# Messages used by bootconf. # Michael DeHaan """ This module encapsulates strings so they can be reused and potentially translated. """ msg_table = { "parse_error" : "could not parse /etc/bootconf.conf", "no_create" : "cannot create: %s", "no_args" : "this command requires arguments.", "missing_options" : "cannot add, all parameters have not been set", "unknown_cmd" : "bootconf doesn't understand '%s'", "bad_arg" : "expecting an equal sign in argument '%s'", "reject_arg" : "the value of parameter '%s' is not valid", "weird_arg" : "this command doesn't take a parameter named '%s'", "bad_sys_name" : "system name must be a MAC, IP, or resolveable host", "usage" : "for help, run 'bootconf help'", "need_to_fix" : "the following potential problems were detected:", "need_root" : "bootconf must be run as root", "no_dhcpd" : "can't find dhcpd, try 'yum install dhcpd'", "no_pxelinux" : "can't find pxelinux, try 'yum install pxelinux'", "no_tftpd" : "can't find tftpd, try 'yum install tftpd'", "no_dir" : "can't find %s, need to create it", "chg_attrib" : "need to change '%s' to '%s' in '%s'", "no_exist" : "%s does not exist", "no_line" : "file '%s' should have a line '%s' somewhere", "no_dir2" : "can't find %s for %s in bootconf.conf", "no_cfg" : "could not find bootconf.conf, recreating", "bad_param" : "at least one parameter is missing for this function", "empty_list" : "(Empty)", "err_resolv" : "system (%s) did not resolve", "err_kickstart" : "kickstart (%s) for item (%s) is not valid", "orphan_profile2" : "profile does not reference a distro", "orphan_system2" : "system does not reference a profile", "orphan_profile" : "removing this distro would break a profile", "orphan_system" : "removing this profile would break a system", "delete_nothing" : "can't delete something that doesn't exist", "no_distro" : "distro does not exist", "no_profile" : "profile does not exist", "no_kickstart" : "kickstart must be an http://, ftp:// or nfs:// URL", "no_kernel" : "the kernel needs to be a directory containing a kernel, or a full path. Kernels must be named just 'vmlinuz' or in the form 'vmlinuz-AA.BB.CC-something'", "no_initrd" : "the initrd needs to be a directory containing an initrd, or a full path. Initrds must be named just 'initrd.img' or in the form 'initrd-AA.BB.CC-something.img", "check_ok" : """ No setup problems found. Manual editing of /etc/dhcpd.conf and /etc/bootconf.conf is suggested to tailor them to your specific configuration. Your dhcpd.conf has some PXE related information in it, but it's imposible to tell automatically that it's totally correct in a general sense. We'll leave this up to you. Good luck. """, "help" : "see 'man bootconf'" } def m(key): """ Return the lookup of a string key. """ if key in msg_table: # localization could use different tables or just gettext. return msg_table[key] else: return "?%s?" % key