import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from turbogears import controllers, expose, flash, identity, redirect from func.overlord.client import Overlord, Minions from turbogears import mochikit from funcweb.widget_automation import WidgetListFactory,RemoteFormAutomation,RemoteFormFactory class Root(controllers.RootController): @expose(template="funcweb.templates.minions") #@identity.require(identity.not_anonymous()) def minions(self, glob='*'): """ Return a list of our minions that match a given glob """ return dict(minions=Minions(glob).get_all_hosts()) index = minions # start with our minion view, for now @expose(template="funcweb.templates.minion") #@identity.require(identity.not_anonymous()) def minion(self, name="*", module=None, method=None): """ Display module or method details for a specific minion. If only the minion name is given, it will display a list of modules for that minion. If a module is supplied, it will display a list of methods. If a method is supplied, it will display a method execution form. """ fc = Overlord(name) if not module: # list all modules #just list those who have get_method_args modules = fc.system.list_modules() display_modules = [] #FIXME slow really i know ! for module in modules.itervalues(): for mod in module: #if it is not empty if getattr(fc,mod).get_method_args()[name]: display_modules.append(mod) modules = {} modules[name]=display_modules return dict(modules=modules) else: # a module is specified if method: # minion.module.method specified; bring up execution form return dict(minion=name, module=module, method=method, tg_template="funcweb.templates.method") else: # return a list of methods for specified module modules = getattr(fc, module).list_methods() return dict(modules=modules, module=module, tg_template="funcweb.templates.module") @expose(template="funcweb.templates.method_args") #@identity.require(identity.not_anonymous()) def method_display(self,minion=None,module=None,method=None): fc = Overlord(minion) method_args = getattr(fc,module).get_method_args() if not method_args.values(): print "Not registered method here" return dict(minion_form = None,minion=minion,module=module,method=method) the_one = method_args[minion][method]['args'] if the_one: wlist_object = WidgetListFactory(the_one,minion=minion,module=module,method=method) wlist_object = wlist_object.get_widgetlist_object() #minion_form =RemoteFormFactory( wlist_object.get_widgetlist_object()).get_remote_form() minion_form = RemoteFormAutomation(wlist_object) del wlist_object del the_one #print minion_form.fields #print minion_form return dict(minion_form =minion_form,minion=minion,module=module,method=method) else: return dict(minion_form = None,minion=minion,module=module,method=method) @expose(template="funcweb.templates.login") def login(self, forward_url=None, previous_url=None, *args, **kw): from cherrypy import request, response if not identity.current.anonymous \ and identity.was_login_attempted() \ and not identity.get_identity_errors(): raise redirect(forward_url) forward_url=None previous_url= request.path if identity.was_login_attempted(): msg=_("The credentials you supplied were not correct or " "did not grant access to this resource.") elif identity.get_identity_errors(): msg=_("You must provide your credentials before accessing " "this resource.") else: msg=_("Please log in.") forward_url= request.headers.get("Referer", "/") response.status=403 return dict(message=msg, previous_url=previous_url, logging_in=True, original_parameters=request.params, forward_url=forward_url) @expose(allow_json=True) def post_form(self,**kw): """ Data processing part """ if kw.has_key('minion') and kw.has_key('module') and kw.has_key('method'): #do the stuff here #assign them because we need the rest so dont control everytime #and dont make lookup everytime ... minion = kw['minion'] del kw['minion'] module = kw['module'] del kw['module'] method = kw['method'] del kw['method'] #everytime we do that should be a clever way for that ??? fc = Overlord(minion) #get again the method args to get their order : arguments=getattr(fc,module).get_method_args() #so we know the order just allocate and put them there cmd_args=['']*(len(kw.keys())) for arg in kw.keys(): #wow what a lookup :) index_of_arg = arguments[minion][method]['args'][arg]['order'] cmd_args[index_of_arg]=kw[arg] #now execute the stuff result = getattr(getattr(fc,module),method)(*cmd_args) return "The list to be executed is \n: %s"%str(result) else: return "Missing arguments sorry can not proceess the form" @expose(template="funcweb.templates.method_args") def execute_link(self,minion=None,module=None,method=None): """ Method is fot those minion methods that dont accept any arguments so they provide only some information,executed by pressing only the link ! """ fc = Overlord(minion) result = getattr(getattr(fc,module),method)() return str(result) @expose() def logout(self): identity.current.logout() raise redirect("/")