# # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Zimbra Collaboration Suite Web Client # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 VMware, Inc. # # The contents of this file are subject to the Zimbra Public License # Version 1.3 ("License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.zimbra.com/license. # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # formats for calendar use formatCalDate = EEE, d. MMM formatCalDateLong = EEEE, d. MMMM formatCalDateFull = EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy # {0} is the hour number, 0-24; {1} is a date object with the same hour formatCalHour = {0,choice,0#Midnatt|1#{1,time,HH:mm}|12#12:00|13#{1,time,HH:mm}|24#Midnatt} formatCalDay = dd/MM formatCalMonth = MMMM yyyy formatShortCalMonth = MMM yyyy # additional formats for date formatting formatDateMediumNoYear = dd. MMM formatWordyDateToday = 'I dag,' HH:mm formatWordyDateYesterday = 'I g\u00e5r,' HH:mm formatWordyDate = EEE dd/MM/yy HH:mm # date parsing information dateParsing2DigitStartYear = 1936 # list formatting information # NOTE: The separators end with a literal Unicode space character! listSeparator = ,\u0020 listSeparatorLast = \u0020og\u0020 # for detecting quoted email msg content forwardedMessage = Videresendt melding origMsg = Opprinnelig melding colorBlue = #5b9bf2 colorCyan = #43eded colorGray = #bebebe colorGreen = #6acb9e colorOrange = #fdbc55 colorPink = #fe98d3 colorPurple = #ba86e5 colorRed = #f66666 colorYellow = #f8fa33 colorsCustom = Custom Colors colorsStandard = Standard Colors colorsUseDefault = Use Default Color # relative time keywords ago = siden day = dag days = dager hour = time hours = timer minute = minutt minutes = minutter month = m\u00e5ned months = m\u00e5neder second = sekund seconds = sekunder week = uke weeks = uker year = \u00e5r years = \u00e5r yesterday = i g\u00e5r today = i dag tomorrow = i morgen cancel = Avbryt detail = Detaljer dismiss = Avvis no = Nei # bug fix 3004 noResults = Fant ingen resultater. ok = OK yes = Ja addAll = Legg til alle add = Legg til remove = Fjern removeAll = Fjern alle select = Velg criticalMsg = Viktig infoMsg = Informasjon warningMsg = Advarsel workInProgress = P\u00e5g\u00e5ende arbeid cancelRequest = Kanseller foresp\u00f8rsel showPassword = Vis passord # tooltip loading = Laster... # confirm dialog confirmTitle = Bekreftelse # wizard dialog _next = Neste _prev = Forrige _finish = Utf\u00f8r _close = Lukk weekdaySunShort = S weekdayMonShort = M weekdayTueShort = T weekdayWedShort = O weekdayThuShort = T weekdayFriShort = F weekdaySatShort = L monthJanShort = J monthFebShort = F monthMarShort = M monthAprShort = A monthMayShort = M monthJunShort = J monthJulShort = J monthAugShort = A monthSepShort = S monthOctShort = O monthNovShort = N monthDecShort = D calendarWeekTitle = W timezoneNameAuto-DetectedLong = Automatisk timezoneNameAuto-DetectedShort = Auto valueIsRequired = Verdi p\u00e5kreves notAString = Verdien skal v\u00e6re en tekst-streng. stringLenWrong = Verdien m\u00e5 best\u00e5 av {0} tegn. stringTooShort = Verdien m\u00e5 best\u00e5 av minst {0} tegn. stringTooLong = Verdien m\u00e5 ikke v\u00e6re lengre enn {0} tegn. stringMismatch = Verdien er ugyldig. invalidEmailAddr = Ugyldig e-postadresse. invalidEmailAddrValue = {0} is not a valid email address. notANumber = Verdien skal v\u00e6re et tall. notAnInteger = Verdien skal v\u00e6re et hel-tall. numberTotalExceeded = Hele sifre overskrider et samlet antall p\u00e5 {0}. numberFractionExceeded = Br\u00f8ker overskrider et samlet antall p\u00e5 {0}. numberMoreThanMax = Verdien skal v\u00e6re mindre enn eller lik {0}. numberMoreThanEqualMax = Verdien skal v\u00e6re mindre enn {0}. numberLessThanMin = Verdien skal v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre enn eller lik {0}. numberLessThanEqualMin = Verdien skal v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre enn {0}. numberMustBeNon0Percent = Verdien skal v\u00e6re en prosentsats mellom 1 og 100 percentageString = {0}% setColor = Set colorFormatError = The color entered is wrong.
