/* sqlite.c -- Generic functions to simplify SQLite3 queries * * GPLv2 only - Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 * David Sommerseth * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /** * @file sqlite.c * @author David Sommerseth * @date 2008-08-06 * * @brief Generic functions to simplify the SQLite3 integration. * */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "./sqlite.h" /** * @{ */ #define btWHERE 0x001 #define btINSERT 0x002 #define btUPDATE 0x004 /** * @} */ /** * Internal function for setting the error fields. */ static void _sqlite_set_error(dbresult *dbres, ErrorSeverity sev, const char *query, const char *fmt, ...) { char errbuf[4098]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); memset(&errbuf, 0, 4098); vsnprintf(errbuf, 4096, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); dbres->errSeverity = sev; dbres->errMsg = strdup(errbuf); dbres->query = strdup(query); } /** * Internal function. Free up a dbresult structure. This function is available via the * the public macro sqlite_free_results() which is defined in sqlite.h * * @param inres Pointer to the dbresult structure to be freed */ void _sqlite_free_results(dbresult *inres) { _sqlite_tuples *tup = NULL, *fld = NULL; _sqlite_header *hdr = NULL; if( inres == NULL ) { return; } // Remove all tuples from memory if( inres->tuples != NULL ) { tup = inres->tuples; do { fld = tup->nextfield; // Remove all fields from the current tuple recird do { if( fld != fld->prevfield ) { fld = fld->nextfield; free_nullsafe(NULL, fld->prevfield->value); free_nullsafe(NULL, fld->prevfield); } } while( fld != tup ); tup = tup->nexttuple; free_nullsafe(NULL, fld->value); free_nullsafe(NULL, fld); } while( tup != inres->tuples ); } // Remove all header information if( inres->headerrec != NULL ) { hdr = inres->headerrec->next; do { if( hdr != hdr->prev ) { hdr = hdr->next; free_nullsafe(NULL, hdr->prev->name); free_nullsafe(NULL, hdr->prev); } } while( hdr != inres->headerrec ); free_nullsafe(NULL, hdr->name); free_nullsafe(NULL, hdr); } // Remove error messages and copy of the SQL query inres->status = dbEMPTY; free_nullsafe(NULL, inres->errMsg); free_nullsafe(NULL, inres->query); free_nullsafe(NULL, inres); } /** * Callback function used by sqlite3_exec - populates a global variable glob_results. * The glob_results structure is allocated with a new address on each sqlite_query call * * @param resultptr Pointer to a dbresult struct where the query result will be saved * @param argc Number of fields in the result * @param argv Array pointer to the values of the fields * @param colName Array pointer to the field names (column names) * * @return SQLite3 defines 0 for no errors, and 1 for errors. */ static int _cb_parse_result(void *resultptr, int argc, char **argv, char **colName) { // This callback function is called for each row returned by the query _sqlite_header *hrec = NULL; _sqlite_tuples *trec = NULL, *new_frec = NULL; int i; dbresult *dbres = (dbresult *) resultptr; if( dbres == NULL ) { return 1; } // If no header records are found, populate this structure if( dbres->headerrec == NULL ) { for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { hrec = (_sqlite_header *) malloc_nullsafe(NULL, sizeof(_sqlite_header)+2); hrec->fieldid = i; hrec->name = strdup_nullsafe(colName[i]); hrec->namelength = strlen_nullsafe(hrec->name); // Append the new record to the "end" of the // circular pointer chain for header info if( dbres->headerrec == NULL ) { dbres->headerrec = hrec; hrec->next = hrec; hrec->prev = hrec; } else { hrec->next = dbres->headerrec; hrec->prev = dbres->headerrec->prev; dbres->headerrec->prev->next = hrec; dbres->headerrec->prev = hrec; } } dbres->num_fields = argc; } // Add all data fields for this record into a tuple structure hrec = dbres->headerrec; for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { new_frec = (_sqlite_tuples *) malloc_nullsafe(NULL, sizeof(_sqlite_tuples)+2); // trec contains the head of a new record set with fields if( trec == NULL ) { // Pointer to the first record in the tupleset trec = new_frec; // Add this