""" Command line handling for Cobbler. Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import optparse from cexceptions import * from utils import _ import sys HELP_FORMAT = "%-20s%s" #============================================================= class FunctionLoader: """ The F'n Loader controls processing of cobbler commands. """ def __init__(self): """ When constructed the loader has no functions. """ self.functions = {} def add_func(self, obj): """ Adds a CobblerFunction instance to the loader. """ self.functions[obj.command_name()] = obj def run(self, args): """ Runs a command line sequence through the loader. """ args = self.old_school_remap(args) # if no args given, show all loaded fns if len(args) == 1: return self.show_options() called_name = args[1].lower() # also show avail options if command name is bogus if not called_name in self.functions.keys(): return self.show_options() fn = self.functions[called_name] # some functions require args, if none given, show subcommands #if len(args) == 2: # no_args_rc = fn.no_args_handler() # if no_args_rc: # return True # finally let the object parse its own args loaded_ok = fn.parse_args(args) if not loaded_ok: raise CX(_("Invalid arguments")) return fn.run() def old_school_remap(self,args): """ Replaces commands with common synonyms that should also work Also maps commands like: # cobbler system report foo to cobbler report --name=foo to: # cobblerr system report --name=foo for backwards compat and usability reasons """ # to do: handle synonyms for ct in range(0,len(args)): args[ct] = args[ct] if args[ct].startswith("-"): # stop synonym mapping after first option break # lowercase all args args[ct] = args[ct].lower() # delete means remove # are there any other common synonyms? if args[ct] == "delete": args[ct] = "remove" # special handling for reports follows: if not "report" in args: return args ok = False for x in ["distro","profile","system","repo"]: if x in args: ok = True if not ok: return args idx = args.index("report") if idx + 1 < len(args): name = args[idx+1] if name.find("--name") == -1: args[idx+1] = "--name=%s" % name return args def show_options(self): """ Prints out all loaded functions. """ print "commands:" print "=========" names = self.functions.keys() names.sort() for name in names: help = self.functions[name].help_me() if help != "": print help #============================================================= class CobblerFunction: def __init__(self,api): """ Constructor requires a Cobbler API handle. """ self.api = api def command_name(self): """ The name of the command, as to be entered by users. """ return "unspecified" def subcommands(self): """ The names of any subcommands, such as "add", "edit", etc """ return [ ] def run(self): """ Called after arguments are parsed. Return True for success. """ return True def add_options(self, parser, args): """ Used by subclasses to add options. See subclasses for examples. """ pass def parse_args(self,args): """ Processes arguments, called prior to run ... do not override. """ accum = "" for x in args[1:]: if not x.startswith("-"): accum = accum + "%s " % x else: break p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="cobbler %s [ARGS]" % accum) self.add_options(p, args) # if using subcommands, ensure one and only one is used subs = self.subcommands() if len(subs) > 0: count = 0 for x in subs: if x in args: count = count + 1 if count != 1: print "usage:" print "======" for x in subs: print "cobbler %s %s [ARGS|--help]" % (self.command_name(), x) sys.exit(1) (self.options, self.args) = p.parse_args(args) return True def object_manipulator_start(self,new_fn,collect_fn,subobject=False): """ Boilerplate for objects that offer add/edit/delete/remove/copy functionality. """ if "remove" in self.args: recursive = False # only applies to distros/profiles and is not supported elsewhere if hasattr(self.options, "recursive"): recursive = self.options.recursive if not self.options.name: raise CX(_("name is required")) if not recursive: collect_fn().remove(self.options.name,with_delete=True) else: collect_fn().remove(self.options.name,with_delete=True,recursive=True) return None # signal that we want no further processing on the object if "list" in self.args: self.list_list(collect_fn()) return None if "report" in self.args: if self.options.name is None: self.reporting_print_sorted(collect_fn()) else: self.reporting_list_names2(collect_fn(),self.options.name) return None if "add" in self.args: obj = new_fn(is_subobject=subobject) else: if not self.options.name: raise CX(_("name is required")) if "delete" in self.args: collect_fn().remove(self.options.name, with_delete=True) return None obj = collect_fn().find(self.options.name) if obj is None: raise CX(_("object named (%s) not found") % self.options.name) if not "copy" in self.args and not "rename" in self.args and self.options.name: obj.set_name(self.options.name) return obj def object_manipulator_finish(self,obj,collect_fn, options): """ Boilerplate for objects that offer add/edit/delete/remove/copy functionality. """ clobber = False if "add" in self.args: clobber = options.clobber if "copy" in self.args: # or "rename" in self.args: if self.options.newname: obj = obj.make_clone() obj.set_name(self.options.newname) else: raise CX(_("--newname is required")) opt_sync = not options.nosync opt_triggers = not options.notriggers # ** WARNING: COMPLICATED ** # what operation we call depends on what type of object we are editing # and what the operation is. The details behind this is that the # add operation has special semantics around adding objects that might # clobber other objects, and we don't want that to happen. Edit # does not have to check for named clobbering but still needs # to check for IP/MAC clobbering in some scenarios (FIXME). # this is all enforced by collections.py though we need to make # the apppropriate call to add to invoke the safety code in the right # places -- and not in places where the safety code will generate # errors under legit circumstances. if not ("rename" in self.args): if "add" in self.args: if obj.COLLECTION_TYPE == "system": # duplicate names and netinfo are both bad. if not clobber: rc = collect_fn().add(obj, save=True, with_sync=opt_sync, with_triggers=opt_triggers, check_for_duplicate_names=True, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) else: rc = collect_fn().add(obj, save=True, with_sync=opt_sync, with_triggers=opt_triggers, check_for_duplicate_names=False, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) else: # duplicate names are bad if not clobber: rc = collect_fn().add(obj, save=True, with_sync=opt_sync, with_triggers=opt_triggers, check_for_duplicate_names=True, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=False) else: rc = collect_fn().add(obj, save=True, with_sync=opt_sync, with_triggers=opt_triggers, check_for_duplicate_names=False, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=False) else: # editing or copying (but not renaming), so duplicate netinfo # CAN be bad, duplicate names are already handled, though # we need to clean up checks around duplicate netinfo here # (FIXME) so they are made and work. rc = collect_fn().add(obj, save=True, with_sync=opt_sync, with_triggers=opt_triggers) else: # we are renaming here, so duplicate netinfo checks also # need to be made.(FIXME) rc = collect_fn().rename(obj, self.options.newname) return rc def reporting_sorter(self, a, b): """ Used for sorting cobbler objects for report commands """ return cmp(a.name, b.name) def reporting_print_sorted(self, collection): """ Prints all objects in a collection sorted by name """ collection = [x for x in collection] collection.sort(self.reporting_sorter) for x in collection: print x.printable() return True def reporting_list_names2(self, collection, name): """ Prints a specific object in a collection. """ obj = collection.find(name=name) if obj is not None: print obj.printable() return True def list_tree(self,collection,level): """ Print cobbler object tree as a, well, tree. """ def sorter(a,b): return cmp(a.name,b.name) collection2 = [] for c in collection: collection2.append(c) collection2.sort(sorter) for item in collection2: print _("%(indent)s%(type)s %(name)s") % { "indent" : " " * level, "type" : item.TYPE_NAME, "name" : item.name } kids = item.get_children() if kids is not None and len(kids) > 0: self.list_tree(kids,level+1) def list_list(self, collection): """ List all objects of a certain type. """ names = [ x.name for x in collection] names.sort() # sorted() is 2.4 only for name in names: str = _(" %(name)s") % { "name" : name } print str return True def matches_args(self, args, list_of): """ Used to simplify some code around which arguments to add when. """ for x in args: if x in list_of: return True return False