# Interface for Cobbler's XMLRPC API(s). # there are two: # a read-only API that koan uses # a read-write API that requires logins # # Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc # Michael DeHaan # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import sys import socket import time import os import SimpleXMLRPCServer from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 import xmlrpclib import random import base64 import string import traceback import glob import api as cobbler_api import utils from cexceptions import * import item_distro import item_profile import item_system import item_repo # FIXME: make configurable? TOKEN_TIMEOUT = 60*60 # 60 minutes OBJECT_TIMEOUT = 60*60 # 60 minutes TOKEN_CACHE = {} OBJECT_CACHE = {} # ********************************************************************* # ********************************************************************* class CobblerXMLRPCInterface: """ This is the interface used for all public XMLRPC methods, for instance, as used by koan. The read-write interface which inherits from this adds more methods, though that interface can be disabled. note: public methods take an optional parameter token that is just here for consistancy with the ReadWrite API. The tokens for the read only interface are intentionally /not/ validated. It's a public API. """ def __init__(self,api,logger,enable_auth_if_relevant): self.api = api self.logger = logger self.auth_enabled = enable_auth_if_relevant def __sorter(self,a,b): return cmp(a["name"],b["name"]) def ping(self): return True def update(self,token=None): # ensure the config is up to date as of /now/ self.api.deserialize() return True def get_user_from_token(self,token): if not TOKEN_CACHE.has_key(token): raise CX(_("invalid token: %s") % token) else: return self.token_cache[token][1] def log(self,msg,user=None,token=None,name=None,object_id=None,attribute=None,debug=False,error=False): # add the user editing the object, if supplied m_user = "?" if user is not None: m_user = user if token is not None: try: m_user = self.get_user_from_token(token) except: # invalid or expired token? m_user = "???" msg = "%s; user(%s)" % (msg, m_user) # add the object name being modified, if any oname = "" if name: oname = name elif object_id: try: (objref, time) = self.object_cache[object_id] oname = objref.name if oname == "" or oname is None: oname = "???" except: oname = "*EXPIRED*" if oname != "": msg = "%s; object(%s)" % (msg, oname) # add any attributes being modified, if any if attribute: msg = "%s; attribute(%s)" % (msg, attribute) # log to the correct logger if error: logger = self.logger.error elif debug: logger = self.logger.debug else: logger = self.logger.info logger(msg) def get_size(self,collection_name): """ Returns the number of entries in a collection (but not the actual collection) for WUI/TUI interfaces that want to paginate the results. """ data = self.__get_all(collection_name) return len(data) def __get_all(self,collection_name,page=None,results_per_page=None): """ Helper method to return all data to the WebUI or another caller without going through the process of loading all the data into objects and recalculating. Supports pagination for WUI or TUI based interfaces. """ # FIXME: a global lock or module around data access loading # would be useful for non-db backed storage data = self.api.deserialize_raw(collection_name) total_items = len(data) if collection_name == "settings": return self._fix_none(data) data.sort(self.__sorter) if page is not None and results_per_page is not None: page = int(page) results_per_page = int(results_per_page) if page < 0: return [] if results_per_page <= 0: return [] start_point = (results_per_page * page) end_point = (results_per_page * page) + results_per_page if start_point > total_items: start_point = total_items - 1 # correct ??? if end_point > total_items: end_point = total_items data = self._fix_none(data[start_point:end_point]) return self._fix_none(data) def get_kickstart_templates(self,token): """ Returns all of the kickstarts that are in use by the system. """ self.log("get_kickstart_templates",token=token) self.check_access(token, "get_kickstart_templates") return utils.get_kickstart_templates(self.api) def is_kickstart_in_use(self,ks,token): self.log("is_kickstart_in_use",token=token) self.check_access(token, "is_kickstart_in_use") for x in self.api.profiles(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart == ks: return True for x in self.api.systems(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart == ks: return True return False def generate_kickstart(self,profile=None,system=None,REMOTE_ADDR=None,REMOTE_MAC=None): self.log("generate_kickstart") if profile and not system: regrc = self.register_mac(REMOTE_MAC,profile) return self.api.generate_kickstart(profile,system) def get_settings(self,token=None): """ Return the contents of /var/lib/cobbler/settings, which is a hash. """ self.log("get_settings",token=token) return self.