You'll need "spatch", from coccinelle. You can install this on Fedora using: yum install coccinelle To run, invoke this: spatch -sp_file pyarg-parsetuple.cocci buggy.c This gives this output: [david@brick static-analysis]$ spatch -sp_file pyarg-parsetuple.cocci buggy.c init_defs_builtins: /usr/share/coccinelle/standard.h HANDLING: buggy.c buggy.c:13: Mismatching type of argument 1: expected "int *" but got "unsigned long *" which correctly detects an issue seen in socket.htons() on 64bit big endian machines Similarly, it detects the deliberate bug here: spatch -sp_file pyarg-parsetuple.cocci ../python-svn/Modules/xxmodule.c init_defs_builtins: /usr/share/coccinelle/standard.h HANDLING: ../python-svn/Modules/xxmodule.c TYPE: header ../python-svn/Modules/Python.h not found ../python-svn/Modules/xxmodule.c:206: unknown format char: '#'