrules": resetrules, "lastseen": 0, "current_count": 0, "alerts_sent": 0, "lastsent": 0, "reporters": reporters} self.__rules.append(rule) def StartWatcher(self): # Start the default reporter modules for rep in self.__reporters: rep._Start() # Start reporter modules declared in rules for r in self.__rules: if r.has_key("reporters") and r["reporters"] is not None: for rep in r["reporters"]: rep._Start() # Start the thread with this watcher self.start() def run(self): fp = None # This is started by threading.Thread try: fp = fp = open(self.__logfile, "r") fp.seek(0, 2) except IOError: self.Shutdown() raise Exception("Could not access logfile: %s" % self.__logfile) # Whenever the file changes, we receive the lines here while not self.__shutdown: where = fp.tell() line = fp.readline() if len(line) == 0: # Before sleeping, grab a copy of the file size. # If it has become truncated, we need to reopen the file filesize_before = os.stat(self.__logfile).st_size time.sleep(self.__polltime) filesize_after = os.stat(self.__logfile).st_size if filesize_after < filesize_before: # Reopen is needed. fp.close() time.sleep(1) # Just in case fp = open(self.__logfile) # We will not go to end of file, so # we catch all changes in the log file # since the truncation point else: fp.seek(where) continue now = int(time.time()) resetlist = [] for alert in self.__rules: m = alert["regex"].match(line.splitlines()[0]) # If the received log line matches the regex if not self.__shutdown and m: alert["current_count"] += 1 # If the threshold has been reached and within the given time frame, # report the incident. Also, if we have an rate-limit, only send # a report it is 'rate-limit seconds' since last report. if (alert["threshold"] == 0 or ((alert["current_count"] % alert["threshold"] == 0) and (alert["timeframe"] is None or now <= (alert["lastseen"] + alert["timeframe"]))) and (alert["ratelimit"] is None or now > (alert["lastsent"] + alert["ratelimit"]))): alert["alerts_sent"] += 1 alert["lastsent"] = now info = "|".join(m.groups()) # Gather regex exctracted info if len(info) == 0: info = None # Send the alert event to be processed, prioritise the # rule specific reporter over the default reporter rep = alert.has_key("reporters") and alert["reporters"] or self.__reporters for r in rep: r.ProcessEvent(self.__logfile, alert["prefix"], info, alert["current_count"], alert["threshold"]) # If reset-rule-rate-limits is set, make a note to reset these # counters after all alerts have been processed if alert["resetrules"]: for r in alert["resetrules"]: resetlist.append(r) alert["lastseen"] = 0 continue if (alert["timeframe"] and (alert["lastseen"] > 0) and (now >= (alert["lastseen"] + alert["timeframe"]))): # If the time-frame have timed out, reset it alert["lastseen"] = 0 else: alert["lastseen"] = now # If we have some reset tasks scheduled, perform them now for reset in resetlist: for rule in self.__rules: # Reset the lastsent and lastseen flags for the given rules if rule["prefix"] == reset: rule["lastsent"] = 0 rule["lastseen"] = 0 fp.close() return 0 def Shutdown(self): self.__shutdown = True # Shutdown rule specific reporters for r in self.__rules: if r.has_key("reporters") and r["reporters"] is not None: for rep in r["reporters"]: rep._Shutdown() # Shutdown default reporters for rep in self.__reporters: rep._Shutdown() class LogActio(object): def __init__(self, cfgfile, daemon=False, pidfile=None, logger=None, stdout="/dev/null"): try: self.__cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() res = self.__cfg.read(cfgfile) if len(res) == 0: raise Exception("Could not load the configuration file '%s'" % cfgfile) except Exception, e: raise e self.__watchthreads = [] self.__ext_modules = {} self.__shutdown = False self.__daemon = daemon self.__pidfp = None self.__pidfilename = pidfile self.__devnull = None if logger is not None: self.__log = logger else: self.__log = self.__logfnc if daemon: self.__daemonise(stdout) if self.__pidfilename: self.__pidfp = os.open(self.__pidfilename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0600) os.write(self.__pidfp, "%i" % os.getpid()) self.__parse_cfg() def __logfnc(self, lvl, msg): print "[%i] %s" % (lvl, msg) def __daemonise(self, redir_stdout): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to daemonise [step 1]: %s\n" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to daemonise [step 2]: %s\n" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) stdin = file("/dev/null", "r") stdout = file(redir_stdout, "a+", 0) stderr = file("/dev/null", "a+", 0) os.dup2(stdin.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(stdout.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(stderr.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) self.__log(0, "Daemonised logactio, pid %i" % os.getpid()) def __parse_cfg(self): __logfileidx = [] __reporters = {} # Retrieve all configured reporter modules, sections prefixed with 'Reporter:' repre = re.compile("Reporter:(.