/* eurephia.c -- Main functions for the eurephia authentication module * * GPLv2 - Copyright (C) 2008 David Sommerseth * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #define EUREPHIA_FWINTF #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ARGUMENTS 64 // Get value of a environment variable const char *get_env(eurephiaCTX *ctx, int logmasking, const char *envp[], const char *fmt, ... ) { if (envp) { va_list ap; char key[384]; int keylen = 0; int i; // Build up the key we are looking for memset(&key, 0, 384); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(key, 382, fmt, ap); // Find the key keylen = strlen (key); for (i = 0; envp[i]; ++i) { if (!strncmp (envp[i], key, keylen)) { const char *cp = envp[i] + keylen; if (*cp == '=') { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG int do_mask = 0; #ifndef SHOW_SECRETS do_mask = logmasking; #endif if( ctx != NULL ) { DEBUG(ctx, 30, "Function call: get_env(envp, '%s') == '%s'", key, (do_mask == 0 ? cp + 1 : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")); } #endif return cp + 1; } } } if( ctx != NULL ) { DEBUG(ctx, 15, "Function call: get_env(envp, '%s') -- environment variable not found", key); } va_end(ap); } return NULL; } // arguments: logfile loglevel eDB_driver [eurephiaDB arguments] // 1 2 3 4..... eurephiaCTX *eurephiaInit(const char **argv) { static struct option eurephia_opts[] = { {"log-destination", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"log-level", required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"database-interface", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {0, 0, 0 ,0} }; int argc = 0, error = 0, loglvl = 0, dbargc = 0; const char *dbargv[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; const char *fwintf = NULL, *logfile = NULL, *dbi = NULL; eurephiaCTX *ctx = NULL; // // Parse input arguments // // Count arguments for( argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; argc++ ) {} while(1) { int opt_idx = 0; int c = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, (char **)argv, "l:L:i:", eurephia_opts, &opt_idx); if( c == -1 ) { break; } switch( c ) { case 'l': logfile = optarg; break; case 'L': loglvl = atoi_nullsafe(optarg); break; case 'i': dbi = optarg; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing eurephia-auth arguments.\n"); return NULL; break; } } // Put the rest of the arguments into an own array which will be the db module arguments if( optind < argc ) { // copy arguments, but make sure we do not exceed our limit while( (optind < argc) && (dbargc < MAX_ARGUMENTS) ) { dbargv[dbargc] = argv[optind++]; dbargc++; dbargv[dbargc] = NULL; } } // End of argument parsing // Prepare a context area for eurephia-auth ctx = (eurephiaCTX *) malloc(sizeof(eurephiaCTX)+2); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(eurephiaCTX)+2); ctx->context_type = ECTX_PLUGIN_AUTH; // Open a log file if( logfile != NULL ) { if( strcmp(logfile, "openvpn:") == 0 ) { // Let openvpn do the logging ctx->log = stderr; } else if( strcmp(logfile, "none:") == 0 ) { // Do not perform any logging ctx->log = NULL; } else { // if no hit on these ones,open a file with given name ctx->log = fopen(logfile, "aw"); if( ctx->log == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open eurephia log file: %s\n", argv[1]); return NULL; } } } else { // If no logging is given ... log to openvpn: ctx->log = stderr; } // Set log verbosity ctx->loglevel = loglvl; // Load the database driver if( (error == 0) && eDBlink_init(ctx, dbi, 1) ) { // Connect to the database if( !eDBconnect(ctx, dbargc, dbargv) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_PANIC, 0, "Could not connect to the database"); error = 1; eDBlink_close(ctx); } } else { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_PANIC, 0, "Could not load the database driver"); error = 1; } if( error > 0 ) { if( ctx->log != NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_PANIC, 0, "eurephia-auth is not available"); fclose(ctx->log); } free_nullsafe(ctx); return NULL; } // Check if firewall functionality is enabled, load module if given fwintf = eGet_value(ctx->dbc->config, "firewall_interface"); if( fwintf != NULL ) { if( eFW_load(ctx, fwintf) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 0, "Loaded firewall interface: %s", fwintf); eFW_StartFirewall(ctx); } else { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_FATAL, 0, "Loading of firewall interface failed (%s)", fwintf); ctx->eurephia_fw_intf = NULL; } } else { ctx->eurephia_fw_intf = NULL; } eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 1, "eurehia-auth is initialised"); return ctx; } int eurephiaShutdown(eurephiaCTX *ctx) { if( ctx == NULL ) { return 0; } if( ctx->eurephia_fw_intf != NULL ) { if( ctx->fwcfg != NULL ) { eFW_StopFirewall(ctx); } eFW_unload(ctx); } if( (ctx->dbc != NULL) && (ctx->dbc->dbhandle != NULL) ) { eDBdisconnect(ctx); } if( ctx->eurephia_driver != NULL ) { eDBlink_close(ctx); } if( ctx->log != NULL ) { fflush(ctx->log); // Do not close log file if we're on stdout or stderr if( (ctx->log != stderr) && (ctx->log != stdout) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 2, "Closing log file"); fclose(ctx->log); } ctx->log = NULL; ctx->loglevel = 0; } free_nullsafe(ctx); return 1; } int eurephia_tlsverify(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char **env, const char *depth) { int result = 0; char *ipaddr; char *tls_digest, *tls_id; certinfo *ci = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function call: eurephia_tlsverify(...)"); // Check if IP address is blacklisted ipaddr = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "untrusted_ip"); if( eDBblacklist_check(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ipaddr) == 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); // If fw blacklisting is configured, also blacklist there too if( (ctx->fwcfg != NULL) && (ctx->fwcfg->fwblacklist != NULL ) ) { eFW_UpdateFirewall(ctx, FWRULE_BLACKLIST, ipaddr, ctx->fwcfg->fwblacklist, NULL); } return 0; } // Check if certificate digest is blacklisted tls_digest = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_digest_%s", depth); if( eDBblacklist_check(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, tls_digest) == 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); return 0; } // Check if certificate is registered and allowed tls_id = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_id_%s", depth); ci = parse_tlsid(tls_id); result = eDBauth_TLS(ctx, ci->org, ci->common_name, ci->email, tls_digest, depth); if( result < 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); } if( result > 0 ) { // Certificate is okay, result contains the certificate ID eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, (depth == 0 ? 0 : 1), "Found certid %i for user: %s/%s/%s", result, ci->org, ci->common_name, ci->email); } else { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_WARNING, 0, "Unknown certificate for: %s/%s/%s (depth %s, digest: %s)", ci->org, ci->common_name, ci->email, depth, tls_digest); } free_certinfo(ci); DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function result: eurephia_tlsverify(...) == %i", result > 0); return (result > 0); } int eurephia_userauth(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char **env) { int result = 0, certid = 0; char *ipaddr; char *tls_digest, *tls_id, *username, *passwd; certinfo *ci = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function call: eurephia_userauth(...)"); // Check if IP address is blacklisted ipaddr = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "untrusted_ip"); if( eDBblacklist_check(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ipaddr) == 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); // If fw blacklisting is configured, also blacklist there too if( (ctx->fwcfg != NULL) && (ctx->fwcfg->fwblacklist != NULL ) ) { eFW_UpdateFirewall(ctx, FWRULE_BLACKLIST, ipaddr, ctx->fwcfg->fwblacklist, NULL); } return 0; } // Check if certificate digest is blacklisted tls_digest = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_digest_0"); if( eDBblacklist_check(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, tls_digest) == 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); return 0; } // Check if username is blacklisted username = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "username"); if( eDBblacklist_check(ctx, attempt_USERNAME, username) == 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_USERNAME, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, username); return 0; } // Get certificate ID tls_id = (char *) get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_id_0"); ci = parse_tlsid(tls_id); certid = eDBauth_TLS(ctx, ci->org, ci->common_name, ci->email, tls_digest, "0"); if( certid < 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_USERNAME, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, username); free_certinfo(ci); return 0; } free_certinfo(ci); // Do username/password/certificate authentication passwd = (char *)get_env(ctx, 1, env, "password"); result = eDBauth_user(ctx, certid, username, passwd); if( result < 1 ) { eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, tls_digest); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_USERNAME, ATTEMPT_REGISTER, username); } if( result > 0 ) { // If we have a valid result, reset all attempt counters. eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_IPADDR, ATTEMPT_RESET, ipaddr); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_CERTIFICATE, ATTEMPT_RESET, tls_digest); eDBregister_attempt(ctx, attempt_USERNAME, ATTEMPT_RESET, username); eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 0, "User '%s' authenticated", username); } DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function result: eurephia_userauth(...) = %i", (result>0)); return (result > 0); } int eurephia_connect(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char **env) { eurephiaSESSION *session = NULL; const char *digest, *cname, *uname, *vpnipaddr, *vpnipmask, *remipaddr, *remport, *proto, *tlsid; int certid = 0, uid = 0, ret = 0; certinfo *ci = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function call: eurephia_connect(...)"); // Fetch needed info digest = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_digest_0"); tlsid = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_id_0"); cname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "common_name"); uname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "username"); vpnipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_remote_ip"); vpnipmask = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_netmask"); remipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_ip"); remport = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_port"); proto = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "proto_1"); // Get a session ticket session = eDBopen_session_seed(ctx, digest, cname, uname, vpnipaddr, vpnipmask, remipaddr, remport); if( session == NULL ) { return 0; } // Get certificate info ci = parse_tlsid(tlsid); if( ci == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_FATAL, 1, "Could not parse the TLS ID string"); eDBfree_session(ctx, session); return 0; } certid = eDBauth_TLS(ctx, ci->org, ci->common_name, ci->email, digest, "0"); uid = eDBget_uid(ctx, certid, uname); free_certinfo(ci); // Register the session login ret = eDBregister_login(ctx, session, certid, uid, proto, remipaddr, remport, vpnipaddr, vpnipmask); eDBfree_session(ctx, session); eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 1, "User '%s' is logged in", uname); DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function result: eurephia_connect(...) = %i", ret); return ret; } int eurephia_disconnect(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char **env) { eurephiaSESSION *session = NULL; const char *digest, *cname, *uname, *vpnipaddr, *vpnipmask, *remipaddr, *remport; const char *bytes_sent, *bytes_rec, *duration; int ret = 0; DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function call: eurephia_disconnect(...)"); // Fetch needed info digest = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_digest_0"); cname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "common_name"); uname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "username"); vpnipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_remote_ip"); vpnipmask = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_netmask"); remipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_ip"); remport = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_port"); bytes_sent= get_env(ctx, 0, env, "bytes_sent"); bytes_rec = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "bytes_received"); duration = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "time_duration"); // Get a session ticket session = eDBopen_session_seed(ctx, digest, cname, uname, vpnipaddr, vpnipmask, remipaddr, remport); if( session == NULL ) { return 0; } // 2. eDBregister_logout(ctx, session, env[bytes_sent], env[bytes_received]) ret = eDBregister_logout(ctx, session, bytes_sent, bytes_rec, duration); eDBfree_session(ctx, session); eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 1, "User '%s' is logged out", uname); DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function result: eurephia_disconnect(...) = %i", ret); return ret; } int eurephia_learn_address(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char *mode, const char *macaddr, const char **env) { eurephiaSESSION *session = NULL; const char *digest, *cname, *uname, *vpnipaddr, *vpnipmask, *remipaddr, *remport; char *fwprofile = NULL, *fwdest = NULL; int ret = 0, fw_enabled = 0; DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function call: eurephia_learn_address(ctx, '%s', '%s', ...)", mode, macaddr); // Get firewall information fw_enabled = (eGet_value(ctx->dbc->config, "firewall_interface") != NULL); fwdest = eGet_value(ctx->dbc->config, "firewall_destination"); if( fw_enabled && (fwdest == NULL) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "No firewall destination defined in the config."); } if( strncmp(mode, "add", 3) == 0 ) { // Fetch needed info digest = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "tls_digest_0"); cname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "common_name"); uname = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "username"); vpnipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_remote_ip"); vpnipmask = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "ifconfig_pool_netmask"); remipaddr = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_ip"); remport = get_env(ctx, 0, env, "trusted_port"); // Get a session ticket session = eDBopen_session_seed(ctx, digest, cname, uname, vpnipaddr, vpnipmask, remipaddr, remport); if( session == NULL ) { ret = 0; goto exit; } // Update openvpn_lastlog with the active MAC address, and save it as a session variable ret = eDBregister_vpnmacaddr(ctx, session, macaddr); if( (fw_enabled) && (fwdest != NULL) ) { // 1. Lookup firewall profile for user: eDBget_firewall_profile(ctx, session) fwprofile = eDBget_firewall_profile(ctx, session); // 2. Update firewall with eurephia_firewall(ctx, FWRULE_ADD, profileid) if( fwprofile != NULL ) { eFW_UpdateFirewall(ctx, FWRULE_ADD, macaddr, fwdest, fwprofile); free_nullsafe(fwprofile); } } eDBfree_session(ctx, session); } else if( strncmp(mode, "delete", 6) == 0 ) { // Load the session, based on MAC address session = eDBopen_session_macaddr(ctx, macaddr); if( session == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_WARNING, 0, "Could not find any session connected to this MAC address: %s", macaddr); ret = 0; goto exit; } if( (fw_enabled) && (fwdest != NULL) ) { fwprofile = eDBget_firewall_profile(ctx, session); if( fwprofile != NULL ) { // 1. Update firewall with eurephia_firewall(ctx, FWRULE_DELETE, macaddr) eFW_UpdateFirewall(ctx, FWRULE_DELETE, macaddr, fwdest, fwprofile); free_nullsafe(fwprofile); } } ret = eDBdestroy_session(ctx, session); } exit: DEBUG(ctx, 10, "** Function result: eurephia_learn_address(ctx, '%s', '%s', ...) = %i", mode, macaddr, ret); return ret; }