## func ## ## Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc ## Michael DeHaan ## ## This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU ## general public license. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ## ## import codes import func_module import sub_process import os class Service(func_module.FuncModule): version = "0.0.1" api_version = "0.0.1" description = "Allows for service control via func." def __command(self, service_name, command): filename = os.path.join("/etc/rc.d/init.d/",service_name) if os.path.exists(filename): return sub_process.call(["/sbin/service", service_name, command]) else: raise codes.FuncException("Service not installed: %s" % service_name) def start(self, service_name): return self.__command(service_name, "start") def stop(self, service_name): return self.__command(service_name, "stop") def restart(self, service_name): return self.__command(service_name, "restart") def reload(self, service_name): return self.__command(service_name, "reload") def status(self, service_name): return self.__command(service_name, "status") def inventory(self): return { "running" : self.get_running(), "enabled" : self.get_enabled() } def get_enabled(self): """ Get the list of services that are enabled at the various runlevels. Xinetd services only provide whether or not they are running, not specific runlevel info. """ chkconfig = sub_process.Popen(["/sbin/chkconfig", "--list"], stdout=sub_process.PIPE) data = chkconfig.communicate()[0] results = [] for line in data.split("\n"): if line.find("0:") != -1: # regular services tokens = line.split() results.append((tokens[0],tokens[1:])) elif line.find(":") != -1 and not line.endswith(":"): # xinetd.d based services tokens = line.split() tokens[0] = tokens[0].replace(":","") results.append((tokens[0],tokens[1])) return results def get_running(self): """ Get a list of which services are running, stopped, or disabled. """ chkconfig = sub_process.Popen(["/sbin/service", "--status-all"], stdout=sub_process.PIPE) data = chkconfig.communicate()[0] results = [] for line in data.split("\n"): if line.find(" is ") != -1: tokens = line.split() results.append((tokens[0], tokens[-1].replace("...",""))) return results def register_method_args(self): """ Implementing the argument getter """ #service_name options they are same so use only one service_name = { 'type':'string', 'description':'The name of the running services', 'validator':'^[a-z]+$'} return { 'get_running':{}, 'get_enabled':{}, 'inventory':{}, 'status':{ 'service_name':service_name, }, 'reload':{'service_name':service_name}, 'restart':{'service_name':service_name}, 'stop':{'service_name':service_name}, 'start':{'service_name':service_name}, }