#!/usr/bin/python import glob import sys import command #FIXME: need a plug-in runtime module loader here from cmd_modules import call from cmd_modules import show from cmd_modules import copyfile from cmd_modules import listminions from func.overlord import client class FuncCommandLine(command.Command): name = "func" useage = "func is the commandline interface to a func minion" subCommandClasses = [call.Call, show.Show, copyfile.CopyFile, listminions.ListMinions] def __init__(self): command.Command.__init__(self) def do(self, args): pass def addOptions(self): self.parser.add_option('', '--version', action="store_true", help="show version information") # just some ugly goo to try to guess if arg[1] is hostnamegoo or # a command name def _isGlob(self, str): if str.find("*") or str.find("?") or str.find("[") or str.find("]"): return True return False def handleArguments(self, args): server_string = args[0] # try to be clever about this for now if client.isServer(server_string) or self._isGlob(server_string): self.server_spec = server_string args.pop(0) # if it doesn't look like server, assume it # is a sub command? that seems wrong, what about # typo's and such? How to catch that? -akl # maybe a class variable self.data on Command? def handleOptions(self, options): if options.version: #FIXME print "version is NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"