""" An Item is a serializable thing that can appear in a Collection Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import exceptions import serializable import utils from cexceptions import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 class Item(serializable.Serializable): TYPE_NAME = "generic" def __init__(self,config,is_subobject=False): """ Constructor. Requires a back reference to the Config management object. NOTE: is_subobject is used for objects that allow inheritance in their trees. This inheritance refers to conceptual inheritance, not Python inheritance. Objects created with is_subobject need to call their set_parent() method immediately after creation and pass in a value of an object of the same type. Currently this is only supported for profiles. Subobjects blend their data with their parent objects and only require a valid parent name and a name for themselves, so other required options can be gathered from items further up the cobbler tree. Old cobbler: New cobbler: distro distro profile profile system profile <-- created with is_subobject=True system <-- created as normal For consistancy, there is some code supporting this in all object types, though it is only usable (and only should be used) for profiles at this time. Objects that are children of objects of the same type (i.e. subprofiles) need to pass this in as True. Otherwise, just use False for is_subobject and the parent object will (therefore) have a different type. """ self.config = config self.settings = self.config._settings self.clear(is_subobject) # reset behavior differs for inheritance cases self.parent = '' # all objects by default are not subobjects self.children = {} # caching for performance reasons, not serialized self.owners = [] self.log_func = self.config.api.log def clear(self): raise exceptions.NotImplementedError def get_children(self,sorted=True): """ Get direct children of this object. """ keys = self.children.keys() if sorted: keys.sort() results = [] for k in keys: results.append(self.children[k]) return results def get_descendants(self): """ Get objects that depend on this object, i.e. those that would be affected by a cascading delete, etc. """ results = [] kids = self.get_children(sorted=False) results.extend(kids) for kid in kids: grandkids = kid.get_descendants() results.extend(grandkids) return results def get_parent(self): """ For objects with a tree relationship, what's the parent object? """ return None def get_conceptual_parent(self): """ The parent may just be a superclass for something like a subprofile. Get the first parent of a different type. """ # FIXME: this is a workaround to get the type of an instance var # what's a more clean way to do this that's python 2.3 friendly? # this returns something like: cobbler.item_system.System mtype = str(self).split(" ")[0][1:] parent = self.get_parent() while parent is not None: ptype = str(parent).split(" ")[0][1:] if mtype != ptype: self.conceptual_parent = parent return parent parent = parent.get_parent() return None def set_name(self,name): """ All objects have names, and with the exception of System they aren't picky about it. """ if self.name not in ["",None] and self.parent not in ["",None] and self.name == self.parent: raise CX(_("self parentage is weird")) self.name = name return True def set_owners(self,data): """ The owners field is a comment unless using an authz module that pays attention to it, like authz_ownership, which ships with Cobbler but is off by default. Consult the Wiki docs for more info on CustomizableAuthorization. """ owners = utils.input_string_or_list(data) self.owners = owners return True def set_kernel_options(self,options): """ Kernel options are a space delimited list, like 'a=b c=d e=f g h i=j' or a hash. """ (success, value) = utils.input_string_or_hash(options,None) if not success: raise CX(_("invalid kernel options")) else: self.kernel_options = value return True def set_ksmeta(self,options): """ A comma delimited list of key value pairs, like 'a=b,c=d,e=f' or a hash. The meta tags are used as input to the templating system to preprocess kickstart files """ (success, value) = utils.input_string_or_hash(options,None) if not success: return False else: self.ks_meta = value return True def load_item(self,datastruct,key,default=''): """ Used in subclass from_datastruct functions to load items from a hash. Intented to ease backwards compatibility of config files during upgrades. """ if datastruct.has_key(key): return datastruct[key] return default def to_datastruct(self): """ Returns an easily-marshalable representation of the collection. i.e. dictionaries/arrays/scalars. """ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError def is_valid(self): """ The individual set_ methods will return failure if any set is rejected, but the is_valid method is intended to indicate whether the object is well formed ... i.e. have all of the important items been set, are they free of conflicts, etc. """ return False def find_match(self,kwargs): # used by find() method in collection.py data = self.to_datastruct() for (key, value) in kwargs.iteritems(): if not self.find_match_single_key(data,key,value): return False return True def find_match_single_key(self,data,key,value): # special case for systems key_found_already = False if data.has_key("interfaces"): if key in [ "mac_address", "ip_address", "subnet", "gateway", "virt_bridge", "dhcp_tag", "hostname" ]: key_found_already = True for (name, interface) in data["interfaces"].iteritems(): if interface[key].lower() == value.lower(): return True if not data.has_key(key): if not key_found_already: raise CX(_("searching for field that does not exist: %s" % key)) else: return False if value.lower() == data[key].lower(): return True else: return False