The correct format is
rgb (255, 255, 255){0-255}
or #FFFFFF{0-9, a-f, A-F}
previewResult = Preview Result: # Xforms versions of messages above. Will be replaced when Xforms moves to new property model xFnumberMoreThanMax = Verdien skal v\u00e6re mindre enn eller lik {0}. XfnumberLessThanMin = Verdien skal v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre enn eller lik {0}. invalidDateString = Datoer m\u00e5 oppgis i formatet DD/MM/YYYY eller "i dag", "i g\u00e5r" eller "i morgen". invalidTimeString = Klokkeslett m\u00e5 oppgis i formatet HH:MM[:SS] invalidDatetimeString = Datoformat ikke forst\u00e5tt. didNotMatchChoice = Verdien'{0}' stemmer ikke med noen verdier for denne typen. xformRepeatAdd = + xformRepeatRemove = - xformDateTimeFormat = {0,date} kl. {0,time} xformFontColor = Skriftfarge sizeGigaBytes = GB sizeMegaBytes = MB sizeKiloBytes = KB sizeBytes = B # For formatting file sizes (e.g. "123.4 MB") formatSizeAndUnits = {0} {1} # Timezone names Africa/Algiers = GMT +01:00 West Central Africa America/Asuncion = GMT -04:00 Asuncion Africa/Cairo = GMT +02:00 Egypt Africa/Casablanca = GMT +00:00 Casablanca Africa/Monrovia = GMT +00:00 Monrovia Africa/Harare = GMT +02:00 Harare, Pretoria Africa/Nairobi = GMT +03:00 Nairobi Africa/Windhoek = GMT +01:00 Namibia America/Bogota = GMT -05:00 Colombia America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires = GMT -03:00 Argentina America/Caracas = GMT -04:30 Caracas America/Cayenne = GMT -03:00 Cayenne, Fortaleza America/Chihuahua = GMT -07:00 Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan America/Cuiaba = GMT -04:00 Cuiaba America/Godthab = GMT -03:00 Greenland America/Guatemala = GMT -06:00 Central America America/Guyana = GMT -04:00 Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan America/La_Paz = GMT -04:00 La Paz America/Manaus = GMT -04:00 Manaus America/Mexico_City = GMT -06:00 Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey America/Montevideo = GMT -03:00 Montevideo America/Santiago = GMT -04:00 Pacific South America America/Tijuana = GMT -08:00 Baja California Asia/Almaty = GMT +06:00 Astana Asia/Amman = GMT +02:00 Jordan Asia/Baghdad = GMT +03:00 Iraq Asia/Baku = GMT +04:00 Baku Asia/Bangkok = GMT +07:00 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta Asia/Beirut = GMT +02:00 Beirut Asia/Kolkata = GMT +05:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi Asia/Colombo = GMT +05:30 Sri Jayawardenepura Asia/Dhaka = GMT +06:00 Dhaka Asia/Hong_Kong = GMT +08:00 Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi Asia/Irkutsk = GMT +09:00 Irkutsk Asia/Jerusalem = GMT +02:00 Jerusalem Asia/Kabul = GMT +04:30 Kabul Asia/Kamchatka = GMT +12:00 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Asia/Karachi = GMT +05:00 Islamabad, Karachi Asia/Katmandu = GMT +05:45 Kathmandu Asia/Krasnoyarsk = GMT +08:00 Krasnoyarsk Asia/Kuala_Lumpur = GMT +08:00 Kuala Lumpur, Singapore Asia/Kuwait = GMT +03:00 Kuwait, Riyadh Asia/Magadan = GMT +11:00 Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia Asia/Muscat = GMT +04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat Asia/Novosibirsk = GMT +07:00 Novosibirsk Asia/Rangoon = GMT +06:30 Rangoon Asia/Seoul = GMT +09:00 Korea Asia/Taipei = GMT +08:00 Taipei Asia/Tashkent = GMT +05:00 Tashkent Asia/Tbilisi = GMT +04:00 Tbilisi Asia/Tehran = GMT +03:30 