header to the "end" of the // circular pointer chain for tuples // // These pointers directs you to the next or previous // record set of data fields if( dbres->tuples == NULL ) { dbres->tuples = trec; trec->nexttuple = trec; trec->prevtuple = trec; } else { trec->nexttuple = dbres->tuples; trec->prevtuple = dbres->tuples->prevtuple; dbres->tuples->prevtuple->nexttuple = trec; dbres->tuples->prevtuple = trec; } } new_frec->tupleid = dbres->num_tuples; new_frec->fieldid = i; new_frec->value = strdup_nullsafe(argv[i]); new_frec->length = strlen_nullsafe(trec->value); new_frec->nexttuple = trec->nexttuple; new_frec->prevtuple = trec->prevtuple; // Add a pointer to the header structure as well, but only // if we are on the same ID with with header structure as // in the data field structure if( hrec->fieldid == i ) { new_frec->header = hrec; } if( new_frec->length > hrec->maxvaluelength ) { hrec->maxvaluelength = new_frec->length; } // These pointers directs you to the next or previous // field in this record set if( trec->nextfield == NULL ) { trec->nextfield = new_frec; trec->prevfield = new_frec; } else { new_frec->nextfield = trec; new_frec->prevfield = trec->prevfield; trec->prevfield->nextfield = new_frec; trec->prevfield = new_frec; } // Get ready for the next field - find the next header record. hrec = hrec->next; } // Increase the tuple counter dbres->num_tuples++; return 0; } /** * Logs sqlite error messages via the eurephia log interface and returns an XML node with details * (This function is only included if libxml2 is available) * * @param eurephiaCTX* eurephia context pointer, where logging will be performed * @param dbresult* Pointer to the database result with the error message * */ void sqlite_log_error(eurephiaCTX *ctx, dbresult *dbres) { if( dbres == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 2, "Unknown error (NULL result)"); return; } if( dbres->status != dbSUCCESS ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 4, "SQL Error: %s", dbres->errMsg); } DEBUG(ctx, 33, "SQL Query: %s", dbres->query); } /** * Logs sqlite error messages via the eurephia log interface and returns an XML node with details * (This function is only included if libxml2 is available) * * @param eurephiaCTX* eurephia context pointer, where logging will be performed * @param dbresult* Pointer to the database result with the error message * * @return An xmlNode pointer with more details of the error. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 xmlNode *sqlite_log_error_xml(eurephiaCTX *ctx, dbresult *dbres ) { xmlNode *ret = NULL; sqlite_log_error(ctx, dbres); if( dbres == NULL ) { return NULL; } ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *) "SQLError"); if( ret != NULL ) { xmlNode *err_n = NULL; xmlChar *errstr = NULL; const xmlChar *ErrorSeverity_str[] = { (xmlChar *) "Warning", (xmlChar *) "Error", (xmlChar *) "Critical", (xmlChar *) "PANIC", NULL }; xmlNewProp(ret, (xmlChar *) "driver", (xmlChar *) "edb-sqlite.so"); errstr = xmlCharStrdup(dbres->errMsg); err_n = xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, (xmlChar *) "ErrorMessage", errstr); xmlNewProp(err_n, (xmlChar *) "severity", ErrorSeverity_str[dbres->errSeverity]); free_nullsafe(NULL, errstr); } return ret; } #endif /** * Main function for query a SQLite3 database. * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param fmt The SQL query. It supports stdarg to build up dynamic queries directly. * * @return Returns a pointer to a dbresult struct on success, otherwise NULL. */ dbresult *sqlite_query(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const char *fmt, ... ) { int rc; va_list ap; char *errMsg = NULL, *sql = NULL; eDBconn *dbc = ctx->dbc; dbresult *dbres = NULL; // prepare a new result set ... dbres = malloc_nullsafe(ctx, sizeof(dbresult)+2); dbres->status = dbEMPTY; dbres->num_tuples = 0; // prepare SQL query va_start(ap, fmt); sql = sqlite3_vmprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if( ctx->dbc == NULL ) { _sqlite_set_error(dbres, sevPANIC, sql, "No open database connection to perfom SQL query to"); goto