""" Misc heavy lifting functions for cobbler Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import re import socket import glob import sub_process import shutil import string import traceback from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 _re_kernel = re.compile(r'vmlinuz(.*)') _re_initrd = re.compile(r'initrd(.*).img') def trace_me(): x = traceback.extract_stack() bar = string.join(traceback.format_list(x)) return bar def get_host_ip(ip): """ Return the IP encoding needed for the TFTP boot tree. """ handle = sub_process.Popen("/usr/bin/gethostip %s" % ip, shell=True, stdout=sub_process.PIPE) out = handle.stdout results = out.read() return results.split(" ")[-1][0:8] def get_config_filename(sys): """ The configuration file for each system pxe uses is either a form of the MAC address of the hex version of the IP. If none of that is available, just use the given name, though the name given will be unsuitable for PXE configuration (For this, check system.is_pxe_supported()). This same file is used to store system config information in the Apache tree, so it's still relevant. """ if sys.name == "default": return "default" mac = sys.get_mac_address() ip = sys.get_ip_address() if mac != None: return "01-" + "-".join(mac.split(":")).lower() elif ip != None: return utils.get_host_ip(ip) else: return sys.name def is_ip(strdata): """ Return whether the argument is an IP address. ipv6 needs to be added... """ # needs testcase if strdata is None: return False if re.search(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',strdata): return True return False def is_mac(strdata): """ Return whether the argument is a mac address. """ # needs testcase if strdata is None: return False if re.search(r'[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F:0-9]{2}:[A-F:0-9]{2}',strdata, re.IGNORECASE): return True return False def resolve_ip(strdata): """ Resolve the IP address and handle errors... """ try: return socket.gethostbyname(strdata) except: return None def find_matching_files(directory,regex): """ Find all files in a given directory that match a given regex. Can't use glob directly as glob doesn't take regexen. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory,"*")) results = [] for f in files: if regex.match(os.path.basename(f)): results.append(f) return results def find_highest_files(directory,unversioned,regex): """ Find the highest numbered file (kernel or initrd numbering scheme) in a given directory that matches a given pattern. Used for auto-booting the latest kernel in a directory. """ files = find_matching_files(directory, regex) get_numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)') def max2(a, b): """Returns the larger of the two values""" av = get_numbers.search(os.path.basename(a)).groups() bv = get_numbers.search(os.path.basename(b)).groups() ret = cmp(av[0], bv[0]) or cmp(av[1], bv[1]) or cmp(av[2], bv[2]) if ret < 0: return b return a if len(files) > 0: return reduce(max2, files) # couldn't find a highest numbered file, but maybe there # is just a 'vmlinuz' or an 'initrd.img' in this directory? last_chance = os.path.join(directory,unversioned) if os.path.exists(last_chance): return last_chance return None def find_kernel(path): """ Given a directory or a filename, find if the path can be made to resolve into a kernel, and return that full path if possible. """ if path is None: return None if os.path.isfile(path): #filename = os.path.basename(path) #if _re_kernel.match(filename): # return path #elif filename == "vmlinuz": # return path return path elif os.path.isdir(path): return find_highest_files(path,"vmlinuz",_re_kernel) return None def remove_yum_olddata(path): """ Delete .olddata files that might be present from a failed run of createrepo. """ trythese = [ ".olddata", ".repodata/.olddata", "repodata/.oldata", "repodata/repodata" ] for pathseg in trythese: olddata = os.path.join(path, pathseg) if os.path.exists(olddata): print _("- removing: %s") % olddata shutil.rmtree(olddata, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) def find_initrd(path): """ Given a directory or a filename, see if the path can be made to resolve into an intird, return that full path if possible. """ # FUTURE: try to match kernel/initrd pairs? if path is None: return None if os.path.isfile(path): #filename = os.path.basename(path) #if _re_initrd.match(filename): # return path #if filename == "initrd.img" or filename == "initrd": # return path return path elif os.path.isdir(path): return find_highest_files(path,"initrd.img",_re_initrd) return None def find_kickstart(url): """ Check if a kickstart url looks like an http, ftp, nfs or local path. If a local path is used, cobbler will copy the kickstart and serve it over http. """ if url is None: return None x = url.lower() for y in ["http://","nfs://","ftp://","/"]: if x.startswith(y): if x.startswith("/") and not os.path.isfile(url): return None return url return None def input_string_or_hash(options,delim=","): """ Older cobbler files stored configurations in a flat way, such that all values for strings. Newer versions of cobbler allow dictionaries. This function is used to allow loading of older value formats so new users of cobbler aren't broken in an upgrade. """ if options is None: return (True, {}) elif type(options) != dict: new_dict = {} tokens = options.split(delim) for t in tokens: tokens2 = t.split("=") if len(tokens2) == 1 and tokens2[0] != '': new_dict[tokens2[0]] = None elif len(tokens2) == 2 and tokens2[0] != '': new_dict[tokens2[0]] = tokens2[1] else: return (False, {}) new_dict.pop('', None) return (True, new_dict) else: options.pop('',None) return (True, options)