""" Serializer code for cobbler Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan NOTE: as it stands, the performance of this serializer is not great nor has it been throughly tested. It is, however, about 4x faster than the YAML version. It could be optimized further. This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ ## FIXME: serializer needs a close() call ## FIXME: investigate locking import distutils.sysconfig import os import sys import glob import traceback from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 import os import shelve import time #import gdbm # FIXME: check if available in EL4? import bsddb plib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() mod_path="%s/cobbler" % plib sys.path.insert(0, mod_path) import cexceptions import utils DATABASES = {} def open_db(collection_type): if DATABASES.has_key(collection_type): return DATABASES[collection_type] ending = collection_type if not ending.endswith("s"): ending = ending + "s" while 1: try: filename = "/var/lib/cobbler/%s.shelve" % ending internal_db = bsddb.btopen( filename, 'c', 0644 ) #internal_db = gdbm.open(filename, 'c', 0644) database = shelve.BsdDbShelf(internal_db) DATABASES[collection_type] = database return database except: traceback.print_exc() print "- can't access %s right now, waiting..." % filename time.sleep(1) continue def register(): """ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook. """ return True def serialize(obj): """ Save an object to disk. Object must "implement" Serializable. Will create intermediate paths if it can. Returns True on Success, False on permission errors. """ # FIXME: this needs to understand deletes # FIXME: create partial serializer and don't use this fd = open_db(obj.collection_type()) for entry in obj: fd[entry.name] = entry.to_datastruct() # fd.sync() return True def serialize_item(obj, item): fd = open_db(obj.collection_type()) fd[item.name] = item.to_datastruct() # fd.sync() return True # NOTE: not heavily tested def serialize_delete(obj, item): fd = open_db(obj.collection_type()) if fd.has_key(item.name): print "DEBUG: deleting: %s" % item.name del fd[item.name] # fd.sync() return True def deserialize_raw(collection_type): fd = open_db(collection_type) datastruct = [] # FIXME: see if we can call items() directly for (key,value) in fd.iteritems(): datastruct.append(value) # fd.close() return datastruct def deserialize(obj,topological=False): """ Populate an existing object with the contents of datastruct. Object must "implement" Serializable. Returns True assuming files could be read and contained decent YAML. Otherwise returns False. """ fd = open_db(obj.collection_type()) datastruct = [] for (key,value) in fd.iteritems(): datastruct.append(value) # fd.close() if topological and type(datastruct) == list: # in order to build the graph links from the flat list, sort by the # depth of items in the graph. If an object doesn't have a depth, sort it as # if the depth were 0. It will be assigned a proper depth at serialization # time. This is a bit cleaner implementation wise than a topological sort, # though that would make a shiny upgrade. datastruct.sort(__depth_cmp) obj.from_datastruct(datastruct) return True def __depth_cmp(item1, item2): if not item1.has_key("depth"): return 1 if not item2.has_key("depth"): return -1 return cmp(item1["depth"],item2["depth"])