/* administration.c -- Functions for user account management * * GPLv2 only - Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 * David Sommerseth * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /** * @file useraccount.c * @author David Sommerseth * @date 2009-09-13 * * @brief Functions for user account management * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DRIVER_MODE #define DRIVER_MODE #endif #include #include "../sqlite.h" #define FMAP_USERS /**< fieldmapping.h: Include declaration of tbl_sqlite_users */ #define FMAP_ADMINACCESS /**< fieldmapping.h: Include declaration of tbl_sqlite_eurephiaadmacc */ #include "../fieldmapping.h" /** * Internal function. Adds a child node named \ to an xmlNode containing a flag value * * @param node xmlNode pointer where to add the new flag * @param flagname String containing a name of the flag * @param flagged Is the flag set or not. The tag will only be added if the flag is set * * @return Returns the \c flagged value */ static inline int xml_set_flag(xmlNode *node, char *flagname, int flagged) { if( flagged ) { xmlNewChild(node, NULL, (xmlChar *) "flag", (xmlChar *) flagname); } return flagged; } /** * Internal function. Retrieves information about user accounts * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param infoType Flags defining which information to be included in the result * @param uinfo_map eDBfieldMap containing information needed for the new user account * @param sortkeys String containing list of fields defining data sorting * * @return Returns an eurephia ResultMsg XML document with status of the operation. On fatal errors, * NULL is returned. */ static xmlDoc *useracc_view(eurephiaCTX *ctx, unsigned int infoType, eDBfieldMap *uinfo_map, const char *sortkeys) { dbresult *uinf = NULL, *qres = NULL; unsigned int flag = 0, uid = 0, recid = 0; char *username = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *root_n = NULL, *info_n = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 20, "Function call: eDBadminGetUserUserInfo(ctx, %i, {xmlDoc})", infoType); assert( ctx != NULL ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return NULL; } // Query the database, find the user defined in the user map uinf = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_SELECT, "SELECT users.username, users.activated, users.deactivated," " users.last_accessed, users.uid," " (bl.username IS NOT NULL), opensess, logincount," " (at.attempts > 0)" " FROM openvpn_users users" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_blacklist bl USING(username)" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_attempts at ON(at.username = users.username)" " LEFT JOIN (SELECT uid, count(*) AS logincount " " FROM openvpn_lastlog" " GROUP BY uid) lc" " ON (lc.uid = users.uid)" " LEFT JOIN (SELECT uid, count(*) > 0 AS opensess" " FROM openvpn_lastlog" " WHERE sessionstatus = 2" " GROUP BY uid) os" " ON (os.uid = users.uid)", NULL, uinfo_map, sortkeys); if( sqlite_query_status(uinf) != dbSUCCESS ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Error querying the database for a user"); info_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, uinf); doc = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, info_n, "Failed to query the user database"); xmlFreeNode(info_n); goto exit; } eurephiaXML_CreateDoc(ctx, 1, "UserAccount", &doc, &root_n); xmlNewProp(root_n, (xmlChar *) "mode", (xmlChar *) "view"); for( recid = 0; recid < sqlite_get_numtuples(uinf); recid++ ) { xmlNode *user_n = xmlNewChild(root_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "Account", NULL); assert( user_n != NULL ); sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_ATTR, "uid", uinf, recid, 4); sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_NODE, "username", uinf, recid, 0); uid = atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 4)); username = sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 0); if( infoType & USERINFO_user ) { info_n = xmlNewChild(user_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "flags", NULL); assert( info_n != NULL ); // set DEACTIVATED flag, if deactivated field is not NULL xml_set_flag(info_n, "DEACTIVATED", (sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 2) != NULL)); // set BLACKLISTED flag, if username is found in blacklist table xml_set_flag(info_n, "BLACKLISTED", (atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 5))==1)); // set OPENSESSION flag, if user has a lastlog entry with sessionstatus == 2 