# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- """ Messages used by cobbler. This module encapsulates strings so they can be reused and potentially translated. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ USAGE = """cobbler provisioning tool basic usage guide / see "man cobbler" for more. cobbler check cobbler distro add --name= --kernel= --initrd= [--kopts=] [--ksmeta=] [--arch=] cobbler profile add --name= --distro= [--kick-start=] [--kopts=] [--ksmeta=] [--virt-name=] [--virt-file-size=] [--virt-ram=] cobbler system add --name= --profile= [--pxe-address=] [--ksmeta=] cobbler import --name= --mirror=rsync://
cobbler import --name= --mirror=user@address:/path cobbler import --path= cobbler repo add --name= --mirror=rsync://
[--local-file=name] cobbler repo add --name= --mirror=user@address:/path [--local-file=name] cobbler reposync cobbler [distro|profile|system] remove --name= cobbler list cobbler sync cobbler enchant --address= [--profile=|--system=] cobbler status """ _msg_table = { "system" : "System", "profile" : "Profile", "distribution" : "Distribution", "bad_server" : "The 'server' field in /var/lib/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than localhost, or kickstarting features will not work. This should be a resolvable hostname or IP for the boot server as reachable by all machines that will use it", "bad_next" : "For PXE to be functional, the 'next_server' field in /var/lib/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than, and should match the IP of the boot server on the PXE network.", "parse_error" : "cobbler could not read %s, replacing...", "no_ssh" : "cobbler can't read ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", "exc_koan_path" : "koan_path in /var/lib/cobbler/settings is invalid", "no_create" : "cobbler could not create: %s", "no_delete" : "cobbler could not delete: %s", "no_args" : "this command requires arguments.", "missing_options" : "cannot perform this action, more arguments are required", "enchant_failed" : "enchant failed (%s)", "import_failed" : "import failed (%s)", "unknown_cmd" : "cobbler doesn't understand '%s'", "bad_arg" : "cobbler was expecting an equal sign in argument '%s'", "reject_arg" : "the value of parameter '%s' isn't valid", "weird_arg" : "this command doesn't take a parameter named '%s'", "bad_sys_name" : "system name must be a MAC, IP, or resolveable host", "bad_ip" : "argument must be an IP address", "need_to_fix" : "the following potential problems were detected:", "need_perms" : "cobbler could not access %s", "need_perms2" : "cobbler could not copy %s to %s", "no_dhcpd" : "cobbler couldn't find dhcpd, try 'yum install dhcp'", "no_bootloader" : "missing 1 or more bootloader files listed in /var/lib/cobbler/settings", "no_tftpd" : "cobbler couldn't find tftpd, try 'yum install tftpd'", "no_dir" : "cobbler couldn't find %s, please create it", "no_mirror" : "mirror URL is not valid", "chg_attrib" : "need to change field '%s' value to '%s' in file '%s'", "no_exist" : "file %s does not exist", "no_exist2" : "path %s does not exist", "no_line" : "file '%s' should have a line '%s' somewhere", "no_next_server" : "file '%s' should have a next-server line", "no_dir2" : "can't find %s for %s as referenced in /var/lib/cobbler/settings", "bad_param" : "at least one parameter is missing for this function", "empty_list" : "There are no configured %s records.", "err_resolv" : "The system name (%s) did not resolve", "err_kickstart" : "The kickstart (%s) for item (%s) is not valid", "err_kickstart2" : "Error while mirroring kickstart file (%s) to (%s)", "orphan_profile" : "Removing this system would break profile '%s'", "orphan_profile2" : "system (%s) references a non-existant profile (%s)", "orphan_distro2" : "profile (%s) references a non-existant distro (%s)", "orphan_system" : "Removing this profile would break system '%s'", "delete_nothing" : "can't delete something that doesn't exist", "no_distro" : "distro does not exist", "no_repo" : "repository %s referenced in profile cannot be found", "no_repos" : "one of the listed repositories is not defined in cobbler", "no_profile" : "profile does not exist", "no_kickstart" : "kickstart must be an absolute path, or an http://, ftp:// or nfs:// URL", "no_kernel" : "cannot find kernel file", "sync_kernel" : "the kernel (%s) for distro (%s) cannot be found and must be fixed", "sync_initrd" : "the initrd (%s) for distro (%s) cannot be found and must be fixed", "sync_mirror_ks" : "mirroring local kickstarts...", "sync_buildtree" : "building trees", "sync_processing" : "processing: %s", "writing" : "writing file: %s", "mkdir" : "creating: %s", "dryrun" : "dry run | %s", "copying" : "copying file: %s to %s", "removing" : "removing: %s", "no_initrd" : "cannot find initrd", "exc_virt_name" : "invalid name for virtual image", "exc_virt_file" : "invalid file size for virtual image", "exc_virt_ram" : "invalid RAM size for virtual image", "exc_virt_mac" : "invalid MAC address for virtual image", "exc_virt_para" : "invalid paravirtualization setting", "exc_profile" : "invalid profile name", "exc_profile2" : "profile name not set", "exc_pxe_arch" : "valid PXE architectures: standard or ia64", "exc_no_template" : "can't read /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template", "exc_dhcp_nomac" : "when cobbler is managing dhcpd.conf, all system names must be MAC addresses. Aborting.", "exc_ia64_noip" : "due to an IA64 bootloader limitation, system (%s) must define a pxe-address value (which is an IP address)", "lock" : "Locked. If cobbler is currently running, wait for termination, otherwise remove /var/lib/cobbler/lock", "check_ok" : """ No setup problems found. Manual review and editing of /var/lib/cobbler/settings is recommended to tailor cobbler to your particular configuration. Good luck. """ } def lookup(key): """ Return the lookup of a string key. """ if _msg_table.has_key(key): return _msg_table[key] return key