path: root/server/yaml/
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/yaml/')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/yaml/ b/server/yaml/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51d9d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+from types import ListType, StringType, IntType, DictType, InstanceType
+import re
+from urllib import quote
+from timestamp import unquote
+noTarget = object()
+def escape(node):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This function escapes a given key so that it
+ may appear within a ypath. URI style escaping
+ is used so that ypath expressions can be a
+ valid URI expression.
+ """
+ typ = type(node)
+ if typ is IntType: return str(node)
+ if typ is StringType:
+ return quote(node,'')
+ raise ValueError("TODO: Support more than just string and integer keys.")
+class context:
+ """
+ summary: >
+ A ypath visit context through a YAML rooted graph.
+ This is implemented as a 3-tuple including the parent
+ node, the current key/index and the value. This is
+ an immutable object so it can be cached.
+ properties:
+ key: mapping key or index within the parent collection
+ value: current value within the parent's range
+ parent: the parent context
+ root: the very top of the yaml graph
+ path: a tuple of the domain keys
+ notes: >
+ The context class doesn't yet handle going down the
+ domain side of the tree...
+ """
+ def __init__(self,parent,key,value):
+ """
+ args:
+ parent: parent context (or None if this is the root)
+ key: mapping key or index for this context
+ value: value of current location...
+ """
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.key = key
+ self.value = value
+ if parent:
+ assert parent.__class__ is self.__class__
+ self.path = parent.path + (escape(key),)
+ self.root = parent.root
+ else:
+ assert not key
+ self.path = tuple()
+ self.root = self
+ def __setattr__(self,attname,attval):
+ if attname in ('parent','key','value'):
+ if self.__dict__.get(attname):
+ raise ValueError("context is read-only")
+ self.__dict__[attname] = attval
+ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.path)
+ def __cmp__(self,other):
+ try:
+ return cmp(self.path,other.path)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return -1
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.path:
+ return "/".join(('',)+self.path)
+ else:
+ return '/'
+def to_context(target):
+ if type(target) is InstanceType:
+ if target.__class__ is context:
+ return target
+ return context(None,None,target)
+def context_test():
+ lst = ['value']
+ map = {'key':lst}
+ x = context(None,None,map)
+ y = context(x,'key',lst)
+ z = context(y,0,'value')
+ assert ('key',) == y.path
+ assert 'key' == y.key
+ assert lst == y.value
+ assert x == y.parent
+ assert x == y.root
+ assert 0 == z.key
+ assert 'value' == z.value
+ assert y == z.parent
+ assert x == z.root
+ assert hash(x)
+ assert hash(y)
+ assert hash(z)
+ assert '/' == str(x)
+ assert '/key' == str(y)
+ assert '/key/0' == str(z)
+class null_seg:
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This is the simplest path segment, it
+ doesn't return any results and doesn't
+ depend upon its context. It also happens to
+ be the base class which all segments derive.
+ """
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next_null(self):
+ raise StopIteration
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ The bind function is called whenever
+ the parent context has changed.
+ """
+ assert(cntx.__class__ is context)
+ self.cntx = cntx
+ def apply(self,target):
+ self.bind(to_context(target))
+ return iter(self)
+ def exists(self,cntx):
+ try:
+ self.bind(cntx)
+ return 1
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ next = next_null
+class self_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This path segment returns the context
+ node exactly once.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '.'
+ def next_self(self):
+ = self.next_null
+ return self.cntx
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ = self.next_self
+class root_seg(self_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return '/'
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx.root)
+class parent_seg(self_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return '..'
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ if cntx.parent: cntx = cntx.parent
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+class wild_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ The wild segment simply loops through
+ all of the sub-contexts for a given object.
+ If there aren't any children, this isn't an
+ error it just doesn't return anything.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '*'
+ def next_wild(self):
+ key =
+ return context(self.cntx,key,self.values[key])
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ typ = type(cntx.value)
+ if typ is ListType:
+ self.keys = iter(xrange(0,len(cntx.value)))
+ self.values = cntx.value
+ = self.next_wild
+ return
+ if typ is DictType:
+ self.keys = iter(cntx.value)
+ self.values = cntx.value
+ = self.next_wild
+ return
+ = self.next_null
+class trav_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This is a recursive traversal of the range, preorder.
+ It is a recursive combination of self and wild.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '/'
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ (cntx,seg) = self.stk[-1]
+ if not seg:
+ seg = wild_seg()
+ seg.bind(cntx)
+ self.stk[-1] = (cntx,seg)
+ return cntx
+ try:
+ cntx =
+ self.stk.append((cntx,None))
+ except StopIteration:
+ self.stk.pop()
+ if not(self.stk):
+ = self.next_null
+ raise StopIteration
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.stk = [(cntx,None)]
+class match_seg(self_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ Matches a particular key within the
+ current context. Kinda boring.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return str(self.key)
+ def __init__(self,key):
+ #TODO: Do better implicit typing
+ try:
+ key = int(key)
+ except: pass
+ self.key = key
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ try:
+ mtch = cntx.value[self.key]
+ cntx = context(cntx,self.key,mtch)
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ except:
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+class conn_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ When two segments are connected via a slash,
+ this is a composite. For each context of the
+ parent, it binds the child, and returns each
+ context of the child.