xml_set_flag(info_n, "OPENSESSION", (atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 6))==1)); // set ERRATTEMPT flag, if user has an entry in attempts log with attemtps > 0 xml_set_flag(info_n, "ERRATTEMPT", (atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 8))==1)); // set NEVERUSED flag, if login count == 0 and last_accessed == NULL flag = xml_set_flag(info_n, "NEVERUSED", ((atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf,0, 7))==0) && (sqlite_get_value(uinf, recid, 3) == NULL))); // set RSETLASTUSED flag, if login count == 0 and last_accessed == NULL xml_set_flag(info_n, "RSETLASTUSED", !flag && (sqlite_get_value(uinf,0,3)) == NULL); // set RSETLOGINCNT flag, if login count == 0 and last_accessed != NULL xml_set_flag(info_n, "RSETLOGINCNT", ((atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(uinf,0, 7))==0) && (sqlite_get_value(uinf,0,3)) != NULL)); sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_NODE, "activated", uinf, recid, 1); sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_NODE, "deactivated", uinf, recid, 2); info_n = sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_NODE, "last_accessed", uinf, recid, 3); sqlite_xml_value(user_n, XML_ATTR, "logincount", uinf, recid, 7); } if( infoType & USERINFO_certs ) { // Extract certificate info qres = sqlite_query(ctx, "SELECT depth, lower(digest), common_name, organisation, email, " " c.registered, c.certid, uc.accessprofile, access_descr," " fw_profile" " FROM openvpn_certificates c" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_usercerts uc ON (c.certid = uc.certid)" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_accesses a " " ON (uc.accessprofile = a.accessprofile)" " WHERE uid = '%i' ORDER BY c.certid DESC", uid); info_n = xmlNewChild(user_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "certificates", NULL); assert( info_n != NULL ); if( (sqlite_query_status(qres) == dbSUCCESS) && (sqlite_get_numtuples(qres) > 0) ) { int i; xmlNode *cert, *acpr; xmlChar *tmp = NULL; for( i = 0; i < sqlite_get_numtuples(qres); i++ ) { cert = xmlNewChild(info_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "certificate", NULL); assert( cert != NULL ); sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_ATTR, "certid", qres, i, 6); sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_ATTR, "depth", qres, i, 0); sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_ATTR, "registered", qres, i, 5); sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_NODE, "digest", qres, i, 1); tmp = (xmlChar *)sqlite_get_value(qres, i, 2); xmlReplaceChars(tmp, '_', ' '); xmlNewChild(cert, NULL, (xmlChar *) "common_name", tmp); tmp = (xmlChar *)sqlite_get_value(qres, i, 3); xmlReplaceChars(tmp, '_', ' '); xmlNewChild(cert, NULL, (xmlChar *) "organisation", tmp); sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_NODE, "email", qres, i, 4); acpr = sqlite_xml_value(cert, XML_NODE, "access_profile", qres, i, 8); sqlite_xml_value(acpr, XML_ATTR, "accessprofile", qres, i, 7); sqlite_xml_value(acpr, XML_ATTR, "fwdestination", qres, i, 9); } } else if( sqlite_query_status(qres) == dbERROR ) { sqlite_log_error(ctx, qres); } sqlite_free_results(qres); } if( infoType & USERINFO_lastlog ) { int i = 0; xmlNode *lastl = NULL, *sess = NULL, *tmp1 = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL; xmlChar *tmp = NULL; qres = sqlite_query(ctx, "SELECT llid, ll.certid,protocol,remotehost,remoteport,macaddr," " vpnipaddr, vpnipmask, sessionstatus, sessionkey," " login, logout, session_duration, session_deleted," " bytes_sent, bytes_received, uicid, accessprofile," " access_descr, fw_profile, depth, lower(digest)," " common_name, organisation, email" " FROM openvpn_lastlog ll" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_usercerts USING (uid, certid)" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_accesses USING (accessprofile)" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_certificates cert ON(ll.certid=cert.certid)" " WHERE uid = '%i' ORDER BY login, logout", uid); if( sqlite_query_status(qres) != dbSUCCESS ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Querying the lastlog failed"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); info_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, qres); doc = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, info_n, "Failed to query the lastlog"); sqlite_free_results(qres); xmlFreeNode(info_n); return doc; } lastl = xmlNewChild(user_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "lastlog", NULL); for( i = 0; i < sqlite_get_numtuples(qres); i++ ) { sess = xmlNewChild(lastl, NULL, (xmlChar*) "session", NULL); assert( sess != NULL ); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_ATTR, "llid", qres, i, 0); xmlNewProp(sess, (xmlChar *) "session_status", (xmlChar *)SESSION_STATUS[atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(qres, i, 8))]); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_ATTR, "session_duration", qres, i, 12); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_NODE, "sessionkey", qres, i, 9); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_NODE, "login", qres, i, 10); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_NODE, "logout", qres, i, 11); sqlite_xml_value(sess, XML_NODE, "session_closed", qres, i, 13); tmp1 = xmlNewChild(sess, NULL, (xmlChar *) "connection", NULL); assert( tmp1 != NULL ); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_ATTR, "bytes_sent", qres, i, 14); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_ATTR, "bytes_received", qres, i, 15); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "protocol", qres, i, 2); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "remote_host", qres, i, 3); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "remote_port", qres, i, 4); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "vpn_macaddr", qres, i, 5); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "vpn_ipaddr" , qres, i, 6); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "vpn_netmask", qres, i, 7); tmp1 = xmlNewChild(sess, NULL, (xmlChar *) "certificate", NULL); assert( tmp1 != NULL ); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_ATTR, "certid", qres, i, 1); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_ATTR, "uicid", qres, i, 16); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_ATTR, "depth", qres, i, 20); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "digest", qres, i, 21); tmp = (xmlChar *)sqlite_get_value(qres, 0, 22); xmlReplaceChars(tmp, '_', ' '); xmlNewChild(tmp1, NULL, (xmlChar *) "common_name", tmp); tmp = (xmlChar *)sqlite_get_value(qres, 0, 23); xmlReplaceChars(tmp, '_', ' '); xmlNewChild(tmp1, NULL, (xmlChar *) "organisation", tmp); sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "email", qres, i, 24); tmp2 = sqlite_xml_value(tmp1, XML_NODE, "access_profile", qres, i, 18); sqlite_xml_value(tmp2, XML_ATTR, "accessprofile", qres, i, 17); sqlite_xml_value(tmp2, XML_ATTR, "fwdestination", qres, i, 19); } sqlite_free_results(qres); } if( infoType & USERINFO_attempts ) { xmlNode *atmpt = NULL; qres = sqlite_query(ctx, "SELECT attempts, registered, last_attempt, atpid" " FROM openvpn_attempts " " WHERE username = '%q'", username); if( (sqlite_query_status(qres) != dbSUCCESS) || (sqlite_get_numtuples(qres) > 1) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Querying for login attempts failed"); info_n = NULL; if( sqlite_query_status(qres) == dbERROR ) { info_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, qres); } xmlFreeDoc(doc); doc = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, info_n, "Failed to query the login attempts log"); sqlite_free_results(qres); xmlFreeNode(info_n); return doc; } atmpt = xmlNewChild(user_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "attempts", NULL); assert( atmpt != NULL ); if( sqlite_get_numtuples(qres) == 1 ) { sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_ATTR, "atpid", qres, 0, 3); sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_ATTR, "attempts", qres, 0, 0); sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_NODE, "first_attempt", qres, 0, 1); sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_NODE, "last_attempt", qres, 0, 2); } sqlite_free_results(qres); } if( infoType & USERINFO_blacklist ) { xmlNode *atmpt = NULL; qres = sqlite_query(ctx, "SELECT registered, last_accessed, blid" " FROM openvpn_blacklist " " WHERE username = '%q'", username); if( (sqlite_query_status(qres) != dbSUCCESS) || (sqlite_get_numtuples(qres) > 1) ) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Querying blacklist log failed"); info_n = NULL; if( sqlite_query_status(qres) == dbERROR ) { info_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, qres); } doc = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, info_n, "Failed to query the blacklist log"); sqlite_free_results(qres); xmlFreeNode(info_n); return doc; } atmpt = xmlNewChild(user_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "blacklist", NULL); assert( atmpt != NULL ); if( sqlite_get_numtuples(qres) == 1 ) { sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_ATTR, "blid", qres, 0, 2); sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_NODE, "blacklisted", qres, 0, 0); sqlite_xml_value(atmpt, XML_NODE, "last_accessed", qres, 0, 1); } sqlite_free_results(qres); } } exit: sqlite_free_results(uinf); return doc; } /** * Internal function. Creates a new user account in the database. * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param usrinf_map eDBfieldMap containing information needed for the new user account * * @return Returns an eurephia ResultMsg XML document with status of the operation. On fatal errors, * NULL is returned. */ static xmlDoc *useracc_add(eurephiaCTX *ctx, eDBfieldMap *usrinf_map) { xmlDoc *res_d = NULL; dbresult *res = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 21, "Function call: useracc_add(ctx, eDBfieldMap)"); assert( (ctx != NULL) && (usrinf_map != NULL) ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return NULL; } // Register the user res = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_INSERT, "INSERT INTO openvpn_users", usrinf_map, NULL, NULL); if( (sqlite_query_status(res) != dbSUCCESS) || (sqlite_get_affected_rows(res) == 0) ) { xmlNode *err_n = NULL; eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_FATAL, 0, "Could not register the new user account"); if( sqlite_query_status(res) == dbERROR ) { err_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, res); } res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, err_n, "Failed to register the user account"); xmlFreeNode(err_n); } else { xmlChar *uid = malloc_nullsafe(ctx, 34); xmlNode *info_n = NULL; assert( uid != NULL ); // Prepare an information tag/node with the new uid value xmlStrPrintf(uid, 32, (xmlChar *) "%ld", res->last_insert_id); info_n = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)"UserAccount"); xmlNewProp(info_n, (xmlChar *) "mode", (xmlChar *) "add"); xmlNewProp(info_n, (xmlChar *) "uid", uid); eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_INFO, 1, "New user account created (uid %i)", res->last_insert_id); res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, info_n, "New user account created with uid %i", res->last_insert_id); free_nullsafe(ctx, uid); xmlFreeNode(info_n); } sqlite_free_results(res); return res_d; } /** * Internal function. Updates a user account * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param uid Numeric user id to be updated * @param value_map eDBfieldMap containing new values * * @return Returns an eurephia ResultMsg XML document with status of the operation. On fatal errors, * NULL is returned. */ static xmlDoc *useracc_update(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const int uid, eDBfieldMap *value_map) { dbresult *uinf = NULL; xmlDoc *res_d = NULL, *srch_xml = NULL; xmlNode *srch_n = NULL; xmlChar *xmluid = NULL; eDBfieldMap *srch_map = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 21, "Function call: useracc_update(ctx, %i, eDBfieldMap)", uid); assert( (ctx != NULL) && (value_map != NULL) ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return NULL; } // Create an eDBfieldMap structure for the srch_map (to be used in the WHERE clause) xmluid = (xmlChar *) malloc_nullsafe(ctx, 34); xmlStrPrintf(xmluid, 32, (xmlChar *) "%ld", uid); eurephiaXML_CreateDoc(ctx, 1, "fieldMapping", &srch_xml, &srch_n); xmlNewProp(srch_n, (xmlChar *) "table", (xmlChar *) "users"); xmlNewChild(srch_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "uid", xmluid); // Add uid as the only criteria srch_map = eDBxmlMapping(ctx, tbl_sqlite_users, NULL, srch_n); assert( srch_map != NULL ); // UPDATE the database uinf = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_UPDATE, "UPDATE openvpn_users", value_map, srch_map, NULL); if( sqlite_query_status(uinf) != dbSUCCESS ) { xmlNode *err_n = NULL; eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Error querying the database for a user"); err_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, uinf); res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, err_n, "Failed to update user (uid %i)", uid); xmlFreeNode(err_n); } else if( sqlite_get_affected_rows(uinf) == 0 ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, NULL, "Could not find any user account with uid %i", uid); } else { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, NULL, "User account with uid %i is