function global_onload() { if (page_onload) { page_onload(); } } // mizmo's fancy list-code // some adaptations to work better with Cobbler WebUI IMAGE_COLLAPSED_PATH = '/cobbler/webui/list-expand.png'; IMAGE_EXPANDED_PATH = '/cobbler/webui/list-collapse.png'; //not really used: IMAGE_CHILDLESS_PATH = '/cobbler/webui/list-parent.png'; var rowHash = new Array(); var browserType; var columnsPerRow; // tip of the Red Hat to Mar Orlygsson for this little IE detection script var is_ie/*@cc_on = { quirksmode : (document.compatMode=="BackCompat"), version : parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.+?);/)[1]) }@*/; browserType = is_ie; function onLoadStuff(columns) { columnsPerRow = columns; var channelTable = document.getElementById('channel-list'); createParentRows(channelTable, rowHash); reuniteChildrenWithParents(channelTable, rowHash); iconifyChildlessParents(rowHash); } function iconifyChildlessParents(rowHash) { for (var i in rowHash) { if (!rowHash[i].hasChildren && rowHash[i].image) { // not needed in this implementation // rowHash[i].image.src = IMAGE_CHILDLESS_PATH; } } } // called from clicking the show/hide button on individual rows in the page function toggleRowVisibility(id) { if (!rowHash[id]) { return; } if (!rowHash[id].hasChildren) { return; } rowHash[id].toggleVisibility(); return; } function showAllRows() { var row; for (var i in rowHash) { row = rowHash[i]; if (!row) { continue; } if (!row.hasChildren) { continue; }; } return; } function hideAllRows() { var row; for (var i in rowHash) { row = rowHash[i]; if (!row) { continue; } if (!row.hasChildren) { continue; } row.hide(); } return; } function Row(cells, image) { this.cells = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { this.cells[i] = cells[i]; } this.image = image; this.hasChildren = 0; this.isHidden = 0; // 1 = hidden; 0 = visible. all rows are visible by default // Row object methods below! this.toggleVisibility = function() { if (this.isHidden == 1) {; } else if (this.isHidden == 0) { this.hide(); } return; } this.hide = function hide() { this.image.src = IMAGE_COLLAPSED_PATH; // we start with columnsPerRow, because we want to skip the td cells of the parent tr. for (var i = columnsPerRow; i < this.cells.length; i++) { // this looks suspicious // this.cells[i] = 'none'; // MPD: I added this: if (! this.isParent) { this.cells[i].style.display = 'none'; } } this.isHidden = 1; return; } = function() { displayType = ''; this.image.src = IMAGE_EXPANDED_PATH; for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { this.cells[i].style.display = ''; // also suspicious // this.cells[i] = displayType; } this.isHidden = 0; return; } } function createParentRows(channelTable, rowHash) { for (var i = 0; i < channelTable.rows.length; i++) { tableRowNode = channelTable.rows[i]; if (isParentRowNode(tableRowNode)) { if (! { continue; } id =; var cells = tableRowNode.cells; var image = findRowImageFromCells(cells, id) if (!image) { continue; } rowHash[id] = new Row(cells, image); // MPD: I added this rowHash[id].isParent = 1 } else { // MPD: I added this rowHash[id].isParent = 0 } } return; } function reuniteChildrenWithParents(channelTable, rowHash) { var parentNode; var childId; var tableChildRowNode; for (var i = 0; i < channelTable.rows.length; i++) { tableChildRowNode = channelTable.rows[i]; // when we find a parent, set it as parent for the children after it if (isParentRowNode(tableChildRowNode) && { parentNode = tableChildRowNode; continue; } if (!parentNode) { continue; } // it its not a child node we bail here if (!isChildRowNode(tableChildRowNode)) { continue; } // check child id against parent id if (!rowHash[]) { /*alert('bailing, cant find parent in hash');*/ continue; } for (var j = 0; j < tableChildRowNode.cells.length; j++) { rowHash[].cells.push(tableChildRowNode.cells[j]); rowHash[].hasChildren = 1; } } return; } function getNodeTagName(node) { var tagName; var nodeId; tagName = new String(node.tagName); return tagName.toLowerCase(); } function isParentRowNode(node) { var nodeInLowercase = getNodeTagName(node); if (nodeInLowercase != 'tr') { return 0; } nodeId =; if ((nodeId.indexOf('id')) && !(nodeId.indexOf('child'))) { return 0; } return 1; } function isChildRowNode(node) { var nodeInLowercase = getNodeTagName(node); var nodeId; if (nodeInLowercase != 'tr') { return 0; } nodeId =; if (nodeId.indexOf('child')) { return 0; } return 1; } function findRowImageFromCells(cells, id) { var imageId = id + '-image'; var childNodes; // first level child var grandchildNodes; // second level child for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { childNodes = null; grandchildNodes = null; if (!cells[i].hasChildNodes()) { continue; } childNodes = cells[i].childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < childNodes.length; j++) { if (!childNodes[j].hasChildNodes()) { continue; } if (getNodeTagName(childNodes[j]) != 'a') { continue; } grandchildNodes = childNodes[j].childNodes; for (var k = 0; k < grandchildNodes.length; k++) { if (grandchildNodes[k].name != imageId) { continue; } if (grandchildNodes[k].nodeName == 'IMG' || grandchildNodes[k].nodeName == 'img') { return grandchildNodes[k]; } } } } return null; }