# forkbomb is a module that partitions arbitrary workloads # among N seperate forks, for a configurable N, and # collates results upon return, as if it never forked. # # Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc # Michael DeHaan # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import os import random # for testing only import time # for testing only import shelve import bsddb import sys import tempfile import fcntl DEFAULT_FORKS = 4 DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = "/var/lib/func" def __get_storage(dir): """ Return a tempfile we can use for storing data. """ dir = os.path.expanduser(dir) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return tempfile.mktemp(suffix='', prefix='asynctmp', dir=dir) def __access_buckets(filename,clear,new_key=None,new_value=None): """ Access data in forkbomb cache, potentially clearing or modifying it as required. """ internal_db = bsddb.btopen(filename, 'c', 0644 ) handle = open(filename,"r") fcntl.flock(handle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) storage = shelve.BsdDbShelf(internal_db) if clear: storage.clear() storage.close() fcntl.flock(handle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) return {} if not storage.has_key("data"): storage["data"] = {} if new_key is not None: # bsdb is a bit weird about this newish = storage["data"].copy() newish[new_key] = new_value storage["data"] = newish rc = storage["data"].copy() storage.close() fcntl.flock(handle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) return rc def __bucketize(pool, slots): """ Given a pre-existing list of X number of tasks, partition them into a hash of Y number of slots. """ buckets = {} count = 0 # print "DEBUG: slots: %s" % slots for key in pool: count = count + 1 slot = count % slots if not buckets.has_key(slot): buckets[slot] = [] buckets[slot].append(key) # print "DEBUG: buckets: %s" % buckets return buckets def __with_my_bucket(bucket_number,buckets,what_to_do,filename): """ Process all tasks assigned to a given fork, and save them in the shelf. """ things_in_my_bucket = buckets[bucket_number] results = {} for thing in things_in_my_bucket: (nkey,nvalue) = what_to_do(bucket_number,buckets,thing) __access_buckets(filename,False,nkey,nvalue) def __forkbomb(mybucket,buckets,what_to_do,filename): """ Recursive function to spawn of a lot of worker forks. """ nbuckets = len(buckets) pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: if mybucket < (nbuckets-1): __forkbomb(mybucket+1,buckets,what_to_do,filename) try: os.waitpid(pid,0) except OSError, ose: if ose.errno == 10: pass else: raise ose else: __with_my_bucket(mybucket,buckets,what_to_do,filename) sys.exit(0) def __demo(bucket_number, buckets, my_item): """ This is a demo handler for test purposes. It just multiplies all numbers by 1000, but slowly. """ print ">> I am fork (%s) and I am processing item (%s)" % (bucket_number, my_item) # just to verify forks are not sequential sleep = random.randrange(0,4) time.sleep(sleep) return (my_item, my_item * 1000) def batch_run(pool,callback,nforks=DEFAULT_FORKS,cachedir=DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR): """ Given an array of items (pool), call callback in each one, but divide the workload over nfork forks. Temporary files used during the operation will be created in cachedir and subsequently deleted. """ if nforks <= 1: # modulus voodoo gets crazy otherwise and bad things happen nforks = 2 shelf_file = __get_storage(cachedir) __access_buckets(shelf_file,True,None) buckets = __bucketize(pool, nforks) # print "DEBUG: buckets: %s" % buckets __forkbomb(1,buckets,callback,shelf_file) rc = __access_buckets(shelf_file,False,None) os.remove(shelf_file) return rc def __test(nforks=4,sample_size=20): pool = xrange(0,sample_size) print batch_run(pool,__demo,nforks=nforks) if __name__ == "__main__": __test()