""" Cobbler uses Cheetah templates for lots of stuff, but there's some additional magic around that to deal with snippets/etc. (And it's not spelled wrong!) Copyright 2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import os.path import glob import utils from cexceptions import * from Cheetah.Template import Template class Templar: def __init__(self,config): """ Constructor """ self.config = config self.api = config.api self.settings = config.settings() self.cache = {} def render(self, data_input, search_table, out_path, subject=None): """ Render data_input back into a file. data_input is either a string or a filename search_table is a hash of metadata keys and values out_path if not-none writes the results to a file (though results are always returned) subject is a profile or system object, if available (for snippet eval) """ if type(data_input) != str: raw_data = data_input.read() else: raw_data = data_input # backward support for Cobbler's legacy (and slightly more readable) # template syntax. raw_data = raw_data.replace("TEMPLATE::","$") # replace snippets with the proper Cheetah include directives prior to processing. # see Wiki for full details on how snippets operate. snippet_results = "" for line in raw_data.split("\n"): line = self.replace_snippets(line,subject) snippet_results = "\n".join((snippet_results, line)) raw_data = snippet_results # HACK: the ksmeta field may contain nfs://server:/mount in which # case this is likely WRONG for kickstart, which needs the NFS # directive instead. Do this to make the templates work. newdata = "" if search_table.has_key("tree") and search_table["tree"].startswith("nfs://"): for line in data.split("\n"): if line.find("--url") != -1 and line.find("url ") != -1: rest = search_table["tree"][6:] # strip off "nfs://" part try: (server, dir) = rest.split(":",2) except: raise CX(_("Invalid syntax for NFS path given during import: %s" % search_table["tree"])) line = "nfs --server %s --dir %s" % (server,dir) # but put the URL part back in so koan can still see # what the original value was line = line + "\n" + "#url --url=%s" % search_table["tree"] newdata = newdata + line + "\n" raw_data = newdata # tell Cheetah not to blow up if it can't find a symbol for something raw_data = "#errorCatcher Echo\n" + raw_data # now do full templating scan, where we will also templatify the snippet insertions t = Template(source=raw_data, searchList=[search_table]) try: data_out = str(t) except: print _("There appears to be an formatting error in the template file.") print _("For completeness, the traceback from Cheetah has been included below.") raise # now apply some magic post-filtering that is used by cobbler import and some # other places, but doesn't use Cheetah. Forcing folks to double escape # things would be very unwelcome. for x in search_table: if type(search_table[x]) == str: data_out = data_out.replace("@@%s@@" % x, search_table[x]) # remove leading newlines which apparently breaks AutoYAST ? if data_out.startswith("\n"): data_out = data_out.strip() if out_path is not None: utils.mkdir(os.path.dirname(out_path)) fd = open(out_path, "w+") fd.write(data_out) fd.close() return data_out def replace_snippets(self,line,subject): """ Replace all SNIPPET:: syntaxes on a line with the results of evaluating the snippet, taking care not to replace tabs with spaces or anything like that """ tokens = line.split(None) for t in tokens: if t.startswith("SNIPPET::"): snippet_name = t.replace("SNIPPET::","") line = line.replace(t,self.eval_snippet(snippet_name,subject)) return line def eval_snippet(self,name,subject): """ Replace SNIPPET::foo with contents of files: Use /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/per_system/$name/$sysname /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/per_profile/$name/$proname /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/$name in order... (first one wins) """ sd = self.settings.snippetsdir default_path = "%s/%s" % (sd,name) if subject is None: if os.path.exists(default_path): return self.slurp(default_path) else: return self.slurp(None) if subject.COLLECTION_TYPE == "system": profile = self.api.find_profile(name=subject.profile) sys_path = "%s/per_system/%s/%s" % (sd,name,subject.name) pro_path = "%s/per_profile/%s/%s" % (sd,name,profile.name) if os.path.exists(sys_path): return self.slurp(sys_path) elif os.path.exists(pro_path): return self.slurp(pro_path) elif os.path.exists(default_path): return self.slurp(default_path) else: return self.slurp(None) if subject.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile": pro_path = "%s/per_profile/%s/%s" % (sd,name,subject.name) if os.path.exists(pro_path): return self.slurp(pro_path) elif os.path.exists(default_path): return self.slurp(default_path) else: return self.slurp(None) return self.slurp(None) def slurp(self,filename): """ Get the contents of a filename but if none is specified just include some generic error text for the rendered template. """ if filename is None: return "# error: no snippet data found" # potentially eliminate a ton of system calls if syncing # thousands of systems that use the same template if self.cache.has_key(filename): return self.cache[filename] fd = open(filename,"r") data = fd.read() self.cache[filename] = data fd.close() return data