__get_all("settings") def profile_change(self,mac,newprofile,token=None): """ If allow_cgi_profile_change is enabled in settings, this allows kickstarts to set the profile of a machine to another profile via a wget in %post. This has security implications. READ: https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/AutoProfileChange """ if not self.api.settings().allow_cgi_profile_change: return 1 system = self.api.find_system(mac_address=mac) if system is None: return 2 system.set_profile(newprofile) self.api.add_system(system) def register_mac(self,mac,profile,token=None): """ If allow_cgi_register_mac is enabled in settings, this allows kickstarts to add new system records for per-profile-provisioned systems automatically via a wget in %post. This has security implications. READ: https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/AutoRegistration """ if mac is None: # don't go further if not being called by anaconda return 1 if not self.api.settings().register_new_installs: # must be enabled in settings return 2 system = self.api.find_system(mac_address=mac) if system is not None: # do not allow overwrites return 3 # the MAC probably looks like "eth0 AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" now, fix it if mac.find(" ") != -1: mac = mac.split()[-1] dup = self.api.find_system(mac_address=mac) if dup is not None: return 4 self.log("register mac for profile %s" % profile,token=token,name=mac) obj = self.api.new_system() obj.set_profile(profile) name = mac.replace(":","_") obj.set_name(name) obj.set_mac_address(mac, "intf0") obj.set_netboot_enabled(False) self.api.add_system(obj) return 0 def disable_netboot(self,name,token=None): """ This is a feature used by the pxe_just_once support, see manpage. Sets system named "name" to no-longer PXE. Disabled by default as this requires public API access and is technically a read-write operation. """ self.log("disable_netboot",token=token,name=name) # used by nopxe.cgi self.api.clear() self.api.deserialize() if not self.api.settings().pxe_just_once: # feature disabled! return False systems = self.api.systems() obj = systems.find(name=name) if obj == None: # system not found! return False obj.set_netboot_enabled(0) # disabling triggers and sync to make this extremely fast. systems.add(obj,save=True,with_triggers=False,with_sync=False,quick_pxe_update=True) return True def run_install_triggers(self,mode,objtype,name,ip,token=None): """ This is a feature used to run the pre/post install triggers. See CobblerTriggers on Wiki for details """ self.log("run_install_triggers",token=token) if mode != "pre" and mode != "post": return False if objtype != "system" and objtype !="profile": return False # the trigger script is called with name,mac, and ip as arguments 1,2, and 3 # we do not do API lookups here because they are rather expensive at install # time if reinstalling all of a cluster all at once. # we can do that at "cobbler check" time. utils.run_triggers(None, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/%s/*" % mode, additional=[objtype,name,ip]) return True def _refresh(self): """ Internal function to reload cobbler's configuration from disk. This is used to prevent any out of band management (the cobbler CLI, or yaml hacking, etc) from resulting in the cobbler state of XMLRPC API's daemon being different from the actual on-disk state. """ self.api.clear() self.api.deserialize() def version(self,token=None): """ Return the cobbler version for compatibility testing with remote applications. Returns as a float, 0.6.1-2 should result in (int) "0.612". """ self.log("version",token=token) return self.api.version() def get_distros(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None): """ Returns all cobbler distros as an array of hashes. """ self.log("get_distros",token=token) return self.__get_all("distro",page,results_per_page) def get_profiles(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None): """ Returns all cobbler profiles as an array of hashes. """ self.log("get_profiles",token=token) return self.__get_all("profile",page,results_per_page) def get_systems(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None): """ Returns all cobbler systems as an array of hashes. """ self.log("get_systems",token=token) return self.__get_all("system",page,results_per_page) def get_repos(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None): """ Returns all cobbler repos as an array of hashes. """ self.log("get_repos",token=token) return self.__get_all("repo",page,results_per_page) def __get_specific(self,collection_fn,name,flatten=False): """ Internal function to return a hash representation of a given object if it exists, otherwise an empty hash will be returned. """ self._refresh() item = collection_fn().find(name=name) if item is None: return self._fix_none({}) result = item.to_datastruct() if flatten: result = utils.flatten(result) return self._fix_none(result) def get_distro(self,name,flatten=False,token=None): """ Returns the distro named "name" as a hash. """ self.log("get_distro",token=token,name=name) return self.__get_specific(self.api.distros,name,flatten=flatten) def get_profile(self,name,flatten=False,token=None): """ Returns the profile named "name" as a hash. """ self.log("get_profile",token=token,name=name) return self.__get_specific(self.api.profiles,name,flatten=flatten) def get_system(self,name,flatten=False,token=None): """ Returns the system named "name" as a hash. """ self.log("get_system",name=name,token=token) return self.__get_specific(self.api.systems,name,flatten=flatten) def get_repo(self,name,flatten=False,token=None): """ Returns the repo named "name" as a hash. """ self.log("get_repo",name=name,token=token) return self.