module Git class GitExecuteError < StandardError end class Lib @git_dir = nil @git_index_file = nil @git_work_dir = nil @path = nil def initialize(base = nil) if base.is_a?(Git::Base) @git_dir = base.repo.path @git_index_file = base.index.path @git_work_dir = base.dir.path elsif base.is_a?(Hash) @git_dir = base[:repository] @git_index_file = base[:index] @git_work_dir = base[:working_directory] end end def init command('init') end # tries to clone the given repo # # returns {:repository} (if bare) # {:working_directory} otherwise # # accepts options: # :remote - name of remote (rather than 'origin') # :bare - no working directory # # TODO - make this work with SSH password or auth_key # def clone(repository, name, opts = {}) @path = opts[:path] || '.' clone_dir = File.join(@path, name) arr_opts = [] arr_opts << "--bare" if opts[:bare] arr_opts << "-o #{opts[:remote]}" if opts[:remote] arr_opts << repository arr_opts << clone_dir command('clone', arr_opts) opts[:bare] ? {:repository => clone_dir} : {:working_directory => clone_dir} end ## READ COMMANDS ## def log_commits(opts = {}) arr_opts = ['--pretty=oneline'] arr_opts << "-#{opts[:count]}" if opts[:count] arr_opts << "--since=\"#{opts[:since]}\"" if opts[:since].is_a? String arr_opts << "#{opts[:between][0]}..#{opts[:between][1].to_s}" if (opts[:between] && opts[:between].size == 2) arr_opts << opts[:object] if opts[:object].is_a? String arr_opts << '-- ' + opts[:path_limiter] if opts[:path_limiter].is_a? String command_lines('log', arr_opts).map { |l| l.split.first } end def revparse(string) command('rev-parse', string) end def object_type(sha) command('cat-file', ['-t', sha]) end def object_size(sha) command('cat-file', ['-s', sha]).to_i end def object_contents(sha) command('cat-file', ['-p', sha]) end def branches_all arr = [] command_lines('branch', '-a').each do |b| current = false current = true if b[0, 2] == '* ' arr << [b.gsub('* ', '').strip, current] end arr end # returns hash # [tree-ish] = [[line_no, match], [line_no, match2]] # [tree-ish] = [[line_no, match], [line_no, match2]] def grep(string, opts = {}) opts[:object] = 'HEAD' if !opts[:object] grep_opts = ['-n'] grep_opts << '-i' if opts[:ignore_case] grep_opts << '-v' if opts[:invert_match] grep_opts << "-e '#{string}'" grep_opts << opts[:object] if opts[:object].is_a?(String) grep_opts << ('-- ' + opts[:path_limiter]) if opts[:path_limiter].is_a? String hsh = {} command_lines('grep', grep_opts).each do |line| if m = /(.*)\:(\d+)\:(.*)/.match(line) hsh[m[1]] ||= [] hsh[m[1]] << [m[2].to_i, m[3]] end end hsh end def diff_full(obj1 = 'HEAD', obj2 = nil, opts = {}) diff_opts = ['-p'] diff_opts << obj1 diff_opts << obj2 if obj2.is_a?(String) diff_opts << ('-- ' + opts[:path_limiter]) if opts[:path_limiter].is_a? String command('diff', diff_opts) end def diff_stats(obj1 = 'HEAD', obj2 = nil, opts = {}) diff_opts = ['--numstat'] diff_opts << obj1 diff_opts << obj2 if obj2.is_a?(String) diff_opts << ('-- ' + opts[:path_limiter]) if opts[:path_limiter].is_a? String hsh = {:total => {:insertions => 0, :deletions => 0, :lines => 0, :files => 0}, :files => {}} command_lines('diff', diff_opts).each do |file| (insertions, deletions, filename) = file.split("\t") hsh[:total][:insertions] += insertions.to_i hsh[:total][:deletions] += deletions.to_i hsh[:total][:lines] = (hsh[:total][:deletions] + hsh[:total][:insertions]) hsh[:total][:files] += 1 hsh[:files][filename] = {:insertions => insertions.to_i, :deletions => deletions.to_i} end hsh end # compares the index and the working directory def diff_files hsh = {} command_lines('diff-files').each do |line| (info, file) = line.split("\t") (mode_src, mode_dest, sha_src, sha_dest, type) = info.split hsh[file] = {:path => file, :mode_file => mode_src.to_s[1, 7], :mode_index => mode_dest, :sha_file => sha_src, :sha_index => sha_dest, :type => type} end hsh end # compares the index and the repository def diff_index(treeish) hsh = {} command_lines('diff-index', treeish).each do |line| (info, file) = line.split("\t") (mode_src, mode_dest, sha_src, sha_dest, type) = info.split hsh[file] = {:path => file, :mode_repo => mode_src.to_s[1, 7], :mode_index => mode_dest, :sha_repo => sha_src, :sha_index => sha_dest, :type => type} end hsh end def ls_files hsh = {} command_lines('ls-files', '--stage').each do |line| (info, file) = line.split("\t") (mode, sha, stage) = info.split hsh[file] = {:path => file, :mode_index => mode, :sha_index => sha, :stage => stage} end hsh end def config_remote(name) hsh = {} command_lines('config', ['--get-regexp', "remote.#{name}"]).each do |line| (key, value) = line.split hsh[key.gsub("remote.#{name}.", '')] = value end hsh end def config_get(name) command('config', ['--get', name]) end def config_list hsh = {} command_lines('config', ['--list']).each do |line| (key, value) = line.split('=') hsh[key] = value end hsh end ## WRITE COMMANDS ## def config_set(name, value) command('config', [name, "'#{value}'"]) end def add(path = '.') path = path.join(' ') if path.is_a?(Array) command('add', path) end def commit(message, opts = {}) arr_opts = ["-m '#{message}'"] arr_opts << '-a' if opts[:add_all] command('commit', arr_opts) end private def command_lines(cmd, opts = {}) command(cmd, opts).split("\n") end def command(cmd, opts = {}) ENV['GIT_DIR'] = @git_dir if @git_dir ENV['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = @git_index_file if @git_index_file ENV['GIT_WORK_DIR'] = @git_work_dir if @git_work_dir path = @git_work_dir || @git_dir || @path Dir.chdir(path) do opts = opts.to_a.join(' ') out = `git #{cmd} #{opts} 2>&1`.chomp #puts path #puts "gd: #{@git_work_dir}" #puts "gi: #{@git_index_file}" #puts "pp: #{@path}" #puts "git #{cmd} #{opts}" #puts out #puts if $?.exitstatus > 1 raise end out end end end end