import types import string from types import StringType, UnicodeType, IntType, FloatType from types import DictType, ListType, TupleType, InstanceType from klass import hasMethod, isDictionary import re """ The methods from this module that are exported to the top level yaml package should remain stable. If you call directly into other methods of this module, be aware that they may change or go away in future implementations. Contact the authors if there are methods in this file that you wish to remain stable. """ def dump(*data): return Dumper().dump(*data) def d(data): return dump(data) def dumpToFile(file, *data): return Dumper().dumpToFile(file, *data) class Dumper: def __init__(self): self.currIndent = "\n" self.indent = " " self.keysrt = None self.alphaSort = 1 # legacy -- on by default def setIndent(self, indent): self.indent = indent return self def setSort(self, sort_hint): self.keysrt = sortMethod(sort_hint) return self def dump(self, *data): self.result = [] self.output = self.outputToString self.dumpDocuments(data) return string.join(self.result,"") def outputToString(self, data): self.result.append(data) def dumpToFile(self, file, *data): self.file = file self.output = self.outputToFile self.dumpDocuments(data) def outputToFile(self, data): self.file.write(data) def dumpDocuments(self, data): for obj in data: self.anchors = YamlAnchors(obj) self.output("---") self.dumpData(obj) self.output("\n") def indentDump(self, data): oldIndent = self.currIndent self.currIndent += self.indent self.dumpData(data) self.currIndent = oldIndent def dumpData(self, data): anchor = self.anchors.shouldAnchor(data) # Disabling anchors because they are lame for strings that the user might want to view/edit -- mdehaan # #if anchor: # self.output(" &%d" % anchor ) #else: # anchor = self.anchors.isAlias(data) # if anchor: # self.output(" *%d" % anchor ) # return if (data is None): self.output(' ~') elif hasMethod(data, 'to_yaml'): self.dumpTransformedObject(data) elif hasMethod(data, 'to_yaml_implicit'): self.output(" " + data.to_yaml_implicit()) elif type(data) is InstanceType: self.dumpRawObject(data) elif isDictionary(data): self.dumpDict(data) elif type(data) in [ListType, TupleType]: self.dumpList(data) else: self.dumpScalar(data) def dumpTransformedObject(self, data): obj_yaml = data.to_yaml() if type(obj_yaml) is not TupleType: self.raiseToYamlSyntaxError() (data, typestring) = obj_yaml if typestring: self.output(" " + typestring) self.dumpData(data) def dumpRawObject(self, data): self.output(' !!%s.%s' % (data.__module__, data.__class__.__name__)) self.dumpData(data.__dict__) def dumpDict(self, data): keys = data.keys() if len(keys) == 0: self.output(" {}") return if self.keysrt: keys = sort_keys(keys,self.keysrt) else: if self.alphaSort: keys.sort() for key in keys: self.output(self.currIndent) self.dumpKey(key) self.output(":") self.indentDump(data[key]) def dumpKey(self, key): if type(key) is TupleType: self.output("?") self.indentDump(key) self.output("\n") else: self.output(quote(key)) def dumpList(self, data): if len(data) == 0: self.output(" []") return for item in data: self.output(self.currIndent) self.output("-") self.indentDump(item) def dumpScalar(self, data): if isUnicode(data): self.output(' "%s"' % repr(data)[2:-1]) elif isMulti(data): self.dumpMultiLineScalar(data.splitlines()) else: self.output(" ") self.output(quote(data)) def dumpMultiLineScalar(self, lines): self.output(" |") if lines[-1] == "": self.output("+") for line in lines: self.output(self.currIndent) self.output(line) def raiseToYamlSyntaxError(self): raise """ to_yaml should return tuple w/object to dump and optional YAML type. Example: ({'foo': 'bar'}, '!!foobar') """ #### ANCHOR-RELATED METHODS def accumulate(obj,occur): typ = type(obj) if obj is None or \ typ is IntType or \ typ is FloatType or \ ((typ is StringType or typ is UnicodeType) \ and len(obj) < 32): return obid = id(obj) if 0 == occur.get(obid,0): occur[obid] = 1 if typ is ListType: for x in obj: accumulate(x,occur) if typ is DictType: for (x,y) in obj.items(): accumulate(x,occur) accumulate(y,occur) else: occur[obid] = occur[obid] + 1 class YamlAnchors: def __init__(self,data): occur = {} accumulate(data,occur) anchorVisits = {} for (obid, occur) in occur.items(): if occur > 1: anchorVisits[obid] = 0 self._anchorVisits = anchorVisits self._currentAliasIndex = 0 def shouldAnchor(self,obj): ret = self._anchorVisits.get(id(obj),None) if 0 == ret: self._currentAliasIndex = self._currentAliasIndex + 1 ret = self._currentAliasIndex self._anchorVisits[id(obj)] = ret return ret return 0 def isAlias(self,obj): return self._anchorVisits.get(id(obj),0) ### SORTING METHODS def sort_keys(keys,fn): tmp = [] for key in keys: val = fn(key) if val is None: val = '~' tmp.append((val,key)) tmp.sort() return [ y for (x,y) in tmp ] def sortMethod(sort_hint): typ = type(sort_hint) if DictType == typ: return sort_hint.get elif ListType == typ or TupleType == typ: indexes = {}; idx = 0 for item in sort_hint: indexes[item] = idx idx += 1 return indexes.get else: return sort_hint ### STRING QUOTING AND SCALAR HANDLING def isStr(data): # XXX 2.1 madness if type(data) == type(''): return 1 if type(data) == type(u''): return 1 return 0 def doubleUpQuotes(data): return data.replace("'", "''") def quote(data): if not isStr(data): return str(data) single = "'" double = '"' quote = '' if len(data) == 0: return "''" if hasSpecialChar(data) or data[0] == single: data = `data`[1:-1] data = string.replace(data, r"\x08", r"\b") quote = double elif needsSingleQuote(data): quote = single data = doubleUpQuotes(data) return "%s%s%s" % (quote, data, quote) def needsSingleQuote(data): if re.match(r"^-?\d", data): return 1 if re.match(r"\*\S", data): return 1 if data[0] in ['&', ' ']: return 1 if data[0] == '"': return 1 if data[-1] == ' ': return 1 return ('[:]', data) or'(\d\.){2}', data)) def hasSpecialChar(data): # need test to drive out '#' from this return'[\t\b\r\f#]', data) def isMulti(data): if not isStr(data): return 0 if hasSpecialChar(data): return 0 return"\n", data) def isUnicode(data): return type(data) == unicode def sloppyIsUnicode(data): # XXX - hack to make tests pass for 2.1 return repr(data)[:2] == "u'" and repr(data) != data import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x20200000: isUnicode = sloppyIsUnicode