__get_specific(self.api.repos,name,flatten=flatten) def get_distro_as_rendered(self,name,token=None): """ Return the distribution as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_distro_for_koan(self,name) def get_distro_for_koan(self,name,token=None): """ Same as get_distro_as_rendered. """ self.log("get_distro_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) self._refresh() obj = self.api.distros().find(name=name) if obj is not None: return self._fix_none(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self._fix_none({}) def get_profile_as_rendered(self,name,token=None): """ Return the profile as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_profile_for_koan(name,token) def get_profile_for_koan(self,name,token=None): """ Same as get_profile_as_rendered """ self.log("get_profile_as_rendered", name=name, token=token) self._refresh() obj = self.api.profiles().find(name=name) if obj is not None: return self._fix_none(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self._fix_none({}) def get_system_as_rendered(self,name,token=None): """ Return the system as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_system_for_koan(self,name) def get_system_for_koan(self,name,token=None): """ Same as get_system_as_rendered. """ self.log("get_system_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) self._refresh() obj = self.api.systems().find(name=name) if obj is not None: return self._fix_none(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self._fix_none({}) def get_repo_as_rendered(self,name,token=None): """ Return the repo as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_repo_for_koan(self,name) def get_repo_for_koan(self,name,token=None): """ Same as get_repo_as_rendered. """ self.log("get_repo_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) self._refresh() obj = self.api.repos().find(name=name) if obj is not None: return self._fix_none(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self._fix_none({}) def get_random_mac(self,token=None): """ Wrapper for utils.get_random_mac Used in the webui """ self.log("get_random_mac",token=None) self._refresh() return utils.get_random_mac(self.api) def _fix_none(self,data): """ Convert None in XMLRPC to just '~'. The above XMLRPC module hack should do this, but let's make extra sure. """ if data is None: data = '~' elif type(data) == list: data = [ self._fix_none(x) for x in data ] elif type(data) == dict: for key in data.keys(): data[key] = self._fix_none(data[key]) return data # ********************************************************************************* # ********************************************************************************* class CobblerXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer): def __init__(self, args): self.allow_reuse_address = True SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self,args) # ********************************************************************************* # ********************************************************************************* class ProxiedXMLRPCInterface: def __init__(self,api,logger,proxy_class,enable_auth_if_relevant=True): self.logger = logger self.proxied = proxy_class(api,logger,enable_auth_if_relevant) def _dispatch(self, method, params): if not hasattr(self.proxied, method): self.logger.error("remote:unknown method %s" % method) raise CX(_("Unknown remote method")) method_handle = getattr(self.proxied, method) try: return method_handle(*params) except Exception, e: utils.log_exc(self.logger) raise e # ********************************************************************** class CobblerReadWriteXMLRPCInterface(CobblerXMLRPCInterface): def __init__(self,api,logger,enable_auth_if_relevant): self.api = api self.auth_enabled = enable_auth_if_relevant self.logger = logger self.token_cache = TOKEN_CACHE self.object_cache = OBJECT_CACHE random.seed(time.time()) def __next_id(self,retry=0): """ Used for keeping track of temporary objects. The return value is a semi-unique key and has no bearing on reality. """ if retry > 10: # I have no idea why this would happen but I want to be through :) raise CX(_("internal error")) next_id = self.__get_random(25) if self.object_cache.has_key(next_id): return self.__next_id(retry=retry+1) return next_id def __get_random(self,length): urandom = open("/dev/urandom") b64 = base64.encodestring(urandom.read(25)) urandom.close() return b64 def __make_token(self,user): """ Returns a new random token. """ b64 = self.__get_random(25) self.token_cache[b64] = (time.time(), user) return b64 def __invalidate_expired_objects(self): """ Deletes any objects that are floating around in the cache after a reasonable interval. """ timenow = time.time() for object_id in self.object_cache.keys(): (reference, object_time) = self.object_cache[object_id] if (timenow > object_time + OBJECT_TIMEOUT): self.log("expiring object reference: %s" % id,debug=True) del self.object_cache[object_id] def __invalidate_expired_tokens(self): """ Deletes any login tokens that might have expired. """ timenow = time.time() for token in self.token_cache.keys(): (tokentime, user) = self.token_cache[token] if (timenow > tokentime + TOKEN_TIMEOUT): self.log("expiring token",token=token,debug=True) del self.token_cache[token] def __validate_user(self,input_user,input_password): """ Returns whether this user/pass combo should be given access to the cobbler read-write API. For the system user, this answer is always "yes", but it is only valid for the socket interface. FIXME: currently looks for users in /etc/cobbler/auth.conf Would be very nice to allow for PAM and/or just Kerberos. """ return self.api.authenticate(input_user,input_password) def __validate_token(self,token): """ Checks to see if an API method can be called when the given token is passed in. Updates the timestamp of the token automatically to prevent the need to repeatedly call login(). Any method that needs access control should call this before doing anything else. """ self.