""" Virt management features Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ # warning: virt management is rather complicated # to see a simple example of func, look at the # service control module. API docs on how # to use this to come. # other modules import os import sub_process import libvirt # our modules import codes import func_module VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP = { 0 : "running", 1 : "running", 2 : "running", 3 : "paused", 4 : "shutdown", 5 : "shutdown", 6 : "crashed" } class FuncLibvirtConnection(object): version = "0.0.1" api_version = "0.0.1" description = "Virtualization items through func." def __init__(self): cmd = sub_process.Popen("uname -r", shell=True, stdout=sub_process.PIPE) output = cmd.communicate()[0] if output.find("xen") != -1: conn = libvirt.open(None) else: conn = libvirt.open("qemu:///system") if not conn: raise codes.FuncException("hypervisor connection failure") self.conn = conn def find_vm(self, vmid): """ Extra bonus feature: vmid = -1 returns a list of everything """ conn = self.conn vms = [] # this block of code borrowed from virt-manager: # get working domain's name ids = conn.listDomainsID(); for id in ids: vm = conn.lookupByID(id) vms.append(vm) # get defined domain names = conn.listDefinedDomains() for name in names: vm = conn.lookupByName(name) vms.append(vm) if vmid == -1: return vms for vm in vms: if vm.name() == vmid: return vm raise codes.FuncException("virtual machine %s not found" % vmid) def shutdown(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).shutdown() def pause(self, vmid): return self.suspend(self.conn,vmid) def unpause(self, vmid): return self.resume(self.conn,vmid) def suspend(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).suspend() def resume(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).resume() def create(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).create() def destroy(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).destroy() def undefine(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).undefine() def get_status2(self, vm): state = vm.info()[0] # print "DEBUG: state: %s" % state return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def get_status(self, vmid): state = self.find_vm(vmid).info()[0] return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def nodeinfo(self): return self.conn.getInfo() class Virt(func_module.FuncModule): def __get_conn(self): self.conn = FuncLibvirtConnection() return self.conn def state(self): vms = self.list_vms() state = [] for vm in vms: state_blurb = self.conn.get_status(vm) state.append("%s %s" % (vm,state_blurb)) return state def info(self): vms = self.list_vms() info = dict() for vm in vms: data = self.conn.find_vm(vm).info() # libvirt returns maxMem, memory, and cpuTime as long()'s, which # xmlrpclib tries to convert to regular int's during serialization. # This throws exceptions, so convert them to strings here and # assume the other end of the xmlrpc connection can figure things # out or doesn't care. info[vm] = { "state" : VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(data[0],"unknown"), "maxMem" : str(data[1]), "memory" : str(data[2]), "nrVirtCpu" : data[3], "cpuTime" : str(data[4]) } return info def nodeinfo(self): self.__get_conn() info = dict() data = self.conn.nodeinfo() info = { "cpumodel" : str(data[0]), "phymemory" : str(data[1]), "cpus" : str(data[2]), "cpumhz" : str(data[3]), "numanodes" : str(data[4]), "sockets" : str(data[5]), "cpucores" : str(data[6]), "cputhreads" : str(data[7]) } return info def list_vms(self): self.conn = self.__get_conn() vms = self.conn.find_vm(-1) results = [] for x in vms: try: results.append(x.name()) except: pass return results def install(self, server_name, target_name, system=False): """ Install a new virt system by way of a named cobbler profile. """ # Example: # install("bootserver.example.org", "fc7webserver", True) conn = self.__get_conn() if conn is None: raise codes.FuncException("no connection") if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/koan"): raise codes.FuncException("no /usr/bin/koan") target = "profile" if system: target = "system" # TODO: FUTURE: set --virt-path in cobbler or here koan_args = [ "/usr/bin/koan", "--virt", "--virt-graphics", # enable VNC "--%s=%s" % (target, target_name), "--server=%s" % server_name ] rc = sub_process.call(koan_args,shell=False) if rc == 0: return 0 else: raise codes.FuncException("koan returned %d" % rc) def shutdown(self, vmid): """ Make the machine with the given vmid stop running. Whatever that takes. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.shutdown(vmid) return 0 def pause(self, vmid): """ Pause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.suspend(vmid) return 0 def unpause(self, vmid): """ Unpause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.resume(vmid) return 0 def create(self, vmid): """ Start the machine via the given mac address. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.create(vmid) return 0 def destroy(self, vmid): """ Pull the virtual power from the virtual domain, giving it virtually no time to virtually shut down. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.destroy(vmid) return 0 def undefine(self, vmid): """ Stop a domain, and then wipe it from the face of the earth. by deleting the disk image and it's configuration file. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.undefine(vmid) return 0 def get_status(self, vmid): """ Return a state suitable for server consumption. Aka, codes.py values, not XM output. """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.get_status(vmid)