== Git Library for Ruby Library for using Git in Ruby. = Homepage The Ruby/Git homepage is currently at : http://jointheconversation.org/rubygit Git public hosting of the project source code is at: http://repo.or.cz/w/rubygit.git = Roadmap Right now I'm forking calls to the 'git' binary, but eventually I'll replace that with either C bindings to libgit or libgit-thin, or I'll write pure ruby handlers for at least some of the Git stuff. = Major Objects Git::Base - this is the object returned from a Git.open or Git.clone. Most major actions are called from this object. Git::Object - this is the base object for your tree, blob and commit objects, returned from @git.gtree or @git.object calls. the Git::AbstractObject will have most of the calls in common for all those objects. Git::Diff - returns from a @git.diff command. It is an Enumerable that returns Git::Diff:DiffFile objects from which you can get per file patches and insertion/deletion statistics. You can also get total statistics from the Git::Diff object directly. Git::Status Git::Branches Git::Remote Git::Log = Examples Here are a bunch of examples of how to use the Ruby/Git package. First you have to remember to require rubygems if it's not. Then include the 'git' gem. require 'rubygems' require 'git' Here are the operations that need read permission only. g = Git.open (working_dir = '.') (git_dir, index_file) g.index g.index.readable? g.index.writable? g.repo g.dir g.log # returns array of Git::Commit objects g.log.since('2 weeks ago') g.log.between('v2.5', 'v2.6') g.log.each {|l| puts l.sha } g.gblob('v2.5:Makefile').log.since('2 weeks ago') g.object('HEAD^').to_s # git show / git rev-parse g.object('HEAD^').contents g.object('v2.5:Makefile').size g.object('v2.5:Makefile').sha g.gtree(treeish) g.gblob(treeish) g.gcommit(treeish) commit = g.gcommit('1cc8667014381') commit.gtree commit.parent.sha commit.parents.size commit.author.name commit.author.email commit.author.date.strftime("%m-%d-%y") commit.committer.name commit.date.strftime("%m-%d-%y") commit.message tree = g.gtree("HEAD^{tree}") tree.blobs tree.subtrees tree.children # blobs and subtrees g.revparse('v2.5:Makefile') g.branches # returns Git::Branch objects g.branches.local g.branches.remote g.branches[:master].gcommit g.branches['origin/master'].gcommit g.grep('hello') # implies HEAD g.blob('v2.5:Makefile').grep('hello') g.tag('v2.5').grep('hello', 'docs/') g.diff(commit1, commit2).size g.diff(commit1, commit2).stats g.gtree('v2.5').diff('v2.6').insertions g.diff('gitsearch1', 'v2.5').path('lib/') g.diff('gitsearch1', @git.gtree('v2.5')) g.diff('gitsearch1', 'v2.5').path('docs/').patch g.gtree('v2.5').diff('v2.6').patch g.gtree('v2.5').diff('v2.6').each do |file_diff| puts file_diff.path puts file_diff.patch puts file_diff.blob(:src).contents end g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon' g.config # returns whole config hash g.tag # returns array of Git::Tag objects And here are the operations that will need to write to your git repository. g = Git.init Git.init('project') Git.init('/home/schacon/proj', { :git_dir => '/opt/git/proj.git', :index_file => '/tmp/index'} ) g = Git.clone(URI, :name => 'name', :path => '/tmp/checkout') g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') g.add('.') g.add([file1, file2]) g.remove('file.txt') g.remove(['file.txt', 'file2.txt']) g.commit('message') g.commit_all('message') g = Git.clone(repo, 'myrepo') g.chdir do new_file('test-file', 'blahblahblah') g.status.changed.each do |file| puts file.blob(:index).contents end end g.reset # defaults to HEAD g.reset_hard(Git::Commit) g.branch('new_branch') # creates new or fetches existing g.branch('new_branch').checkout g.branch('new_branch').delete g.branch('existing_branch').checkout g.checkout('new_branch') g.checkout(g.branch('new_branch')) g.branch(name).merge(branch2) g.branch(branch2).merge # merges HEAD with branch2 g.branch(name).in_branch(message) { # add files } # auto-commits g.merge('new_branch') g.merge('origin/remote_branch') g.merge(b.branch('master')) g.merge([branch1, branch2]) r = g.add_remote(name, uri) # Git::Remote r = g.add_remote(name, Git::Base) # Git::Remote g.remotes # array of Git::Remotes g.remote(name).fetch g.remote(name).remove g.remote(name).merge g.remote(name).merge(branch) g.fetch g.fetch(g.remotes.first) g.pull g.pull(Git::Repo, Git::Branch) # fetch and a merge g.add_tag('tag_name') # returns Git::Tag g.repack g.push g.push(g.remote('name'))