path: root/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/cloud-ks.cfg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'genome-respin/repo/conf.d/cloud-ks.cfg')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/cloud-ks.cfg b/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/cloud-ks.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5081007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/genome-respin/repo/conf.d/cloud-ks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
+# System authorization information
+auth --useshadow --enablemd5
+# System bootloader configuration
+bootloader --location=mbr
+# Use text install
+# Firewall configuration
+firewall --disabled
+# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
+firstboot --disable
+# Network Manager breaks networking on F8
+services --disabled=NetworkManager
+# System keyboard
+keyboard us
+# System language
+lang en_US
+# Use CDROM installation media
+# Network information
+network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on
+# Reboot after installation
+reboot --eject
+# Root password
+rootpw password
+# SELinux configuration
+selinux --disabled
+# Skip X Configuration
+# System timezone
+timezone America/New_York
+# Install OS instead of upgrade
+# Clear the Master Boot Record
+# Partition clearing information
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+partition /boot --fstype=ext3 --size=200
+partition swap --size=2000
+partition pv.01 --size=1000 --grow
+volgroup HostVolGroup00 pv.01
+logvol swap --fstype swap --name=Swap --vgname=HostVolGroup00 --size=1024
+logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=Root --vgname=HostVolGroup00 --size=10240 --grow
+logvol /home --fstype ext3 --name=Home --vgname=HostVolGroup00 --size=2048
+# REMOVE: Faking out the public hostname
+echo "" >> /etc/hosts
+# Identify this machine as a cloud respin
+/bin/touch /etc/sysconfig/cloud-respin
+# Set the certmaster in the minion configuration
+sed -i "s/certmaster = certmaster/certmaster = localhost/g" /etc/certmaster/minion.conf
+# Turn on autosigning
+sed -i "s/autosign = no/autosign = yes/g" /etc/certmaster/certmaster.conf
+# Chkconfig the cloudmasterd and httpd services
+/sbin/chkconfig --add cloudmasterd
+/sbin/chkconfig cloudmasterd on
+/sbin/chkconfig --add httpd
+/sbin/chkconfig httpd on