+ """
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.parent.__class__ == root_seg:
+ return "/%s" % self.child
+ return "%s/%s" % (self.parent, self.child)
+ def __init__(self,parent,child):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.child = child
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ return
+ except StopIteration:
+ cntx =
+ self.child.bind(cntx)
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.parent.bind(cntx)
+ try:
+ cntx =
+ except StopIteration:
+ return
+ self.child.bind(cntx)
+class pred_seg(null_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return "%s[%s]" % (self.parent, self.filter)
+ def __init__(self,parent,filter):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.filter = filter
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ ret =
+ if self.filter.exists(ret):
+ return ret
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.parent.bind(cntx)
+class or_seg(null_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return "%s|%s" % (self.lhs,self.rhs)
+ def __init__(self,lhs,rhs):
+ self.rhs = rhs
+ self.lhs = lhs
+ self.unq = {}
+ def next(self):
+ seg = self.lhs
+ try:
+ nxt =
+ self.unq[nxt] = nxt
+ return nxt
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ seg = self.rhs
+ while 1:
+ nxt =
+ if self.unq.get(nxt,None):
+ continue
+ return nxt
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.lhs.bind(cntx)
+ self.rhs.bind(cntx)
+class scalar:
+ def __init__(self,val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.val)
+ def value(self):
+ return self.val
+class equal_pred:
+ def exists_true(self,cntx): return 1
+ def exists_false(self,cntx): return 0
+ def exists_scalar(self,cntx):
+ self.rhs.bind(cntx)
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ cntx =
+ if str(cntx.value) == self.lhs: #TODO: Remove type hack
+ return 1
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ return 0
+ def exists_segment(self,cntx):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def __init__(self,lhs,rhs):
+ if lhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ if rhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ if rhs.value() == lhs.value():
+ self.exists = self.exists_true
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_false
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_scalar
+ else:
+ if rhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ (lhs,rhs) = (rhs,lhs)
+ self.exists = self.exists_scalar
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_segment
+ self.lhs = str(lhs.value()) #TODO: Remove type hack
+ self.rhs = rhs
+matchSegment = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\*|\"|\')""")
+def parse_segment(expr):
+ """
+ Segments occur between the slashes...
+ """
+ mtch =
+ if not(mtch): return (None,expr)
+ tok =; siz = len(tok)
+ if '/' == tok: return (trav_seg(),expr)
+ elif '.' == tok:
+ if len(expr) > 1 and '.' == expr[1]:
+ seg = parent_seg()
+ siz = 2
+ else:
+ seg = self_seg()
+ elif '*' == tok: seg = wild_seg()
+ elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok:
+ (cur,siz) = unquote(expr)
+ seg = match_seg(cur)
+ else:
+ seg = match_seg(tok)
+ return (seg,expr[siz:])
+matchTerm = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\(|\"|\')""")
+def parse_term(expr):
+ mtch =
+ if not(mtch): return (None,expr)
+ tok =; siz = len(tok)
+ if '/' == tok or '.' == tok:
+ return parse(expr)
+ if '(' == tok:
+ (term,expr) = parse_predicate(expr)
+ assert ')' == expr[0]
+ return (term,expr[1:])
+ elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok:
+ (val,siz) = unquote(expr)
+ else:
+ val = tok; siz = len(tok)
+ return (scalar(val),expr[siz:])
+def parse_predicate(expr):
+ (term,expr) = parse_term(expr)
+ if not term: raise SyntaxError("term expected: '%s'" % expr)
+ tok = expr[0]
+ if '=' == tok:
+ (rhs,expr) = parse_term(expr[1:])
+ return (equal_pred(term,rhs),expr)
+ if '(' == tok:
+ raise "No functions allowed... yet!"
+ if ']' == tok or ')' == tok:
+ if term.__class__ is scalar:
+ term = match_seg(str(term))
+ return (term,expr)
+ raise SyntaxError("ypath: expecting operator '%s'" % expr)
+def parse_start(expr):
+ """
+ Initial checking on the expression, and
+ determine if it is relative or absolute.
+ """
+ if type(expr) != StringType or len(expr) < 1:
+ raise TypeError("string required: " + repr(expr))
+ if '/' == expr[0]:
+ ypth = root_seg()
+ else:
+ ypth = self_seg()
+ expr = '/' + expr
+ return (ypth,expr)
+def parse(expr):
+ """
+ This the parser entry point, the top level node
+ is always a root or self segment. The self isn't
+ strictly necessary, but it keeps things simple.
+ """
+ (ypth,expr) = parse_start(expr)
+ while expr:
+ tok = expr[0]
+ if '/' == tok:
+ (child, expr) = parse_segment(expr[1:])
+ if child: ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child)
+ continue
+ if '[' == tok:
+ (filter, expr) = parse_predicate(expr[1:])
+ assert ']' == expr[0]
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ ypth = pred_seg(ypth,filter)
+ continue
+ if '|' == tok:
+ (rhs, expr) = parse(expr[1:])
+ ypth = or_seg(ypth,rhs)
+ continue
+ if '(' == tok:
+ (child,expr) = parse(expr[1:])
+ assert ')' == expr[0]
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child)
+ continue
+ break
+ return (ypth,expr)
+class convert_to_value(null_seg):
+ def __init__(self,itr):
+ self.itr = itr
+ def next(self):
+ return
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ self.itr.bind(cntx)
+def ypath(expr,target=noTarget,cntx=0):
+ (ret,expr) = parse(expr)
+ if expr: raise SyntaxError("ypath parse error `%s`" % expr)
+ if not cntx: ret = convert_to_value(ret)
+ if target is noTarget: return ret
+ return ret.apply(target)