__invalidate_expired_tokens() self.__invalidate_expired_objects() #if not self.auth_enabled: # user = self.get_user_from_token(token) # # old stuff, preserving for future usage # # if user == "": # # self.token_cache[token] = (time.time(), user) # update to prevent timeout # # return True if self.token_cache.has_key(token): user = self.get_user_from_token(token) if user == "": # system token is only valid over Unix socket return False self.token_cache[token] = (time.time(), user) # update to prevent timeout return True else: self.log("invalid token",token=token) raise CX(_("invalid token: %s" % token)) def __name_to_object(self,resource,name): if resource.find("distro") != -1: return self.api.find_distro(name) if resource.find("profile") != -1: return self.api.find_profile(name) if resource.find("system") != -1: return self.api.find_system(name) if resource.find("repo") != -1: return self.api.find_repo(name) return None def check_access_no_fail(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): """ This is called by the WUI to decide whether an element is editable or not. It differs form check_access in that it is supposed to /not/ log the access checks (TBA) and does not raise exceptions. """ need_remap = False for x in [ "distro", "profile", "system", "repo" ]: if arg1 is not None and resource.find(x) != -1: need_remap = True break if need_remap: # we're called with an object name, but need an object arg1 = self.__name_to_object(resource,arg1) try: self.check_access(token,resource,arg1,arg2) return True except: utils.log_exc(self.logger) return False def check_access(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): validated = self.__validate_token(token) user = self.get_user_from_token(token) if not self.auth_enabled: # for public read-only XMLRPC, permit access self.log("permitting read-only access") return True rc = self.__authorize(token,resource,arg1,arg2) self.log("authorization result: %s" % rc) if not rc: raise CX(_("authorization failure for user %s" % user)) return rc def login(self,login_user,login_password): """ Takes a username and password, validates it, and if successful returns a random login token which must be used on subsequent method calls. The token will time out after a set interval if not used. Re-logging in permitted. """ self.log("login attempt", user=login_user) if self.__validate_user(login_user,login_password): token = self.__make_token(login_user) self.log("login succeeded",user=login_user) return token else: self.log("login failed",user=login_user) raise CX(_("login failed: %s") % login_user) def __authorize(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): user = self.get_user_from_token(token) args = [ resource, arg1, arg2 ] self.log("calling authorize for resource %s" % args, user=user) rc = self.api.authorize(user,resource,arg1,arg2) if rc: return True else: raise CX(_("user does not have access to resource: %s") % resource) def logout(self,token): """ Retires a token ahead of the timeout. """ self.log("logout", token=token) if self.token_cache.has_key(token): del self.token_cache[token] return True return False def token_check(self,token): """ This is a demo function that does not return anything useful. """ self.__validate_token(token) return True def __store_object(self,reference): """ Helper function to create a new object and store it in the object cache. """ if reference is None: # this is undoubtedly from a get_*_handle call raise CX(_("no object found")) object_id = self.__next_id() self.object_cache[object_id] = (reference, time.time()) return object_id def __get_object(self,object_id): """ Helper function to load an object from the object cache. Raises an exception if there is no object as specified. """ if self.object_cache.has_key(object_id): return self.object_cache[object_id][0] raise CX(_("No such object for ID: %s") % object_id) def sync(self,token): """ Run sync code, which should complete before XMLRPC timeout. We can't do reposync this way. Would be nice to send output over AJAX/other later. """ self.log("sync",token=token) self.check_access(token,"sync") return self.api.sync() def new_distro(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) distro object. It works something like this: token = remote.login("user","pass") distro_id = remote.new_distro(token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'name', 'example-distro', token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'kernel', '/foo/vmlinuz', token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'initrd', '/foo/initrd.img', token) remote.save_distro(distro_id, token) """ self.log("new_distro",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_distro") return self.