*)", re.IGNORECASE) for entry in [rr for rr in self.__cfg.sections() if repre.match(rr)]: repname = repre.match(entry).groups()[0] if __reporters.has_key(repname): raise Exception("The %s reporter has already been configured" % repname) # Get configuration for reporter repcfg = {} for k,v in self.__cfg.items(entry): repcfg[k] = v if repcfg.has_key("module"): # import this reporter module, but only if it is unkown extmodule = repcfg["module"] if not self.__ext_modules.has_key(extmodule): self.__ext_modules[extmodule] = __import__("LogActio.Reporters.%s" % extmodule, fromlist="LogActio.Reporters") else: extmodule = None if repname == "Default": __reporters[repname] = DefaultReporter(repcfg. self.__log) elif extmodule is not None: __reporters[repname] = self.__ext_modules[extmodule].InitReporter(repcfg, self.__log) else: raise Exception("Dazed and confused - this shouldn't happen (repname: %s)" % repname) del repcfg self.__log(2, "Configured reporter %s: %s" % (repname, __reporters[repname].GetName())) if not __reporters.has_key("Default"): __reporters["Default"] = DefaultReporter({}, self.__log) self.__log(1, "Available reporter modules: %s" % ", ".join(__reporters.keys())) # Retrieve all logfile configurations, sections prefixed with 'Logfile:' lfre = re.compile("Logfile:(.*)", re.IGNORECASE) for entry in [lf for lf in self.__cfg.sections() if lfre.match(lf)]: logname = lfre.match(entry).groups()[0] try: # Find the saved array index for this logfile logfile = self.__cfg.get(entry, "file") idx = __logfileidx.index(logname) except ValueError: # If index was not found, it's a new logfile __logfileidx.append(logname) idx = __logfileidx.index(logname) # Extract the poll time try: polltime = self.__cfg.get(entry, "polltime") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: polltime = None # Extract the default reporters to use for this log file try: defreps = [] repnames = self.__cfg.get(entry, "reporters") for repname in [n.strip() for n in repnames.split(",")]: defreps.append(__reporters[repname]) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: depreps = [__reporters["Default"]] except KeyError, e: raise Exception("No reporters are configured as '%s'" % repname) # Create a new thread which will watch this particular log file # and will use the configured reporter to handle matching events self.__watchthreads.append(WatcherThread(logfile, polltime, defreps)) self.__log(3, "Prepared [%s]: %s (%s) => %s" % ( logname, logfile, polltime, ", ".join([r.GetName() for r in defreps]))) self.__log(1, "Configured log files: %s" % ", ".join(__logfileidx)) # Retrieve all configured rules rulsre = re.compile("Rule:(.*)", re.IGNORECASE) for entry in [rl for rl in self.__cfg.sections() if rulsre.match(rl)]: rulename = rulsre.match(entry).groups()[0] try: # Look up the WatchThread index for the logfile this rule requires logf = self.__cfg.get(entry, "logfile") idx = __logfileidx.index(logf) except ValueError: raise Exception("** ERROR ** Logfile '%s' is not configured" % self.__cfg.get(entry, "logfile")) try: # Check if this rule has specific reporters confingured rulereps = [] repnames = self.__cfg.get(entry, "reporters") for repname in [n.strip() for n in repnames.split(",")]: rulereps.append(__reporters[repname]) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: # If nothing was found, that's okay reps = None except KeyError, e: raise Exception("No reporters are configured as '%s'" % repname) # Add the rule to the proper WatchThread self.__watchthreads[idx].AddRule(rulename, self.__cfg.get(entry, "regex"), self.__cfg.get(entry, "threshold"), (self.__cfg.has_option(entry, "time-frame") and self.__cfg.get(entry, "time-frame") or None), (self.__cfg.has_option(entry, "rate-limit") and self.__cfg.get(entry, "rate-limit") or None), (self.__cfg.has_option(entry, "reset-rule-rate-limits") and self.__cfg.get(entry, "reset-rule-rate-limits").split(",") or None), rulereps) if rulereps is not None and len(rulereps) > 0: self.__log(3, "Rule reporters prepared: [%s] => %s" % (rulename, ", ".join([r.GetName() for r in rulereps]))) del __logfileidx def __Shutdown(self): for wt in self.__watchthreads: wt.Shutdown() wt.join() self.__shutdown = True if self.__pidfilename and self.__pidfp: os.close(self.__pidfp) os.unlink(self.__pidfilename) def __sighandler(self, signum, frame): if signum == signal.SIGINT or signum == signal.SIGTERM or signum == signal.SIGUSR1: if self.__shutdown: self.__log(1, "Shutdown already in progress") return self.__log(0, "logactio shutdown initiated") self.__Shutdown() def Run(self): i = 0 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.__sighandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.__sighandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.__sighandler) for wt in self.__watchthreads: wt.StartWatcher() i += 1 while not self.__shutdown: time.sleep(5) self.__log(0, "logactio stopped")