""" python API module for Cobbler see source for cobbler.py, or pydoc, for example usage. CLI apps and daemons should import api.py, and no other cobbler code. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import config import utils import action_sync import action_check import action_enchant import action_import import cexceptions class BootAPI: def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self._config = config.Config() self.deserialize() def clear(self): """ Forget about current list of profiles, distros, and systems """ return self._config.clear() def systems(self): """ Return the current list of systems """ return self._config.systems() def profiles(self): """ Return the current list of profiles """ return self._config.profiles() def distros(self): """ Return the current list of distributions """ return self._config.distros() def settings(self): """ Return the application configuration """ return self._config.settings() def new_system(self): """ Return a blank, unconfigured system, unattached to a collection """ return self._config.new_system() def new_distro(self): """ Create a blank, unconfigured distro, unattached to a collection. """ return self._config.new_distro() def new_profile(self): """ Create a blank, unconfigured profile, unattached to a collection """ return self._config.new_profile() def check(self): """ See if all preqs for network booting are valid. This returns a list of strings containing instructions on things to correct. An empty list means there is nothing to correct, but that still doesn't mean there are configuration errors. This is mainly useful for human admins, who may, for instance, forget to properly set up their TFTP servers for PXE, etc. """ check = action_check.BootCheck(self._config) return check.run() def sync(self,dryrun=True): """ Take the values currently written to the configuration files in /etc, and /var, and build out the information tree found in /tftpboot. Any operations done in the API that have not been saved with serialize() will NOT be synchronized with this command. """ sync = action_sync.BootSync(self._config) return sync.run(dryrun=dryrun) def enchant(self,address,profile,systemdef): """ Re-kickstart a running system. Either profile or systemdef should be a name of a profile or system definition, the other should be None. address is an address reachable by SSH. """ enchant = action_enchant.Enchant(self._config,address,profile,systemdef) return enchant.run() def import_tree(self,tree_path,mirror_url,mirror_name): """ Automatically import a directory tree full of distribution files. Imports either a tree (path) or mirror (ftp/http). Mirror support really doesn't exist yet... TBA. """ importer = action_import.Importer(self, self._config, tree_path, mirror_url, mirror_name) return importer.run() def serialize(self): """ Save the config file(s) to disk. """ return self._config.serialize() def deserialize(self): """ Load the current configuration from config file(s) """ return self._config.deserialize()