exit; } if( ctx->context_type == ECTX_NO_PRIVILEGES ) { _sqlite_set_error(dbres, sevCRITICAL, sql, "Database query attempted from wrong context"); goto exit; } DEBUG(ctx, 25, "Doing SQL Query: %s", sql); rc = sqlite3_exec( (sqlite3 *) dbc->dbhandle, sql, _cb_parse_result, dbres, &errMsg ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { _sqlite_set_error(dbres, (dbres->num_tuples > 0 ? sevWARNING : sevERROR), sql, "%s", errMsg); sqlite3_free(errMsg); errMsg = NULL; goto exit; } if( strcasestr(sql, "INSERT INTO") != 0) { dbres->last_insert_id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid((sqlite3 *) dbc->dbhandle); }; if( strcasestr(sql, "SELECT ") == 0 ) { // If not a SELECT query, then get the number of affected records dbres->affected_rows = sqlite3_changes((sqlite3 *) dbc->dbhandle); } dbres->status = dbSUCCESS; dbres->srch_tuples = dbres->tuples; dbres->srch_headerrec = dbres->headerrec; exit: sqlite3_free(sql); sql = NULL; return dbres; } /** * Internal function. Checks if the input string contains reserved words * * @param reserved_words Array containing the reserver words * @param val Value to check against the reserved words * * @return Returns 1 if a reserverd word is found, otherwise 0 */ inline int SQLreservedWord(char **reserved_words, const char *val) { int i; // If we find the word in val defined in the reserved_words array, return 1. for( i = 0; reserved_words[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if( (val != NULL) && strcmp(val, reserved_words[i]) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Internal function. Creates a string with the value from a particular field in a eDBfieldMap and * formats it properly according to its field type. * * @param ptr Pointer to the field in the eDBfieldMap * * @return Returns a string to be used within an SQL query. */ static char *_build_value_string(eDBfieldMap *ptr) { char *reserved_datetime[] = {"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_DATE", NULL}; char *val = NULL; // Format the input value according to the defined data type switch( ptr->field_type ) { case ft_INT: // Format integer values as integers val = sqlite3_mprintf("%i", atoi_nullsafe(ptr->value)); break; case ft_DATETIME: // If the value is a reserved SQL word, don't encapsulate the value if( SQLreservedWord(reserved_datetime, ptr->value) == 1 ) { val = sqlite3_mprintf("%q", ptr->value); } else { val = sqlite3_mprintf("'%q'", ptr->value); } break; case ft_SETNULL: val = sqlite3_mprintf("NULL"); break; case ft_STRING_LOWER: val = sqlite3_mprintf("lower('%q')", ptr->value); break; case ft_PASSWD: case ft_STRING: default: val = sqlite3_mprintf("'%q'", ptr->value); break; } return val; } /** * Internal function. Builds up a part of an SQL query, depending on the buildType. The values * are taken from a pointer to an eDBfieldMap keeping the values * * @param btyp Must be btWHERE, btINSERT or btUPDATE * @param map Pointer to a eDBfieldMap chain containing the values * * @return Returns a string with parts of the SQL query containing the dynamic variables on success, * otherwise NULL is returned. */ static char *_build_sqlpart(int btyp, eDBfieldMap *map) { eDBfieldMap *ptr = NULL; char *ret = NULL; char *fsep = NULL; char fields[4094], vals[4094]; char buf[8196]; int first = 1; memset(&buf, 0, 8196); switch( btyp ) { case btWHERE: case btUPDATE: if( btyp == btWHERE ) { fsep = " AND "; append_str(buf, "(", 8192); } else { fsep = ","; } for( ptr = map; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next ) { char *val = NULL; // If the value is NULL, ignore it if we're building up WHERE clause // or if we're doing an update and the field_type is set to SETNULL (we will set NULL) if( (ptr->value == NULL) && (btyp == btWHERE || ptr->field_type != ft_SETNULL) ) { continue; } // Add separator in front of next value if( first != 1 ) { append_str(buf, fsep, 8192); } // Put the pieces together and append it to the final result val = _build_value_string(ptr); if( (btyp == btWHERE) && (ptr->table_alias != NULL) ) { append_str(buf, ptr->table_alias, 8192); append_str(buf, ".", 8192); } if( (btyp == btWHERE) && ptr->field_type == ft_STRING_LOWER ) { append_str(buf, "lower(", 8192); append_str(buf, ptr->field_name, 8192); append_str(buf, ")", 8192); } else { append_str(buf, ptr->field_name, 8192); } switch( ptr->filter_type ) { case flt_LT: append_str(buf, "<", 8192); break; case flt_LTE: append_str(buf, "<=", 8192); break; case flt_GT: append_str(buf, ">", 8192); break; case flt_GTE: append_str(buf, ">=", 8192); break; case flt_NEQ: append_str(buf, "!