updated", uid); } sqlite_free_results(uinf); eDBfreeMapping(srch_map); xmlFreeDoc(srch_xml); free_nullsafe(ctx, xmluid); return res_d; } /** * Internal function. Deletes a user account from the users table * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param uid Numeric user id of user to be deleted. * * @return Returns an eurephia ResultMsg XML document with status of the operation. On fatal errors, * NULL is returned. */ static xmlDoc *useracc_delete(eurephiaCTX *ctx, const unsigned int uid) { xmlDoc *res_d = NULL; dbresult *res = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 21, "Function call: useracc_delete(ctx, %i)", uid); assert( ctx != NULL ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return NULL; } // Delete the user res = sqlite_query(ctx, "DELETE FROM openvpn_users WHERE uid = '%i'", uid); if( sqlite_query_status(res) != dbSUCCESS ) { xmlNode *err_n = NULL; eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_FATAL, 0, "Could not delete the user account (uid %i)", uid); err_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, res); res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, err_n, "Failed to delete the user account (uid %i)", uid); xmlFreeNode(err_n); } else if( sqlite_get_affected_rows(res) == 0 ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, NULL, "Could not find any user account with uid %i", uid); } else { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, NULL, "User account with uid %i is deleted", uid); } sqlite_free_results(res); return res_d; } /** * @copydoc eDBadminUserAccount() */ xmlDoc *eDBadminUserAccount(eurephiaCTX *ctx, xmlDoc *qryxml) { xmlDoc *res_d = NULL; xmlNode *qry_n = NULL, *fmap_n = NULL; eDBfieldMap *fmap_m = NULL; char *mode = NULL; int uid; DEBUG(ctx, 20, "Function call: eDBadminUserAccount(ctx, xmlDoc)"); assert( (ctx != NULL) && (qryxml != NULL) ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return NULL; } qry_n = eurephiaXML_getRoot(ctx, qryxml, "UserAccount", 1); if( qry_n == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Could not find a valid XML for the user account request"); return NULL; } mode = xmlGetAttrValue(qry_n->properties, "mode"); if( mode == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Invalid user account request (1)."); return NULL; } fmap_n = xmlFindNode(qry_n, "fieldMapping"); if( fmap_n == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Invalid user account request (2)."); return NULL; } fmap_m = eDBxmlMapping(ctx, tbl_sqlite_users, "users", fmap_n); assert(fmap_m != NULL); // Extract the value of the uid attribute in the UserAccount tag. If not found, set value to -1. uid = atoi_nullsafe(defaultValue(xmlGetAttrValue(qry_n->properties, "uid"), "-1")); if( strcmp(mode, "view") == 0 ) { unsigned int flags = atoi_nullsafe(defaultValue(xmlGetNodeContent(qry_n,"extractFlags"),"0")); const char *sortkeys = xmlGetNodeContent(qry_n, "sortkeys"); res_d = useracc_view(ctx, flags, fmap_m, eDBmkSortKeyString(fmap_m, sortkeys)); } else if( strcmp(mode, "add") == 0 ) { res_d = useracc_add(ctx, fmap_m); } else if( strcmp(mode, "update") == 0 ) { if( uid == -1 ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, NULL, "Can not update user account without an uid value"); } else { res_d = useracc_update(ctx, uid, fmap_m); } } else if( strcmp(mode, "delete") == 0 ) { if( uid == -1 ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, NULL, "Can not delete user account without an uid value"); } else { res_d = useracc_delete(ctx, uid); } } else { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "UserAccount - Unknown mode: '%s'", mode); res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, NULL, "Unknown mode '%s'", mode); } eDBfreeMapping(fmap_m); return res_d; } /** * Internal function. Retrieves all administrator access levels granted. * * @param ctx eurephiaCTX * @param fmap eDBfieldMap with field values to narrow the SQL query * * @return Returns an eurephia XML document on success or with a failure message. NULL is returned * on fatal errors. */ xmlDoc *adminacclvl_Get(eurephiaCTX *ctx, eDBfieldMap *fmap) { dbresult *res = NULL; int last_uid = -1, i = 0; xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *root_n = NULL, *rec_n = NULL, *acl_n = NULL, *tmp_n; DEBUG(ctx, 21, "Function call: adminacclvl_Get(ctx, {fieldMapping})"); assert( (ctx != NULL) && (fmap != NULL) ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return 0; } // Query the database, find the user defined in the user map res = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_SELECT, "SELECT eac.uid, username, interface, access" " FROM eurephia_adminaccess eac" " LEFT JOIN openvpn_users USING(uid)", NULL, fmap, "uid, interface, access"); if( sqlite_query_status(res) != dbSUCCESS ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Error querying the database for a access levels"); tmp_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, res); doc = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, tmp_n, "Error querying the database for a access levels"); xmlFreeNode(tmp_n); goto exit; } eurephiaXML_CreateDoc(ctx, 1, "admin_access_list", &doc, &root_n); for( i = 0; i < sqlite_get_numtuples(res); i++ ) { if( last_uid != atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(res, i, 0)) ) { // Create a new block element when we get a new uid rec_n = xmlNewChild(root_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "user_access", NULL); last_uid = atoi_nullsafe(sqlite_get_value(res, i, 0)); tmp_n = sqlite_xml_value(rec_n, XML_NODE, "username", res, i, 1); sqlite_xml_value(tmp_n, XML_ATTR, "uid", res, i, 0); acl_n = xmlNewChild(rec_n, NULL, (xmlChar *) "access_levels", NULL); } tmp_n = sqlite_xml_value(acl_n, XML_NODE, "access", res, i, 3); sqlite_xml_value(tmp_n, XML_ATTR, "interface", res, i, 2); } exit: sqlite_free_results(res); return doc; } /** * @copydoc eDBadminAccessLevel() */ xmlDoc *eDBadminAccessLevel(eurephiaCTX *ctx, xmlDoc *qryxml) { dbresult *sqlres = NULL; xmlDoc *res_d = NULL; xmlNode *qry_n = NULL, *fmap_n = NULL, *err_n = NULL; eDBfieldMap *fmap_m = NULL; char *mode = NULL; DEBUG(ctx, 20, "Function call: eDBadminAccessLevel(ctx, xmlDoc)"); assert( (ctx != NULL) && (qryxml != NULL) ); if( (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_CONSOLE) && (ctx->context_type != ECTX_ADMIN_WEB) ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_CRITICAL, 0, "eurephia admin function call attempted with wrong context type"); return 0; } qry_n = eurephiaXML_getRoot(ctx, qryxml, "admin_access", 1); if( qry_n == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Could not find a valid XML for the user-certs link request"); return 0; } mode = xmlGetAttrValue(qry_n->properties, "mode"); if( mode == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Invalid edit admin access request (1)."); return 0; } fmap_n = xmlFindNode(qry_n, "fieldMapping"); if( fmap_n == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Invalid edit admin access request (2)."); return 0; } fmap_m = eDBxmlMapping(ctx, tbl_sqlite_eurephiaadmacc, NULL, fmap_n); assert(fmap_m != NULL); if( strcmp(mode, "grant") == 0 ) { sqlres = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_INSERT, "INSERT INTO eurephia_adminaccess", fmap_m, NULL, NULL); if( (sqlite_query_status(sqlres) == dbSUCCESS) && (sqlite_get_affected_rows(sqlres) > 0) ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, NULL, "Access level %s (%s) was granted to uid %s", eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_ACCESSLVL), eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_INTERFACE), eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_UID)); } else if( sqlite_query_status(sqlres) == dbERROR ) { err_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, sqlres); } } else if( strcmp(mode, "revoke") == 0 ) { sqlres = sqlite_query_mapped(ctx, SQL_DELETE, "DELETE FROM eurephia_adminaccess", NULL, fmap_m, NULL); if( (sqlite_query_status(sqlres) == dbSUCCESS) && (sqlite_get_affected_rows(sqlres) > 0) ) { const char *uid = eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_UID); const char *acclvl = eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_ACCESSLVL); if( acclvl != NULL ) { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, NULL, "Access level %s (%s) was revoked from uid %s", acclvl, eDBmappingGetValue(fmap_m, FIELD_ACCESSLVL), uid); } else { res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlRESULT, NULL, "%i access levels was removed from uid %s", sqlite_get_affected_rows(sqlres), uid); } } else if( sqlite_query_status(sqlres) == dbERROR ) { err_n = sqlite_log_error_xml(ctx, sqlres); } } else if( strcmp(mode, "list") == 0 ) { res_d = adminacclvl_Get(ctx, fmap_m); } if( res_d == NULL ) { eurephia_log(ctx, LOG_ERROR, 0, "Failed to update admin access"); res_d = eurephiaXML_ResultMsg(ctx, exmlERROR, err_n, "Failed to complete %s operation", mode); } if( err_n != NULL ) { xmlFreeNode(err_n); } sqlite_free_results(sqlres); eDBfreeMapping(fmap_m); return res_d; }