from types import ListType, StringType, IntType, DictType, InstanceType import re from urllib import quote from timestamp import unquote noTarget = object() def escape(node): """ summary: > This function escapes a given key so that it may appear within a ypath. URI style escaping is used so that ypath expressions can be a valid URI expression. """ typ = type(node) if typ is IntType: return str(node) if typ is StringType: return quote(node,'') raise ValueError("TODO: Support more than just string and integer keys.") class context: """ summary: > A ypath visit context through a YAML rooted graph. This is implemented as a 3-tuple including the parent node, the current key/index and the value. This is an immutable object so it can be cached. properties: key: mapping key or index within the parent collection value: current value within the parent's range parent: the parent context root: the very top of the yaml graph path: a tuple of the domain keys notes: > The context class doesn't yet handle going down the domain side of the tree... """ def __init__(self,parent,key,value): """ args: parent: parent context (or None if this is the root) key: mapping key or index for this context value: value of current location... """ self.parent = parent self.key = key self.value = value if parent: assert parent.__class__ is self.__class__ self.path = parent.path + (escape(key),) self.root = parent.root else: assert not key self.path = tuple() self.root = self def __setattr__(self,attname,attval): if attname in ('parent','key','value'): if self.__dict__.get(attname): raise ValueError("context is read-only") self.__dict__[attname] = attval def __hash__(self): return hash(self.path) def __cmp__(self,other): try: return cmp(self.path,other.path) except AttributeError: return -1 def __str__(self): if self.path: return "/".join(('',)+self.path) else: return '/' def to_context(target): if type(target) is InstanceType: if target.__class__ is context: return target return context(None,None,target) def context_test(): lst = ['value'] map = {'key':lst} x = context(None,None,map) y = context(x,'key',lst) z = context(y,0,'value') assert ('key',) == y.path assert 'key' == y.key assert lst == y.value assert x == y.parent assert x == y.root assert 0 == z.key assert 'value' == z.value assert y == z.parent assert x == z.root assert hash(x) assert hash(y) assert hash(z) assert '/' == str(x) assert '/key' == str(y) assert '/key/0' == str(z) class null_seg: """ summary: > This is the simplest path segment, it doesn't return any results and doesn't depend upon its context. It also happens to be the base class which all segments derive. """ def __iter__(self): return self def next_null(self): raise StopIteration def bind(self,cntx): """ summary: > The bind function is called whenever the parent context has changed. """ assert(cntx.__class__ is context) self.cntx = cntx def apply(self,target): self.bind(to_context(target)) return iter(self) def exists(self,cntx): try: self.bind(cntx) return 1 except StopIteration: return 0 next = next_null class self_seg(null_seg): """ summary: > This path segment returns the context node exactly once. """ def __str__(self): return '.' def next_self(self): = self.next_null return self.cntx def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) = self.next_self class root_seg(self_seg): def __str__(self): return '/' def bind(self,cntx): self_seg.bind(self,cntx.root) class parent_seg(self_seg): def __str__(self): return '..' def bind(self,cntx): if cntx.parent: cntx = cntx.parent self_seg.bind(self,cntx) class wild_seg(null_seg): """ summary: > The wild segment simply loops through all of the sub-contexts for a given object. If there aren't any children, this isn't an error it just doesn't return anything. """ def __str__(self): return '*' def next_wild(self): key = return context(self.cntx,key,self.values[key]) def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) typ = type(cntx.value) if typ is ListType: self.keys = iter(xrange(0,len(cntx.value))) self.values = cntx.value = self.next_wild return if typ is DictType: self.keys = iter(cntx.value) self.values = cntx.value = self.next_wild return = self.next_null class trav_seg(null_seg): """ summary: > This is a recursive traversal of the range, preorder. It is a recursive combination of self and wild. """ def __str__(self): return '/' def next(self): while 1: (cntx,seg) = self.stk[-1] if not seg: seg = wild_seg() seg.bind(cntx) self.stk[-1] = (cntx,seg) return cntx try: cntx = self.stk.append((cntx,None)) except StopIteration: self.stk.pop() if not(self.stk): = self.next_null raise StopIteration def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) self.stk = [(cntx,None)] class match_seg(self_seg): """ summary: > Matches a particular key within the current context. Kinda boring. """ def __str__(self): return str(self.key) def __init__(self,key): #TODO: Do better implicit typing try: key = int(key) except: pass self.key = key def bind(self,cntx): try: mtch = cntx.value[self.key] cntx = context(cntx,self.key,mtch) self_seg.bind(self,cntx) except: null_seg.bind(self,cntx) class conn_seg(null_seg): """ summary: > When two segments are connected via a slash, this is a composite. For each context of the parent, it binds the child, and returns each context of the child. """ def __str__(self): if self.parent.