__store_object(item_distro.Distro(self.api._config)) def new_profile(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) profile object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self.log("new_profile",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_profile") return self.__store_object(item_profile.Profile(self.api._config)) def new_subprofile(self,token): """ A subprofile is a profile that inherits directly from another profile, not a distro. In addition to the normal profile setup, setting the parent variable to the name of an existing profile is also mandatory. Systems can be assigned to subprofiles just like they were regular profiles. The same XMLRPC API methods work on them as profiles also. """ self.log("new_subprofile",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_subprofile") return self.__store_object(item_profile.Profile(self.api._config,is_subobject=True)) def new_system(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) system object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self.log("new_system",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_system") return self.__store_object(item_system.System(self.api._config)) def new_repo(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) repo object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self.log("new_repo",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_repo") return self.__store_object(item_repo.Repo(self.api._config)) def get_distro_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an distro (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_distro() or save_distro() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self.log("get_distro_handle",token=token,name=name) self.check_access(token,"get_distro_handle") self._refresh() found = self.api.distros().find(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_profile_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of a profile (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_profile() or save_profile() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self.log("get_profile_handle",token=token,name=name) self.check_access(token,"get_profile_handle") self._refresh() found = self.api.profiles().find(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_system_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an system (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_system() or save_system() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self.log("get_system_handle",name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token,"get_system_handle") self._refresh() found = self.api.systems().find(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_repo_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an repo (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_repo() or save_pro() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self.log("get_repo_handle",name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token,"get_repo_handle") self._refresh() found = self.api.repos().find(name) return self.__store_object(found) def save_distro(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified distro object to disk. """ self.log("save_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_distro",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.distros().add(obj,save=True,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.distros().add(obj,save=True) def save_profile(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified profile object to disk. """ self.log("save_profile",token=token,object_id=object_id) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_profile",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.profiles().add(obj,save=True,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.profiles().add(obj,save=True) def save_system(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified system object to disk. """ self.log("save_system",token=token,object_id=object_id) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_system",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.systems().add(obj,save=True,check_for_duplicate_names=True,check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) elif editmode == "edit": return self.api.systems().add(obj,save=True,check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) else: return self.api.systems().add(obj,save=True) def save_repo(self,object_id,token=None,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified repo object to disk. """ self.log("save_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_repo",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.repos().add(obj,save=True,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.repos().add(obj,save=True) def copy_distro(self,object_id,newname,token=None): """ All copy methods are pretty much the same. Get an object handle, pass in the new name for it. """ self.log("copy_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_distro") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_distro(obj,newname) def copy_profile(self,object_id,token=None): self.log("copy_profile",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_profile") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_profile(obj,newname) def