""" Command line interface for cobbler, a network provisioning configuration library. Consult 'man cobbler' for general info. This class serves as a good reference on how to drive the API (api.py). Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import sys import api import os import os.path import traceback import cobbler_msg import cexceptions LOCKING_ENABLED = True LOCKFILE="/var/lib/cobbler/lock" class BootCLI: def __init__(self,args): """ Build the command line parser and API instances, etc. """ self.args = args self.api = api.BootAPI() self.commands = {} self.commands['distro'] = { 'add' : self.distro_edit, 'edit' : self.distro_edit, 'delete' : self.distro_remove, 'remove' : self.distro_remove, 'list' : self.distro_list, 'report' : self.distro_report } self.commands['profile'] = { 'add' : self.profile_edit, 'edit' : self.profile_edit, 'delete' : self.profile_remove, 'remove' : self.profile_remove, 'list' : self.profile_list, 'report' : self.profile_report } self.commands['system'] = { 'add' : self.system_edit, 'edit' : self.system_edit, 'delete' : self.system_remove, 'remove' : self.system_remove, 'list' : self.system_list, 'report' : self.system_report } self.commands['repo'] = { 'add' : self.repo_edit, 'edit' : self.repo_edit, 'delete' : self.repo_remove, 'remove' : self.repo_remove, 'list' : self.repo_list, 'report' : self.repo_report, 'sync' : self.reposync } self.commands['toplevel'] = { 'check' : self.check, 'list' : self.list, 'report' : self.report, 'distros' : self.distro, 'distro' : self.distro, 'profiles' : self.profile, 'profile' : self.profile, 'systems' : self.system, 'system' : self.system, 'repos' : self.repo, 'repo' : self.repo, 'sync' : self.sync, 'reposync' : self.reposync, 'import' : self.import_tree, 'enchant' : self.enchant, 'clobber' : self.enchant, 'transmogrify' : self.enchant, 'status' : self.status, 'help' : self.usage, '--help' : self.usage, '/?' : self.usage } def run(self): """ Run the command line and return system exit code """ self.api.deserialize() self.curry_args(self.args[1:], self.commands['toplevel']) def usage(self,args): """ Print out abbreviated help if user gives bad syntax """ print cobbler_msg.USAGE def list(self,args): args.append("") # filler for a in args: if a == '--distros' or len(args) == 1: print "Distros:" self.distro_list([]) if a == '--repos' or len(args) == 1: print "Repos:" self.repo_list([]) if a == '--profiles' or len(args) == 1: print "Profiles:" self.profile_list([]) if a == '--systems' or len(args) == 1: print "Systems:" self.system_list([]) def __sorter(self, a, b): return cmp(a.name, b.name) def __print_sorted(self, collection): collection = [x for x in collection] collection.sort(self.__sorter) for x in collection: print x.printable() def distro_report(self,args): self.__print_sorted(self.api.distros()) return True def system_report(self,args): self.__print_sorted(self.api.systems()) return True def profile_report(self,args): self.__print_sorted(self.api.profiles()) return True def repo_report(self,args): self.__print_sorted(self.api.repos()) return True def report(self,args): args.append("") # filler for a in args: if a == '--distros' or len(args) == 1: self.distro_report([]) if a == '--repos' or len(args) == 1: self.repo_report([]) if a == '--profiles' or len(args) == 1: self.profile_report([]) if a == '--systems' or len(args) == 1: self.system_report([]) def system_remove(self,args): """ Delete a system: 'cobbler system remove --name=foo' """ commands = { '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.systems().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag), '--system' : lambda(a): self.api.systems().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag), } on_ok = lambda: True return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def __list_names(self, collection): names = [ x.name for x in collection] names.sort() # sorted() is 2.4 only for name in names: print " %s" % name return True def system_list(self, args): return self.__list_names(self.api.systems()) def distro_list(self, args): return self.__list_names(self.api.distros()) def profile_list(self, args): return self.__list_names(self.api.profiles()) def repo_list(self, args): return self.__list_names(self.api.repos()) def profile_remove(self,args): """ Delete a profile: 'cobbler profile remove --name=foo' """ commands = { '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.profiles().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag), '--profile' : lambda(a): self.api.profiles().