""" Config.py is a repository of the Cobbler object model Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import weakref import item_distro as distro import item_profile as profile import item_system as system import item_repo as repo import collection_distros as distros import collection_profiles as profiles import collection_systems as systems import collection_repos as repos import modules.serializer_yaml as serializer_yaml import settings import serializer from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 class Config: has_loaded = False __shared_state = {} def __init__(self,api): """ Constructor. Manages a definitive copy of all data collections with weakrefs pointing back into the class so they can understand each other's contents """ self.__dict__ == Config.__shared_state if not Config.has_loaded: self.__load(api) def __load(self,api): Config.has_loaded = True self.api = api self._distros = distros.Distros(weakref.proxy(self)) self._repos = repos.Repos(weakref.proxy(self)) self._profiles = profiles.Profiles(weakref.proxy(self)) self._systems = systems.Systems(weakref.proxy(self)) self._settings = settings.Settings() # not a true collection self._graph_classes = [ self._settings, self._distros, self._repos, self._profiles, self._systems ] self.file_check() def __cmp(self,a,b): return cmp(a.name,b.name) def distros(self): """ Return the definitive copy of the Distros collection """ return self._distros def profiles(self): """ Return the definitive copy of the Profiles collection """ return self._profiles def systems(self): """ Return the definitive copy of the Systems collection """ return self._systems def settings(self): """ Return the definitive copy of the application settings """ return self._settings def repos(self): """ Return the definitive copy of the Repos collection """ return self._repos def new_distro(self,is_subobject=False): """ Create a new distro object with a backreference to this object """ return distro.Distro(weakref.proxy(self),is_subobject=is_subobject) def new_system(self,is_subobject=False): """ Create a new system with a backreference to this object """ return system.System(weakref.proxy(self),is_subobject=is_subobject) def new_profile(self,is_subobject=False): """ Create a new profile with a backreference to this object """ return profile.Profile(weakref.proxy(self),is_subobject=is_subobject) def new_repo(self,is_subobject=False): """ Create a new mirror to keep track of... """ return repo.Repo(weakref.proxy(self),is_subobject=is_subobject) def clear(self): """ Forget about all loaded configuration data """ for x in self._graph_classes: x.clear() return True def file_check(self): """ Serialize any files that do not yet exist. This is useful for bringing the app up to a working state on first run or if files are deleted. See api.py FIXME: will require some tweaks when serializer modes aren't all file based """ for x in self._graph_classes: if not os.path.exists(x.filename()): if not serializer.serialize(x): return False return True def serialize(self): """ Save the object hierarchy to disk, using the filenames referenced in each object. """ for x in self._graph_classes: if not serializer.serialize(x): return False return True def deserialize(self): """ Load the object hierachy from disk, using the filenames referenced in each object. """ for x in self._graph_classes: if not serializer.deserialize(x,topological=True): return False return True