Tehran Asia/Tokyo = GMT +09:00 Japan Asia/Ulaanbaatar = GMT +08:00 Ulaanbaatar Asia/Vladivostok = GMT +11:00 Vladivostok Asia/Yakutsk = GMT +10:00 Yakutsk Asia/Yekaterinburg = GMT +06:00 Yekaterinburg Asia/Yerevan = GMT +04:00 Yerevan Atlantic/Azores = GMT -01:00 Azores Atlantic/Cape_Verde = GMT -01:00 Cape Verde Is. Atlantic/South_Georgia = GMT -02:00 Mid-Atlantic Australia/Adelaide = GMT +09:30 Adelaide Australia/Brisbane = GMT +10:00 Brisbane Australia/Darwin = GMT +09:30 Darwin Australia/Hobart = GMT +10:00 Hobart Australia/Perth = GMT +08:00 Perth Australia/Sydney = GMT +10:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney America/Sao_Paulo = GMT -03:00 Brasilia America/Halifax = GMT -04:00 Atlantic Time (Canada) America/St_Johns = GMT -03:30 Newfoundland America/Regina = GMT -06:00 Saskatchewan Etc/GMT-12 = GMT +12:00 GMT+12 Etc/GMT+11 = GMT -11:00 GMT-11 Etc/GMT+12 = GMT -12:00 Dateline Etc/GMT+2 = GMT -02:00 GMT-02 UTC = GMT/UTC Coordinated Universal Time Europe/Athens = GMT +02:00 Athens, Beirut, Bucharest, Istanbul Europe/Belgrade = GMT +01:00 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague Europe/Berlin = GMT +01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Europe/Brussels = GMT +01:00 Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris Europe/Helsinki = GMT +02:00 Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius Europe/London = GMT +00:00 Britain, Ireland, Portugal Europe/Minsk = GMT +02:00 Minsk Europe/Moscow = GMT +04:00 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd Europe/Warsaw = GMT +01:00 Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb Indian/Mauritius = GMT +04:00 Port Louis Pacific/Auckland = GMT +12:00 New Zealand Pacific/Fiji = GMT +12:00 Fiji Pacific/Guam = GMT +10:00 Guam, Port Moresby Pacific/Midway = GMT -11:00 Samoa Pacific/Tongatapu = GMT +13:00 Nuku'alofa America/Anchorage = GMT -09:00 Alaska America/Phoenix = GMT -07:00 Arizona America/Chicago = GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central America/Indiana/Indianapolis = GMT -05:00 Indiana (East) America/New_York = GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Pacific/Honolulu = GMT -10:00 Hawaii America/Denver = GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain America/Los_Angeles = GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific # The font family options specified below are a list of fonts for # HTML compose. Each value is a comma-separated list of font names # to be used. The entries whose key ends in ".display" is used as # the name that is shown to the user; entries whose key ends in # ".css" is the CSS list of font names that is inserted into the # HTML document. # # Any number of font families can be added to the list. To add a # font family, name the key "fontFamilyBase{number}.display" and # "fontFamilyBase{number}.css" for the common list of fonts; or #"fontFamilyIntl{number}.display" and "fontFamilyIntl{number].css" # for additional fonts to prefix for this specific locale. The # {number} is the next number in the list; numbers start at 1. To # end the list, leave the last values as the "###" string. # # Note: Not all of the fontFamilyIntl values need to be specified! # And you should always leave a "###" entry at the end to # avoid accidentally include intl font families inherited # from the less specific