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag) } on_ok = lambda: True return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def distro_remove(self,args): """ Delete a distro: 'cobbler distro remove --name='foo' """ commands = { '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.distros().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag), '--distro' : lambda(a): self.api.distros().remove(a, with_delete=self.api.sync_flag) } on_ok = lambda: True return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def repo_remove(self,args): """ Delete a repo: 'cobbler repo remove --name='foo' """ commands = { '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.repos().remove(a), '--repo' : lambda(a): self.api.repos().remove(a) } on_ok = lambda: True return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def status(self,args): """ Show the kickstart status for logged kickstart activity. 'cobbler status [--mode=text|somethingelse]' """ self.mode = "text" if args is None or len(args) == 0: return self.api.status(self.mode) def set_mode(a): if a.lower in [ "text" ]: self.mode = a return True else: return False commands = { '--mode' : set_mode } def go_status(): return self.api.status(self.mode) return self.apply_args(args, commands, go_status) def enchant(self,args): """ Reinstall a system: 'cobbler system enchant --name='foo' [--password='foo'] """ self.temp_profile = None self.temp_system = None self.temp_address = None self.is_virt = False def set_is_virt(a): if a.lower() in [ "0", "false", "no", "n", "off" ]: self.is_virt = False elif a.lower() in [ "1", "true", "yes", "y", "on" ]: self.is_virt = True else: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("reject_arg","virt") def set_profile(a): self.temp_profile = a def set_system(a): self.temp_system = a def set_address(a): self.temp_address = a def go_enchant(): return self.api.enchant(self.temp_address,self.temp_profile,self.temp_system,self.is_virt) commands = { '--address' : lambda(a): set_address(a), '--profile' : lambda(a): set_profile(a), '--system' : lambda(a): set_system(a), '--virt' : lambda(a): set_is_virt(a) } on_ok = lambda: go_enchant() return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def import_tree(self,args): """ Import a directory tree and auto-create distros & profiles. 'cobbler """ self.temp_path = None self.temp_mirror = None self.temp_mirror_name = None def set_mirror_name(a): self.temp_mirror_name = a def set_mirror(a): self.temp_mirror = a def set_path(a): if os.path.isdir(a): self.temp_path = a return True return False def go_import(): return self.api.import_tree(self.temp_path, self.temp_mirror, self.temp_mirror_name) commands = { '--path' : lambda(a): set_path(a), '--mirror' : lambda(a): set_mirror(a), '--mirror-name' : lambda(a): set_mirror_name(a), '--name' : lambda(a): set_mirror_name(a) } on_ok = lambda: go_import() return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def system_edit(self,args): """ Create/Edit a system: 'cobbler system edit --name='foo' ... """ sys = self.api.new_system() commands = { '--name' : lambda(a) : sys.set_name(a), '--system' : lambda(a) : sys.set_name(a), '--profile' : lambda(a) : sys.set_profile(a), '--kopts' : lambda(a) : sys.set_kernel_options(a), '--ksmeta' : lambda(a) : sys.set_ksmeta(a), '--pxe-address' : lambda(a) : sys.set_pxe_address(a) } on_ok = lambda: self.api.systems().add(sys, with_copy=self.api.sync_flag) return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def profile_edit(self,args): """ Create/Edit a profile: 'cobbler profile edit --name='foo' ... """ profile = self.api.new_profile() commands = { '--name' : lambda(a) : profile.set_name(a), '--profile' : lambda(a) : profile.set_name(a), '--distro' : lambda(a) : profile.set_distro(a), '--kickstart' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kickstart(a), '--kick-start' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kickstart(a), '--answers' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kickstart(a), '--kopts' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kernel_options(a), '--xen-name' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_name(a), '--virt-name' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_name(a), '--xen-file-size' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_file_size(a), '--virt-file-size' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_file_size(a), '--xen-ram' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_ram(a), '--virt-ram' : lambda(a) : profile.set_virt_ram(a), '--ksmeta' : lambda(a) : profile.set_ksmeta(a), '--repos' : lambda(a) : profile.set_repos(a) } on_ok = lambda: self.api.profiles().add(profile, with_copy=self.api.sync_flag) return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def repo_edit(self,args): """ Create/edit a repo: 'cobbler repo add --name='foo' ... """ repo = self.api.new_repo() commands = { '--name' : lambda(a): repo.set_name(a), '--mirror-name' : lambda(a): repo.set_name(a), '--mirror' : lambda(a): repo.set_mirror(a), '--keep-updated' : lambda(a): repo.set_keep_updated(a), '--local-filename' : lambda(a): repo.set_local_filename(a) } on_ok = lambda: self.api.repos().add(repo) return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def distro_edit(self,args): """ Create/Edit a distro: 'cobbler distro edit --name='foo' ... """ distro = self.api.new_distro() commands = { '--name' : lambda(a) : distro.set_name(a), '--distro' : lambda(a) : distro.set_name(a), '--kernel' : lambda(a) : distro.set_kernel(a), '--initrd' : lambda(a) : distro.set_initrd(a), '--kopts' : lambda(a) : distro.set_kernel_options(a), '--arch' : lambda(a) : distro.set_arch(a), '--ksmeta' : lambda(a) : distro.set_ksmeta(a), '--breed' : lambda(a) : distro.set_breed(a) } on_ok = lambda: self.api.distros().add(distro, with_copy=self.api.sync_flag) return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok) def apply_args(self,args,input_routines,on_ok): """ Custom CLI handling, instead of getopt/optparse. Parses arguments of the form --foo=bar. 'on_ok' is a callable that is run if all arguments are parsed successfully. 'input_routines' is a dispatch table of routines that parse the arguments. See distro_edit for an example. """ if len(args) == 0: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_args") for x in args: try: key, value = x.split("=",1) value = value.replace('"','').replace("'",'') except: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("bad_arg",x) if input_routines.has_key(key): input_routines[key](value) else: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("weird_arg", key) on_ok() self.api.serialize() def curry_args(self, args, commands): """ Lookup command args[0] in the dispatch table and feed it the remaining args[1:-1] as arguments. """ if args is None or len(args) == 0: print cobbler_msg.USAGE return True if args[0] in commands: commands[args[0]](args[1:]) else: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("unknown_cmd", args[0]) return True def sync(self, args): """ Sync the config file with the system config: 'cobbler sync' """ self.api.sync() return True def reposync(self, args): """ Sync the repo-specific portions of the config with the filesystem. 'cobbler reposync'. Intended to be run on cron. """ self.api.reposync() return True def check(self,args): """ Check system for network boot decency/prereqs: 'cobbler check' """ status = self.api.check() if len(status) == 0: print cobbler_msg.lookup("check_ok") return True else: print cobbler_msg.lookup("need_to_fix") for i,x in enumerate(status): print "#%d: %s" % (i,x) return False def distro(self,args): """ Handles any of the 'cobbler distro' subcommands """ return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['distro']) def profile(self,args): """ Handles any of the 'cobbler profile' subcommands """ return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['profile']) def system(self,args): """ Handles any of the 'cobbler system' subcommands """ return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['system']) def repo(self,args): """ Handles any of the 'cobbler repo' subcommands """ return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['repo']) def main(): """ CLI entry point """ exitcode = 0 lock_hit = False try: if LOCKING_ENABLED: if os.path.exists(LOCKFILE): lock_hit = True raise cexceptions.CobblerException("lock") try: lockfile = open(LOCKFILE,"w+") except: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_create",LOCKFILE) lockfile.close() BootCLI(sys.argv).run() except cexceptions.CobblerException, exc: print str(exc)[1:-1] # remove framing air quotes exitcode = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print "interrupted." exitcode = 1 except Exception, other: traceback.print_exc() exitcode = 1 if LOCKING_ENABLED and not lock_hit: try: os.remove(LOCKFILE) except: pass return exitcode if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())