""" This is some of the code behind 'cobbler sync'. Copyright 2006-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan John Eckersberg This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import os.path import shutil import time import sub_process import sys import glob import traceback import errno import popen2 import re from shlex import shlex import utils from cexceptions import * import templar import item_distro import item_profile import item_repo import item_system from utils import _ def register(): """ The mandatory cobbler module registration hook. """ return "manage" class BindManager: def what(self): return "bind" def __init__(self,config,verbose=False): """ Constructor """ self.verbose = verbose self.config = config self.api = config.api self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.repos = config.repos() self.templar = templar.Templar(config) def regen_hosts(self): pass # not used def __forward_zones(self): """ Returns a map of zones and the records that belong in them """ zones = {} for zone in self.settings.manage_forward_zones: zones[zone] = [] for sys in self.systems: for (name, interface) in sys.interfaces.iteritems(): host = interface["hostname"] ip = interface["ip_address"] if not host or not ip: # gotsta have some hostname and ip or else! continue if host.find(".") == -1: continue # match the longest zone! # e.g. if you have a host a.b.c.d.e # if manage_forward_zones has: # - c.d.e # - b.c.d.e # then a.b.c.d.e should go in b.c.d.e best_match = '' for zone in zones.keys(): if re.search('\.%s$' % zone, host) and len(zone) > len(best_match): best_match = zone if best_match == '': # no match continue # strip the zone off the hostname and append the # remainder + ip to the zone list host = host.replace(best_match, '') if host[-1] == '.': # strip trailing '.' if it's there host = host[:-1] zones[best_match].append((host, ip)) # axe zones that are defined in manage_forward_zones # but don't actually match any hosts for (k,v) in zones.items(): if v == []: zones.pop(k) return zones def __reverse_zones(self): """ Returns a map of zones and the records that belong in them """ zones = {} for zone in self.settings.manage_reverse_zones: zones[zone] = [] for sys in self.systems: for (name, interface) in sys.interfaces.iteritems(): host = interface["hostname"] ip = interface["ip_address"] if not host or not ip: # gotsta have some hostname and ip or else! continue # match the longest zone! # e.g. if you have an ip # if manage_reverse_zones has: # - 1.2 # - 1.2.3 # then should go in 1.2.3 best_match = '' for zone in zones.keys(): if re.search('^%s\.' % zone, ip) and len(zone) > len(best_match): best_match = zone if best_match == '': # no match continue # strip the zone off the front of the ip # reverse the rest of the octets # append the remainder + hostname ip = ip.replace(best_match, '', 1) if ip[0] == '.': # strip leading '.' if it's there ip = ip[1:] tokens = ip.split('.') tokens.reverse() ip = '.'.join(tokens) zones[best_match].append((ip, host + '.')) # axe zones that are defined in manage_forward_zones # but don't actually match any hosts for (k,v) in zones.items(): if v == []: zones.pop(k) return zones def __write_named_conf(self): """ Write out the named.conf main config file from the template. """ settings_file = self.settings.named_conf template_file = "/etc/cobbler/named.template" forward_zones = self.settings.manage_forward_zones reverse_zones = self.settings.manage_reverse_zones metadata = {'zone_include': ''} for zone in self.__forward_zones().keys(): txt = """ zone "%(zone)s." { type master; file "%(zone)s"; }; """ % {'zone': zone} metadata['zone_include'] = metadata['zone_include'] + txt for zone in self.__reverse_zones().keys(): tokens = zone.split('.') tokens.reverse() arpa = '.'.join(tokens) + '.in-addr.arpa' txt = """ zone "%(arpa)s." { type master; file "%(zone)s"; }; """ % {'arpa': arpa, 'zone': zone} metadata['zone_include'] = metadata['zone_include'] + txt try: f2 = open(template_file,"r") except: raise CX(_("error reading template from file: %s") % template_file) template_data = "" template_data = f2.read() f2.close() self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, settings_file, None) def __write_zone_files(self): """ Write out the forward and reverse zone files for all configured zones """ default_template_file = "/etc/cobbler/zone.template" cobbler_server = self.settings.server serial = int(time.time()) forward = self.__forward_zones() reverse = self.__reverse_zones() try: f2 = open(default_template_file,"r") except: raise CX(_("error reading template from file: %s") % default_template_file) default_template_data = "" default_template_data = f2.read() f2.close() for (zone, hosts) in forward.iteritems(): metadata = { 'cobbler_server': cobbler_server, 'serial': serial, 'host_record': '' } # grab zone-specific template if it exists try: fd = open('/etc/cobbler/zone_templates/%s' % zone) template_data = fd.read() fd.close() except: template_data = default_template_data for host in hosts: txt = '%s\tIN\tA\t%s\n' % host metadata['host_record'] = metadata['host_record'] + txt self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, '/var/named/' + zone, None) for (zone, hosts) in reverse.iteritems(): metadata = { 'cobbler_server': cobbler_server, 'serial': serial, 'host_record': '' } # grab zone-specific template if it exists try: fd = open('/etc/cobbler/zone_templates/%s' % zone) template_data = fd.read() fd.close() except: template_data = default_template_data for host in hosts: txt = '%s\tIN\tPTR\t%s\n' % host metadata['host_record'] = metadata['host_record'] + txt self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, '/var/named/' + zone, None) def write_dns_files(self): """ BIND files are written when manage_dns is set in /var/lib/cobbler/settings. """ self.__write_named_conf() self.__write_zone_files() def get_manager(config): return BindManager(config)