require 'git' # needs read permission only g = (working_dir = '.') (git_dir, index_file) g.index g.index.readable? g.index.writable? g.repo g.dir g.log # returns array of Git::Commit objects g.log.since('2 weeks ago') g.log.between('v2.5', 'v2.6') g.log.each {|l| puts l.sha } g.blob('v2.5:Makefile').log.since('2 weeks ago') g.object('HEAD^').to_s # git show / git rev-parse g.object('HEAD^').contents g.object('v2.5:Makefile').size g.object('v2.5:Makefile').sha g.tree(treeish) g.blob(treeish) g.commit(treeish) g.revparse('v2.5:Makefile') g.branches # returns Git::Branch objects g.branches.local g.branches.remote g.branches[:master].commit g.branches['origin/master'].commit g.grep('hello') # implies HEAD g.blob('v2.5:Makefile').grep('hello') g.tag('v2.5').grep('hello', 'docs/') ***** IMPLEMENTED ***** g.diff g.diff.shortstat g.diff.summary g.diff(commit1, commit2) g.diff("commit1..commit2") g.diff_tree(Git::Tree, Git::Tree) g.status g.ls_files g.ls_files(:stage => true) g.tag # returns array of Git::Tag objects # needs write permission g = Git.clone(URI, 'name', working_dir = GIT_DIR, {options}) (username, password, ssl_key, git_dir, index_file) g = Git.init Git.init('project') Git.init('/home/schacon/proj', { :git_dir => '/opt/git/proj.git', :index_file => '/tmp/index'} ) g.config('', 'Scott Chacon') g.config('', '') g.config('') # returns 'Scott Chacon' g.config # returns whole config hash g.add('.') g.add([file1, file2]) g.remove('file.txt').and_file g.commit('message') g.commit_a('message') g.reset # defaults to HEAD g.reset_hard(Git::Commit) g.branch('new_branch') g.branch('new_branch').delete g.checkout('new_branch') g.checkout('new_branch', :create_branch => true) g.checkout_b('new_branch') g.merge('new_branch') g.merge(Git::Branch) g.merge(Git::Branch, Git::Branch) g.fetch g.fetch(Git::Repo) g.pull g.pull(Git::Repo, Git::Branch) # fetch and a merge g.tag('tag_name') # returns Git::Tag g.pack