#extends cobbler.webui.master #block body #if $profile #end if #if $editable != True #set global $owners = $profile.owners #include "/usr/share/cobbler/webui_templates/enoaccess.tmpl" #end if
#if $profile Editing Profile #else Adding a Profile #end if #if $profile #if $profile.distro == "<>" #set $subprofile = 1 #else #set $subprofile = 0 #end if #else #end if #if $profile #end if #if $subprofile #else #end if #if $profile and $editable == True #end if #if $editable == True #end if #end block body
#if $profile

Example: RHEL-5-i386-webserver

Edit Rename + Edit Copy + Edit

How do you want to modify this object?

Inherit parameters from what profile?

What OS Distribution is this profile based on?

An absolute filesystem path to a template (preferred), or http:// URL

Example: noipv6 magic=foo

Example: dog=fido gnome=yes

For virtual installs only, require this disk size in GB.

For virtual installs only, allocate this amount of RAM, in MB.

#if $profile and $profile.virt_type == "auto" Any #else #if $profile Any #else Any #end if #end if #if $profile and $profile.virt_type == "xenpv" Xen (pv) #else Xen (pv) #end if #if $profile and $profile.virt_type == "qemu" qemu/KVM #else qemu/KVM #end if

What virtualization technology should koan use?

Sets koan's storage preferences, read manpage or leave blank.

Overrides the virtual networking bridge choice in settings.

How many virtual CPUs? This is an integer.

Select one or many additional repos to automatically assign to the target system. (this is a good place to include an updates repo)

Specifies alternative DHCP configuration, see manpage or leave blank

Use this server for kickstarts, not the value in settings. Usually this should be left alone.

#if $profile #set ownerslist = ','.join($profile.owners) #end if

Applies only if using authz_ownership module, comma-delimited

Yes Really

Check both buttons and click save to delete this object