=", 8192); break; case flt_EQ: default: append_str(buf, "=", 8192); break; } append_str(buf, val, 8192); sqlite3_free(val); first = 0; } if( btyp == btWHERE ) { if( (strlen_nullsafe(buf) > 1) ) { append_str(buf, ")", 8192); } else { *buf = '\0'; } } break; case btINSERT: // (field_name, field_name, field_name) VALUES ('val','val','val') memset(&fields, 0, 4094); memset(&vals, 0, 4094); first = 1; for( ptr = map; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next ) { char *val = NULL; // If the value is NULL, ignore it if( ptr->value == NULL ) { continue; } // Put separator in front of values and field names if( first == 0 ) { append_str(fields, ",", 8192); append_str(vals, ",", 8192); } // Append the current field name and value to each string append_str(fields, ptr->field_name, 4092); val = _build_value_string(ptr); append_str(vals, val, 4092); sqlite3_free(val); first = 0; } // Put all the pieces together append_str(buf, "(", 8192); append_str(buf, fields, 8192); append_str(buf, ") VALUES (", 8192); append_str(buf, vals, 8192); append_str(buf, ")", 8192); break; } ret = strdup_nullsafe(buf); return ret; } /** * Queries an SQLite3 database by using an SQL stub plus values from a eDBfieldMap pointer chain * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param qType Query type, must be SQL_SELECT, SQL_INSERT, SQL_UPDATE or SQL_DELETE * @param sqlstub The generic part of the SQL query * @param valMap Values to be used in INSERT or UPDATE queries. May be NULL if not SQL_INSERT or SQL_UPDATE * @param whereMap Values to be used in the WHERE section of the SQL query * @param sortkeys Only for SQL_SELECT, list of field names to sort the result by. * * @return Returns a pointer to a dbresult struct on success, otherwise NULL. */ dbresult *sqlite_query_mapped(eurephiaCTX *ctx, SQLqueryType qType, const char *sqlstub, eDBfieldMap *valMap, eDBfieldMap *whereMap, const char *sortkeys) { dbresult *res = NULL; char *tmp1 = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL; assert((ctx != NULL) && (sqlstub != NULL)); // Build up SQL clause and send the query switch( qType ) { case SQL_SELECT: case SQL_DELETE: if( whereMap != NULL ) { tmp1 = _build_sqlpart(btWHERE, whereMap); if( sortkeys == NULL ) { res = sqlite_query(ctx, "%s %s %s", sqlstub, (strlen_nullsafe(tmp1) > 0 ? "WHERE" : ""), tmp1); } else { res = sqlite_query(ctx, "%s %s %s ORDER BY %s", sqlstub, (strlen_nullsafe(tmp1) > 0 ? "WHERE" : ""), tmp1, sortkeys); } free_nullsafe(ctx, tmp1); } break; case SQL_UPDATE: if( (whereMap != NULL) && (valMap != NULL) ) { tmp1 = _build_sqlpart(btUPDATE, valMap); tmp2 = _build_sqlpart(btWHERE, whereMap); res = sqlite_query(ctx, "%s SET %s WHERE %s", sqlstub, tmp1, tmp2); free_nullsafe(ctx, tmp1); free_nullsafe(ctx, tmp2); } break; case SQL_INSERT: tmp1 = _build_sqlpart(btINSERT, valMap); res = sqlite_query(ctx, "%s %s", sqlstub, tmp1); free_nullsafe(ctx, tmp1); break; } // Send the SQL query to the database and return the result return res; } /** * Very simple dbresult dumper. Will list out all records to the given FILE destination. * * @param dmp pointer to a FILE stream * @param res pointe to the dbresults to be dumped */ void sqlite_dump_result(FILE *dmp, dbresult *res) { _sqlite_tuples *row = NULL, *field = NULL; if( (res == NULL) || (res->tuples == NULL) ) { fprintf(dmp, "(No records found)\n"); return; } /* hdr = (char *) malloc( ((res->maxlen_colname + res->maxlen_colvalue - 6) / 2) + 2 ); memset(hdr, 0, ((res->maxlen_colname + res->maxlen_colvalue - 6) / 2) + 2 ); memset(hdr, '-', ((res->maxlen_colname + res->maxlen_colvalue - 6) / 2)); */ row = res->tuples; do { fprintf(dmp, "** Record %i\n", row->tupleid); field = row; do { fprintf(dmp, "(%i) %s | %s\n", field->fieldid, field->header->name, field->value); field = field->nextfield; } while ( field != row); row = row->nexttuple; fprintf(dmp, "-----------------------------------------------------\n"); } while( row != res->tuples); fprintf(dmp, "-----------------------------------------------------\n(%i records found)\n", (int) res->num_tuples); // fprintf(dmp, "%s----------%s\n(%i records found)\n\n", hdr, hdr, res->num_tuples); // free(hdr); } /** * Retrieves a particular value out of a dbresult * * @param res Pointer to dbresult * @param row Row number (record number) to extract * @param col Column number (field number) to extract * * @return Returns a pointer to the value if found, otherwise NULL is returned. * @remark This function returns a pointer to the value insisde the dbresult struct. If you want to use * this value after freeing the dbresult, you must make sure you copy this value yourself. */ char *sqlite_get_value(dbresult *res, int row, int col) { _sqlite_tuples *ptr = res->srch_tuples; if( (ptr == NULL) || (row > res->num_tuples) || (col > res->num_fields) ) { return NULL; } do { if( ptr->tupleid == row ) { do { if( ptr->fieldid == col ) { res->srch_tuples = ptr; return ptr->value; } ptr = (DIRECTION(ptr->fieldid, col, res->num_fields) == DIR_R ? ptr->nextfield : ptr->prevfield); } while( ptr != res->srch_tuples ) ; } ptr = (DIRECTION(ptr->tupleid, row, res->num_tuples) == DIR_R ? ptr->nexttuple : ptr->prevtuple); } while( ptr != res->srch_tuples ); return NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 /** * Retrieves a particular value out of a dbresult and places it inside an xmlNode pointer. * * @param node Pointer to the xmlNode * @param xmltyp Must be XML_ATTR or XML_NODE. If XML_ATTR it will be added as an attribute/properties * to the given xmlNode. If XML_NODE, it will be added as a child to the given xmlNode. * @param inname String containing the name of the attribute or XML tag. (Depending on xmltyp) * @param res Pointer to dbresult * @param row Row number (record number) to extract * @param col Column number (field number) to extract * * @return Returns a pointer to the xmlNode which got updated. If xmltyp == XML_NODE it will point at * the newly added node. On failure NULL will be returned. */ xmlNodePtr sqlite_xml_value(xmlNodePtr node, xmlFieldType xmltyp, char *inname, dbresult *res, int row, int col) { xmlChar *name = NULL, *data = NULL; xmlNodePtr retnode = NULL; name = xmlCharStrdup(inname); assert( name != NULL ); data = xmlCharStrdup(sqlite_get_value(res, row, col)); if( xmlStrlen(data) > 0 ) { switch( xmltyp ) { case XML_ATTR: xmlNewProp(node, name, data); retnode = node; break; case XML_NODE: retnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, name, data); break; default: retnode = NULL; } } free_nullsafe(NULL, data); free_nullsafe(NULL, name); return retnode; } #endif #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG /* * Just a simple test program ... to debug this sqlite wrapper * * To compile it: * gcc -o sqlite sqlite.c -lsqlite3 -I ../ -I ../../common/ ../../common/eurephia_log.c ../../common/eurephia_nullsafe.c ../eurephiadb_mapping.c ../../common/eurephia_xml.c `pkg-config libxml-2.0 --cflags --libs` ../../common/passwd.c -DSQLITE_DEBUG ../../common/sha512.c ../../common/eurephia_values.c ../../common/randstr.c `pkg-config openssl --cflags --libs` -Wall -g -DHAVE_LIBXML2 -D_GNU_SOURCE */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; dbresult *res = NULL; eurephiaCTX *ctx; if( argc != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } ctx = malloc_nullsafe(NULL, sizeof(eurephiaCTX)+2); ctx->dbc = malloc_nullsafe(NULL, sizeof(eDBconn)+2); rc = sqlite3_open(argv[1], (void *) &ctx->dbc->dbhandle); if( rc ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open db\n"); return 1; } ctx->log = stderr; ctx->loglevel = 5; res = sqlite_query(ctx, argv[2]); if( res != NULL ) { sqlite_dump_result(stdout, res); sqlite_free_results(res); } sqlite3_close(ctx->dbc->dbhandle); free(ctx->dbc); free(ctx); return 0; } #endif