Open source technologies used with &PRODUCT;
Background Koan is a tool coming out of Red Hat Emerging Technologies that is used to provision machines from Cobbler servers. Following the unix philosophy it's very simple to use and the man page will tell you everything you need to know. For more information check out the cobbler documentation. Note Most provisioning with the &PRODUCT; tools can be done without having to work with Koan directly. However, a good understanding of its basic operation is useful for advanced usage of the &PRODUCT; tooling.
Installation RPMs exist for both Fedora and RHEL (through EPEL). If your repositories are configured correctly you should simply be able to yum install koan. Koan doesn't have many dependencies so if you don't feel like adding the EPEL repo to your RHEL machine you can simply install the RPM. Once installed you should test your installation against a cobbler server. koan -s --list=profiles koan -s --list=systems
Guest Provisioning Note genome-bootstrap now wraps Koan for provisioning virtual machines. This is only included for advanced use cases. koan -s --virt --virt-type=xenpv --virt-path=HostVolGroup00 --system=[your hostname] Here the most important part is obviously the --virt flag. If you pass in a Volume Group name for --virt-path koan will automatically create (or reuse) a logical volume in the format of [name]-disk0. With cobbler much of the configuration lies on the server side (the memory, size of the logical volume, etc). If you have different requirements you can either create a new profile for cobbler or you can use the tooling that makes up &PRODUCT; achieve the desired results. Tip One trick to creating a quest with a larger logical volume than a cobbler profile specifies is to simply create it by hand and specify the size you desire. Koan will simply reuse that logical volume.
Watching the VM During the kickstart provisioning process you can connect to the virtual framebuffer which is accessible through VNC. It's only available locally so don't try and connect from another machine. From the Xen host you should be able to use: ssh -X vncviewer localhost:5900 The port may vary according to how many guests you have running. To find out which ports are being used: # If you are using RHEL5 less than U2 netstat -nlp | grep vnc #otherwise netstat -nlp | grep qemu-dm
Cleaning Up If you would like to remove work performed by koan: Remove the Xen configuration for the guest under /etc/xen Remove the file or logical volume that backs your guest.
Known Issues Provisioning will fail if a config file under /etc/xen has the same name as the machine you are trying to create. The error message is fairly cryptic and says something like "machine already exists". The fix is to simply remove the config file.
LVM LVM is used to back our virtualized guests. It is an extremely flexible and pervasive storage technology for Linux. One of the most useful features is the ability to create copy-on-write snapshots. RHEL 5 Documentation about Virtualization Make sure you are comfortable with what LVM is and how to create / remove some simple logical volumes. Self Test
Xen Virtualization Virtualization is a key component of the new architecture. Managing development, build and deployment environments on a variety of hardware and operating systems has always been extremely costly. We have a fairly low tolerance for inconsistencies in both environments, yet customization is critical to most developers and avoided at all costs in production. Virtualization is the technology that gives &PRODUCT; isolation in both worlds. The development, build, and deployment environments can all be isolated and managed on virtual machines to enable different configurations and optimizations while still residing on the same machine. It also gives us the flexibility to modify our virtualization option as time progress (e.g. from Xen to KVM) but keep the core strategy consistent for the foreseable future. RHEL 5 Documentation about Virtualization Make sure you are comfortable with xen and how to create virtual machines, start them, stop them, and customize them. Self Test
JBoss JBoss is going to be a cornerstone of our new infrastructure. We will be using a slightly newer version of the JBoss EAP stack with components from the JBoss SOA team to incorporate the JBoss ESB. JBoss Getting Started Guide Make sure you are comfortable with starting and stopping JBoss as well as the server configurations, deployment mechanisms, jmx console, and general filesystem layout to find logs. JBoss ESB Documentation These documents aren't incredibly thorough at the moment, but it should give you a good initial understanding of the JBoss ESB technologies. JBoss Seam Documentation The reference documentation for Seam 2.0 CR3 will probably be the best document to read through.
Source Code Management (Git) In addition to refining our infrastructure, we also have needed to refine our development and deployment practices for quite a while. We need to be able to run multiple development efforts in parallel, collaborate between them, and maintain a sane state of a deployable branch (e.g. trunk). Subversion has worked in some regards but has fallen short in our ability to utilize it for multiple development streams. Complicated merges end up very error prone and have almost always resulted in production defects. Also, given the errors around branching and merging, it has been very difficult to get the development community to maintain a clean revision history and state of our production branch. Git's distributed nature will allow development to proceed in an offline fashion and result with a small number of clean patches being applied to our production branches. So in essence, be warned, stream of consciousness coding and commits will no longer be accepted. General GIT Tutorial Understand how to create repositories, add files, commit, and view logs Everyday GIT with 20 commands Read through the entire document but be very comfortable with the Individual Developer and Integrator sections An introduction to git-svn for Subversion/SVK users and deserters Self Test
Configuration Management (Puppet) Puppet is a configuration management technology that will help us eliminate many of the manual steps required during releases. Today, the configuration and release process is extremely manual and becoming increasingly difficult to scale. Moving the configuration management aspects down to development allows developers to drive more automation into the release process by providing container and system configurations using a mechanism that can be deployed without modification into production. This also allows groups like Release Engineering to operate in more of a review role and reduce the manual steps they are required to deploy projects. Puppet Documentation Since your virtual environment will be running a puppet master to configure all of your virtual machines, make sure you have an understanding of what the puppet master does as well as the templating process used to generate files. This knowledge will be key in enabling developers to make system configuration changes, testing and submitting patches instead of making manual requests for various changes to be applied.
General Two places that you should always look for documentation are: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation JBoss Documentation