# cmake rules for eurephia - OpenVPN authentication plugin # # GPLv2 only - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 # David Sommerseth # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # PROJECT(eurephia-auth C) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) # Check for librt functions which we use CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt sem_wait "" HAVE_RT_SEM_WAIT) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt sem_timedwait "" HAVE_RT_SEM_TIMEDWAIT) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt sem_post "" HAVE_RT_SEM_POST) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_open "" HAVE_RT_MQ_OPEN) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_close "" HAVE_RT_MQ_CLOSE) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_unlink "" HAVE_RT_MQ_UNLINK) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_send "" HAVE_RT_MQ_SEND) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_receive "" HAVE_RT_MQ_RECEIVE) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(rt mq_getattr "" HAVE_RT_MQ_GETATTR) # Fail if we're missing some features - semaphore functions IF(NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_WAIT OR NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_TIMEDWAIT OR NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_POST) message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing proper pthread semaphore support") ENDIF(NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_WAIT OR NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_TIMEDWAIT OR NOT HAVE_RT_SEM_POST) # Fail if we're missing some features - Posix Message Queue functions IF(NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_OPEN OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_CLOSE OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_UNLINK OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_SEND OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_RECEIVE OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_GETATTR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing proper pthread message queue support") ENDIF(NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_OPEN OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_CLOSE OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_UNLINK OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_SEND OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_RECEIVE OR NOT HAVE_RT_MQ_GETATTR) # Compiler settings INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(../common ../database ./firewall .) # Do build in subdirs, if some extra modules are enabled SET(subdirs "") IF(FW_IPTABLES) # iptables module support message(STATUS "Will build iptables firewall module") SET(subdirs firewall/iptables) ENDIF(FW_IPTABLES) # Avoid adding administration features into the openvpn plug-in IF(ENABLE_EUREPHIADM) REMOVE_DEFINITIONS(-DENABLE_EUREPHIADM) ENDIF(ENABLE_EUREPHIADM) # Build rule for eurephia-auth.so ADD_LIBRARY(eurephia-auth MODULE eurephia-auth.c eurephia.c eurephiadb_session.c firewall/eurephiafw.c firewall/eurephiafw_helpers.c ../common/eurephiadb_session_common.c ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(eurephia-auth PROPERTIES PREFIX "") # Link in libraries TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(eurephia-auth dl pthread rt crypto common) # Install rules INSTALL(TARGETS eurephia-auth LIBRARY DESTINATION ${PLUGINDIR}) # If subdirs contains more directories with build/install rules, do that IF(subdirs) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${subdirs}) ENDIF(subdirs)