""" A Cobbler Profile. A profile is a reference to a distribution, possibly some kernel options, possibly some Virt options, and some kickstart data. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import utils import item import cexceptions class Profile(item.Item): def __init__(self,config): """ Constructor. Requires a backreference to Config. """ self.config = config self.settings = self.config.settings() self.clear() def clear(self): """ Reset this object. """ self.name = None self.distro = None # a name, not a reference self.kickstart = self.settings.default_kickstart self.kernel_options = {} self.ks_meta = {} self.virt_name = 'virtguest' self.virt_file_size = 5 # GB. 5 = Decent _minimum_ default for FC5. self.virt_ram = 512 # MB. Install with 256 not likely to pass self.virt_paravirt = True # hvm support is *NOT* in Koan (now) self.repos = "" # names of cobbler repo definitions def from_datastruct(self,seed_data): """ Load this object's properties based on seed_data """ self.name = self.load_item(seed_data,'name') self.distro = self.load_item(seed_data,'distro') self.kickstart = self.load_item(seed_data,'kickstart') self.kernel_options = self.load_item(seed_data,'kernel_options') self.ks_meta = self.load_item(seed_data,'ks_meta') self.repos = self.load_item(seed_data,'repos', []) # backwards compatibility if type(self.repos) != list: self.set_repos(self.repos) # virt specific self.virt_name = self.load_item(seed_data,'virt_name') if not self.virt_name or self.virt_name == '': self.virt_name = self.name self.virt_ram = self.load_item(seed_data,'virt_ram') self.virt_file_size = self.load_item(seed_data,'virt_file_size') self.virt_paravirt = self.load_item(seed_data,'virt_paravirt') # backwards compatibility -- convert string entries to dicts for storage if type(self.kernel_options) != dict: self.set_kernel_options(self.kernel_options) if type(self.ks_meta) != dict: self.set_ksmeta(self.ks_meta) return self def set_distro(self,distro_name): """ Sets the distro. This must be the name of an existing Distro object in the Distros collection. """ if self.config.distros().find(distro_name): self.distro = distro_name return True raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_distro") def set_repos(self,repos): if type(repos) != list: # allow backwards compatibility support of string input repolist = repos.split(" ") else: repolist = repos ok = True repolist.remove('') for r in repolist: if not self.config.repos().find(r): ok = False break if ok: self.repos = repos else: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_repos") def set_kickstart(self,kickstart): """ Sets the kickstart. This must be a NFS, HTTP, or FTP URL. Minor checking of the URL is performed here. """ if utils.find_kickstart(kickstart): self.kickstart = kickstart return True raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_kickstart") def set_virt_name(self,str): """ For Virt only. Specifies what virt install should use for --name. virt install may do conflict resolution, so this is mostly a hint... To keep the shell happy, the 'str' cannot contain wildcards or slashes and may be subject to some other untainting later. """ # no slashes or wildcards for bad in [ '/', '*', '?' ]: if str.find(bad) != -1: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_name") self.virt_name = str return True def set_virt_file_size(self,num): """ For Virt only. Specifies the size of the virt image in gigabytes. koan may contain some logic to ignore 'illogical' values of this size, though there are no guarantees. 0 tells koan to just let it pick a semi-reasonable size. When in doubt, specify the size you want. """ # num is a non-negative integer (0 means default) try: inum = int(num) if inum != float(num): return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_file") if inum >= 0: self.virt_file_size = inum return True return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_file") except: return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_file") def set_virt_ram(self,num): """ For Virt only. Specifies the size of the Virt RAM in MB. 0 tells Koan to just choose a reasonable default. """ # num is a non-negative integer (0 means default) try: inum = int(num) if inum != float(num): return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_ram") if inum >= 0: self.virt_ram = inum return True return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_ram") except: return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_ram") def set_virt_paravirt(self,truthiness): """ For Virt only. Specifies whether the system is a paravirtualized system or not. For ordinary computers, you want to pick 'true'. Method accepts string 'true'/'false' in all cases, or Python True/False. """ # truthiness needs to be True or False, or (lcased) string equivalents # yes, we *do* want to explicitly test against True/False # the string "foosball" is True, and that is not a valid argument for this function try: if (not truthiness or truthiness.lower() == 'false'): self.virt_paravirt = False elif (truthiness or truthiness.lower() == 'true'): self.virt_paravirt = True else: return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_para") except: return cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_virt_para") return True def is_valid(self): """ A profile only needs a name and a distro. Kickstart info, as well as Virt info, are optional. (Though I would say provisioning without a kickstart is *usually* not a good idea). """ for x in (self.name, self.distro): if x is None: return False return True def to_datastruct(self): """ Return hash representation for the serializer """ return { 'name' : self.name, 'distro' : self.distro, 'kickstart' : self.kickstart, 'kernel_options' : self.kernel_options, 'virt_name' : self.virt_name, 'virt_file_size' : self.virt_file_size, 'virt_ram' : self.virt_ram, 'virt_paravirt' : self.virt_paravirt, 'ks_meta' : self.ks_meta, 'repos' : self.repos } def printable(self): """ A human readable representaton """ buf = "profile : %s\n" % self.name buf = buf + "distro : %s\n" % self.distro buf = buf + "kickstart : %s\n" % self.kickstart buf = buf + "kernel options : %s\n" % self.kernel_options buf = buf + "ks metadata : %s\n" % self.ks_meta buf = buf + "virt name : %s\n" % self.virt_name buf = buf + "virt file size : %s\n" % self.virt_file_size buf = buf + "virt ram : %s\n" % self.virt_ram buf = buf + "virt paravirt : %s\n" % self.virt_paravirt buf = buf + "repos : %s\n" % self.repos return buf