locale property file. fontFamilyBase1.display = Sans Serif fontFamilyBase2.display = Serif fontFamilyBase3.display = Wide Block fontFamilyBase4.display = Monospaced fontFamilyBase5.display = Comic fontFamilyBase6.display = Console fontFamilyBase7.display = Garamond fontFamilyBase8.display = Elegant fontFamilyBase9.display = Professional fontFamilyBase10.display = Terminal fontFamilyBase11.display = Modern fontFamilyBase12.display = Wide fontFamilyBase13.display = ### # TODO: Should we expose the base font families for translation? #L10N_IGNORE_BLOCK_BEGIN fontFamilyBase1.css = arial, helvetica, sans-serif fontFamilyBase2.css = times new roman, new york, times, serif fontFamilyBase3.css = arial black,avant garde fontFamilyBase4.css = courier new, courier, monaco, monospace, sans-serif fontFamilyBase5.css = comic sans ms, comic sans, sans-serif fontFamilyBase6.css = lucida console, sans-serif fontFamilyBase7.css = garamond, new york, times, serif fontFamilyBase8.css = georgia,serif fontFamilyBase9.css = tahoma, new york, times, serif fontFamilyBase10.css = terminal,monaco fontFamilyBase11.css = trebuchet ms,sans-serif fontFamilyBase12.css = verdana, helvetica, sans-serif fontFamilyBase13.css = ### #L10N_IGNORE_BLOCK_END # These will be set by the various translations fontFamilyIntl1.display = ### fontFamilyIntl1.css = ### fontFamilyIntl2.display = ### fontFamilyIntl2.css = ### fontFamilyIntl3.display = ### fontFamilyIntl3.css = ### fontFamilyIntl4.display = ### fontFamilyIntl4.css = ### fontFamilyIntl5.display = ### fontFamilyIntl5.css = ### fontFamilyIntl6.display = ### fontFamilyIntl6.css = ### fontFamilyIntl7.display = ### fontFamilyIntl7.css = ### fontFamilyIntl8.display = ### fontFamilyIntl8.css = ### fontFamilyIntl9.display = ### fontFamilyIntl9.css = ### fontFamilyIntl10.display = ### fontFamilyIntl10.css = ### fontFamilyIntl11.display = ### fontFamilyIntl11.css = ### fontFamilyIntl12.display = ### fontFamilyIntl12.css = ### fontFamilyIntl13.display = ### fontFamilyIntl13.css = ### fontFamilyIntl14.display = ### fontFamilyIntl14.css = ### fontFamilyIntl15.display = ### fontFamilyIntl15.css = ### fontFamilyIntl16.display = ### fontFamilyIntl16.css = ### fontFamilyIntl17.display = ### fontFamilyIntl17.css = ### fontFamilyIntl18.display = ### fontFamilyIntl18.css = ### fontFamilyIntl19.display = ### fontFamilyIntl19.css = ### fontFamilyIntl20.display = ### fontFamilyIntl20.css = ### fontFamilyIntl21.display = ### fontFamilyIntl21.css = ### calc.ordinal.first = 1.|f\u00f8rste calc.ordinal.second = 2.|andre calc.ordinal.third = 3.|tredje calc.ordinal.fourth = 4.|fjerde calc.ordinal.fifth = 5.|femte calc.ordinal.last = siste calc.dayname.sunday = s\u00f8n|s\u00f8ndag calc.dayname.monday = man|mandag calc.dayname.tuesday = tir|tirs|tirsdag calc.dayname.wednesday = ons|onsdag calc.dayname.thursday = tor|tors|torsdag calc.dayname.friday = fre|fredag calc.dayname.saturday = l\u00f8r|l\u00f8rdag calc.monthname.january = jan|januar calc.monthname.february = feb|februar calc.monthname.march = mar|mars calc.monthname.april = apr|april calc.monthname.may = mai calc.monthname.june = jun|juni calc.monthname.july = jul|july calc.monthname.august = aug|august calc.monthname.september = sep|september calc.monthname.october = okt|oktober calc.monthname.november = nov|november calc.monthname.december = des|desember