__class__ == root_seg: return "/%s" % self.child return "%s/%s" % (self.parent, self.child) def __init__(self,parent,child): self.parent = parent self.child = child def next(self): while 1: try: return except StopIteration: cntx = self.child.bind(cntx) def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) self.parent.bind(cntx) try: cntx = except StopIteration: return self.child.bind(cntx) class pred_seg(null_seg): def __str__(self): return "%s[%s]" % (self.parent, self.filter) def __init__(self,parent,filter): self.parent = parent self.filter = filter def next(self): while 1: ret = if self.filter.exists(ret): return ret def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) self.parent.bind(cntx) class or_seg(null_seg): def __str__(self): return "%s|%s" % (self.lhs,self.rhs) def __init__(self,lhs,rhs): self.rhs = rhs self.lhs = lhs self.unq = {} def next(self): seg = self.lhs try: nxt = self.unq[nxt] = nxt return nxt except StopIteration: pass seg = self.rhs while 1: nxt = if self.unq.get(nxt,None): continue return nxt def bind(self,cntx): null_seg.bind(self,cntx) self.lhs.bind(cntx) self.rhs.bind(cntx) class scalar: def __init__(self,val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return str(self.val) def value(self): return self.val class equal_pred: def exists_true(self,cntx): return 1 def exists_false(self,cntx): return 0 def exists_scalar(self,cntx): self.rhs.bind(cntx) try: while 1: cntx = if str(cntx.value) == self.lhs: #TODO: Remove type hack return 1 except StopIteration: pass return 0 def exists_segment(self,cntx): raise NotImplementedError() def __init__(self,lhs,rhs): if lhs.__class__ == scalar: if rhs.__class__ == scalar: if rhs.value() == lhs.value(): self.exists = self.exists_true else: self.exists = self.exists_false else: self.exists = self.exists_scalar else: if rhs.__class__ == scalar: (lhs,rhs) = (rhs,lhs) self.exists = self.exists_scalar else: self.exists = self.exists_segment self.lhs = str(lhs.value()) #TODO: Remove type hack self.rhs = rhs matchSegment = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\*|\"|\')""") def parse_segment(expr): """ Segments occur between the slashes... """ mtch = if not(mtch): return (None,expr) tok =; siz = len(tok) if '/' == tok: return (trav_seg(),expr) elif '.' == tok: if len(expr) > 1 and '.' == expr[1]: seg = parent_seg() siz = 2 else: seg = self_seg() elif '*' == tok: seg = wild_seg() elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok: (cur,siz) = unquote(expr) seg = match_seg(cur) else: seg = match_seg(tok) return (seg,expr[siz:]) matchTerm = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\(|\"|\')""") def parse_term(expr): mtch = if not(mtch): return (None,expr) tok =; siz = len(tok) if '/' == tok or '.' == tok: return parse(expr) if '(' == tok: (term,expr) = parse_predicate(expr) assert ')' == expr[0] return (term,expr[1:]) elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok: (val,siz) = unquote(expr) else: val = tok; siz = len(tok) return (scalar(val),expr[siz:]) def parse_predicate(expr): (term,expr) = parse_term(expr) if not term: raise SyntaxError("term expected: '%s'" % expr) tok = expr[0] if '=' == tok: (rhs,expr) = parse_term(expr[1:]) return (equal_pred(term,rhs),expr) if '(' == tok: raise "No functions allowed... yet!" if ']' == tok or ')' == tok: if term.__class__ is scalar: term = match_seg(str(term)) return (term,expr) raise SyntaxError("ypath: expecting operator '%s'" % expr) def parse_start(expr): """ Initial checking on the expression, and determine if it is relative or absolute. """ if type(expr) != StringType or len(expr) < 1: raise TypeError("string required: " + repr(expr)) if '/' == expr[0]: ypth = root_seg() else: ypth = self_seg() expr = '/' + expr return (ypth,expr) def parse(expr): """ This the parser entry point, the top level node is always a root or self segment. The self isn't strictly necessary, but it keeps things simple. """ (ypth,expr) = parse_start(expr) while expr: tok = expr[0] if '/' == tok: (child, expr) = parse_segment(expr[1:]) if child: ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child) continue if '[' == tok: (filter, expr) = parse_predicate(expr[1:]) assert ']' == expr[0] expr = expr[1:] ypth = pred_seg(ypth,filter) continue if '|' == tok: (rhs, expr) = parse(expr[1:]) ypth = or_seg(ypth,rhs) continue if '(' == tok: (child,expr) = parse(expr[1:]) assert ')' == expr[0] expr = expr[1:] ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child) continue break return (ypth,expr) class convert_to_value(null_seg): def __init__(self,itr): self.itr = itr def next(self): return def bind(self,cntx): self.itr.bind(cntx) def ypath(expr,target=noTarget,cntx=0): (ret,expr) = parse(expr) if expr: raise SyntaxError("ypath parse error `%s`" % expr) if not cntx: ret = convert_to_value(ret) if target is noTarget: return ret return ret.apply(target)