""" A Cobbler repesentation of a yum repo. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import utils import item from cexceptions import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 class Repo(item.Item): TYPE_NAME = _("repo") def make_clone(self): ds = self.to_datastruct() cloned = Repo(self.config) cloned.from_datastruct(ds) return cloned def clear(self,is_subobject=False): self.parent = None self.name = None self.mirror = (None, '<>')[is_subobject] self.keep_updated = ('y', '<>')[is_subobject] self.local_filename = ("", '<>')[is_subobject] self.rpm_list = ("", '<>')[is_subobject] self.createrepo_flags = ("-c cache", '<>')[is_subobject] self.depth = 2 # arbitrary, as not really apart of the graph def from_datastruct(self,seed_data): self.parent = self.load_item(seed_data, 'parent') self.name = self.load_item(seed_data, 'name') self.mirror = self.load_item(seed_data, 'mirror') self.keep_updated = self.load_item(seed_data, 'keep_updated','y') self.local_filename = self.load_item(seed_data, 'local_filename') self.rpm_list = self.load_item(seed_data, 'rpm_list') self.createrepo_flags = self.load_item(seed_data, 'createrepo_flags', '-c cache') self.depth = self.load_item(seed_data, 'depth', 2) return self def set_name(self,name): """ A name can be anything. It's a string, though best values are something like "fc6extras" or "myrhel4stuff" """ self.name = name # we check it add time, but store the original value. return True def set_mirror(self,mirror): """ A repo is (initially, as in right now) is something that can be rsynced. reposync/repotrack integration over HTTP might come later. """ self.mirror = mirror return True def set_keep_updated(self,keep_updated): """ This allows the user to disable updates to a particular repo for whatever reason. """ if not keep_updated.lower() in ["yes","y","yup","yeah","1"]: self.keep_updated = False else: self.keep_updated = True return True def set_local_filename(self,fname): """ If this repo is to be automatically configured to be "in use" for profiles that reference it, the local filename must be specified. This allows, for instance, to define a repo foo and autocreate a foo.repo on the system that corresponds to it in /etc/yum.repos.d. You can overwrite default repos by doing this, so setting a value of something like "fedora-updates" has some significance. If you just name it foo, it's a bonus repo of your own special stuff. This is only used if the distro has set_repos() called on it with the name of this repo. NOTE: this should not contain the ".repo" in the filename. The kickstart will add that part. """ self.local_filename = fname return True def set_rpm_list(self,rpms): """ Rather than mirroring the entire contents of a repository (Fedora Extras, for instance, contains games, and we probably don't want those), make it possible to list the packages one wants out of those repos, so only those packages + deps can be mirrored. """ if type(rpms) != list: rpmlist = rpms.split(None) else: rpmlist = rpms try: rpmlist.remove('') except: pass self.rpm_list = rpmlist def set_createrepo_flags(self,createrepo_flags): """ Flags passed to createrepo when it is called. Common flags to use would be -c cache or -g comps.xml to generate group information. """ self.createrepo_flags = createrepo_flags return True def is_valid(self): """ A repo is valid if it has a name and a mirror URL """ if self.name is None: return False if self.mirror is None: return False return True def to_datastruct(self): return { 'name' : self.name, 'mirror' : self.mirror, 'keep_updated' : self.keep_updated, 'local_filename' : self.local_filename, 'rpm_list' : self.rpm_list, 'createrepo_flags' : self.createrepo_flags, 'parent' : self.parent, 'depth' : self.depth } def printable(self): buf = _("repo : %s\n") % self.name buf = buf + _("mirror : %s\n") % self.mirror buf = buf + _("keep updated : %s\n") % self.keep_updated buf = buf + _("local filename : %s\n") % self.local_filename buf = buf + _("rpm list : %s\n") % self.rpm_list buf = buf + _("createrepo_flags : %s\n") % self.createrepo_flags return buf def get_parent(self): """ currently the Cobbler object space does not support subobjects of this object as it is conceptually not useful. """ return None def is_rsync_mirror(self): """ Returns True if this mirror is synchronized using rsync, False otherwise """ lower = self.mirror.lower() if lower.startswith("http://") or lower.startswith("ftp://") or lower.startswith("rhn://"): return False else: return True