copy_system(self,object_id,token=None): self.log("copy_system",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_system") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_system(obj,newname) def copy_repo(self,object_id,token=None): self.log("copy_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_repo") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_repo(obj,newname) def rename_distro(self,object_id,newname,token=None): """ All rename methods are pretty much the same. Get an object handle, pass in a new name for it. Rename will modify dependencies to point them at the new object. """ self.log("rename_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_repo") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_distro(obj,newname) def rename_profile(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self.log("rename_profile",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_profile") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_profile(obj,newname) def rename_system(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self.log("rename_system",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_system") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_system(obj,newname) def rename_repo(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self.log("rename_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_repo") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_repo(obj,newname) def __call_method(self, obj, attribute, arg): """ Internal function used by the modify routines. """ method = obj.remote_methods().get(attribute, None) if method == None: raise CX(_("object has no method: %s") % attribute) return method(arg) def modify_distro(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing distro object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_distro", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_profile(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing profile object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_profile", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_system(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing system object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_system", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_repo(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing repo object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_repo", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def remove_distro(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a distro from a collection. Note that this just requires the name of the distro, not a handle. """ self.log("remove_distro (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_distro", name) rc = self.api._config.distros().remove(name,recursive=True) return rc def remove_profile(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a profile from a collection. Note that this just requires the name """ self.check_access(token, "get_kickstart_templates") files = {} for x in self.api.profiles(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart != "" and x.kickstart != "<>": files[x.kickstart] = 1 for x in self.api.systems(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart != "" and x.kickstart != "<>": files[x.kickstart] = 1 return files.keys() def read_or_write_kickstart_template(self,kickstart_file,is_read,new_data,token): """ Allows the WebUI to be used as a kickstart file editor. For security reasons we will only allow kickstart files to be edited if they reside in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/ or /etc/cobbler. This limits the damage doable by Evil who has a cobbler password but not a system password. Also if living in /etc/cobbler the file must be a kickstart file. """ self.log("read_or_write_kickstart_template",name=kickstart_file,token=token) self.check_access(token,"read_or_write_kickstart_templates",kickstart_file,is_read) if kickstart_file.find("..") != -1 or not kickstart_file.startswith("/"): raise CX(_("tainted file location")) if not kickstart_file.startswith("/etc/cobbler/") and not kickstart_file.startswith("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts"): raise CX(_("unable to view or edit kickstart in this location")) if kickstart_file.startswith("/etc/cobbler/"): if not kickstart_file.endswith(".ks") and not kickstart_file.endswith(".cfg"): # take care to not allow config files to be altered. raise CX(_("this does not seem to be a kickstart file")) if not is_read and not os.path.exists(kickstart_file): raise CX(_("new files must go in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts")) if is_read: fileh = open(kickstart_file,"r") data = fileh.read() fileh.close() return data else: if new_data == -1: # delete requested if not self.is_kickstart_in_use(kickstart_file,token): os.remove(kickstart_file) else: raise CX(_("attempt to delete in-use file")) else: fileh = open(kickstart_file,"w+") fileh.write(new_data) fileh.close() return True # ********************************************************************* # ********************************************************************* class CobblerReadWriteXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer): """ This is just a wrapper used for launching the Read/Write XMLRPC Server. """ def __init__(self, args): self.allow_reuse_address = True SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self,args)