import os import tempfile from subprocess import Popen, PIPE class Fix(object): def transform(self, string): raise NotImplementedError class CoccinelleError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, p, args, stderr): self.p = p self.args = args self.stderr = stderr def __str__(self): return ('Return code: %s (args: %s)\n --- start of captured stderr ---\n%s--- enf of captured stderr ---\n' % (self.p.returncode, repr(self.args), self.stderr)) class CocciFix(Fix): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def get_script_path(self): return os.path.join('lib2to3c', self.filename) def transform(self, string): # spatch seems to require the input and output to be actual files, # rather than stdin/stdout. (src_hn, src_path) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="" % self.filename) #print (src_hn, src_path) (dst_hn, dst_path) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="-%s.out.c" % self.filename) #print (dst_hn, dst_path) os.write(src_hn, string) args = ['spatch', '-sp_file', self.get_script_path(), src_path, '-o', dst_path] p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise CoccinelleError(p, args, stderr) string = open(dst_path, 'r').read() os.close(src_hn) os.close(dst_hn) return string import unittest class NonequalStrings(Exception): def __init__(self, actual_result, exp_result): self.actual_result = actual_result self.exp_result = exp_result def __str__(self): from difflib import unified_diff result = '\n' for line in unified_diff(self.exp_result.splitlines(), self.actual_result.splitlines(), fromfile = 'Expected result', tofile = 'Actual result', lineterm=''): result += line + '\n' return result class FixTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Subclass of TestCase for verifying that a Fix is working as expected''' def assertTransformsTo(self, fixer, src, exp_result): actual_result = fixer.transform(src) if actual_result != exp_result: raise NonequalStrings(actual_result, exp_result)