""" Builds out a TFTP/cobbler boot tree based on the object tree. This is the code behind 'cobbler sync'. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import os.path import shutil import time import yaml # Howell-Clark version import sub_process import sys import glob import utils import cobbler_msg import cexceptions import traceback import errno import item_distro import item_profile import item_system from Cheetah.Template import Template class BootSync: """ Handles conversion of internal state to the tftpboot tree layout """ def __init__(self,config,verbose=False): """ Constructor """ self.verbose = verbose self.config = config self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.repos = config.repos() def run(self): """ Syncs the current configuration file with the config tree. Using the Check().run_ functions previously is recommended """ if not os.path.exists(self.settings.tftpboot): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_dir",self.settings.tftpboot) # not having a /var/www/cobbler is ok, the app will create it since # no other package has to own it. self.clean_trees() self.copy_koan() self.copy_bootloaders() self.configure_httpd() self.copy_distros() self.validate_kickstarts() self.build_trees() if self.settings.manage_dhcp: self.write_dhcp_file() self.restart_dhcp() self.make_pxe_menu() return True def restart_dhcp(self): """ DHCP restarts need to be made when the config file is changed. """ try: retcode = self.service("dhcpd", "restart") if retcode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: dhcpd restart failed" except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: dhcpd restart failed: ", e def copy_koan(self): """ This is just for the "enchant" feature which a lot of folks probably don't use... enchant automates an SSH into a remote system, including koan installation if need be. """ koan_path = self.settings.koan_path if koan_path is None or koan_path == "": return if not os.path.isfile(koan_path): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_koan_path") base = os.path.basename(koan_path) self.copyfile(koan_path, os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, base)) def copy_bootloaders(self): """ Copy bootloaders to the configured tftpboot directory NOTE: we support different arch's if defined in /var/lib/cobbler/settings. """ for loader in self.settings.bootloaders.keys(): path = self.settings.bootloaders[loader] newname = os.path.basename(path) destpath = os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, newname) self.copyfile(path, destpath) self.copyfile("/var/lib/cobbler/menu.c32", os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "menu.c32")) def write_dhcp_file(self): """ DHCP files are written when manage_dhcp is set in /var/lib/cobbler/settings. """ try: f2 = open("/etc/cobbler/dhcp.template","r") except: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_no_template") template_data = "" #f1 = self.open_file("/etc/dhcpd.conf","w+") template_data = f2.read() f2.close() # build each per-system definition system_definitions = "" counter = 0 elilo = os.path.basename(self.settings.bootloaders["ia64"]) for system in self.systems: if not utils.is_mac(system.name): # can't do per-system dhcp features if the system # hostname is not a MAC, therefore the templating # gets to be pretty lame. The general rule here is # if you want to PXE IA64 boxes, you need to use # the MAC as the system name. continue systxt = "" counter = counter + 1 systxt = "\nhost label%d {\n" % counter profile = self.profiles.find(system.profile) distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) if distro.arch == "ia64": # can't use pxelinux.0 anymore systxt = systxt + " filename \"/%s\";\n" % elilo systxt = systxt + " hardware ethernet %s;\n" % system.name if system.pxe_address != "": systxt = systxt + " fixed-address %s;\n" % system.pxe_address systxt = systxt + " next-server %s;\n" % self.settings.next_server systxt = systxt + "}\n" system_definitions = system_definitions + systxt metadata = { "insert_cobbler_system_definitions" : system_definitions, "date" : time.asctime(time.gmtime()), "next_server" : self.settings.next_server } self.apply_template(template_data, metadata, "/etc/dhcpd.conf") #self.tee(f1,template_data) #self.close_file(f1) def templatify(self, data, metadata, outfile): for x in metadata.keys(): template_data = template_data.replace("$%s" % x, metadata[x]) def configure_httpd(self): """ Create a config file to Apache that will allow access to the cobbler infrastructure available over TFTP over HTTP also. """ conf_file = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler.conf" if not os.path.exists("/etc/httpd/conf.d"): print cobbler_msg.lookup("no_httpd") return # now we're going to figure out whether we actually need to write # the file. If the file exists and contains self.settings.webdir, # then we don't. and if the file is already there, then we really # don't have to restart the service either. found_webdir = False found_track_support = False if os.path.exists(conf_file): fh = open(conf_file, "r") data = fh.read() if data.find(self.settings.webdir) != -1: found_webdir = True if data.find("cobbler_track") != -1: found_track_support = True fh.close() if found_track_support and found_webdir: # no http reconfig and restart needed return f = self.open_file(conf_file,"w+") # the watcher.py script appears a bit flakey in older Apache 2 versions # so only install the MP hook when we think Apache can handle it # otherwise the filter could corrupt some binary files (erg!) and the install # will die almost immediately. You've got to love all the corner cases in systems mgmt # software, don't you? release_info_fh = os.popen("rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release") release_info = release_info_fh.read() release_info_fh.close() mod_python_ok = True for x in [ "redhat-release-4", "redhat-release-3", "centos-release-4", "centos-release-3" ]: if release_info.lower().find(x) != -1: mod_python_ok = False if mod_python_ok: mp_section = """ AddHandler mod_python .py PythonOutputFilter watcher WATCHER AddOutputFilter WATCHER ks.cfg AddOutputFilter WATCHER .rpm AddOutputFilter WATCHER .xml AddOutputFilter WATCHER .py PythonDebug On """ else: mp_section = "" config_data = """ # # This configuration file allows 'cobbler' boot info # to be accessed over HTTP in addition to PXE. AliasMatch ^/cobbler(/.*)?$ "/cobbler_webdir$1" AliasMatch ^/cobbler_track(/.*)?$ "/cobbler_webdir$1" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all MPSECTION """ # this defaults to /var/www/cobbler if user didn't change it config_data = config_data.replace("/cobbler_webdir",self.settings.webdir) config_data = config_data.replace("MPSECTION", mp_section) self.tee(f, config_data) self.close_file(f) self.service("httpd", "reload") def clean_trees(self): """ Delete any previously built pxelinux.cfg tree and virt tree info and then create directories. Note: for SELinux reasons, some information goes in /tftpboot, some in /var/www/cobbler and some must be duplicated in both. This is because PXE needs tftp, and auto-kickstart and Virt operations need http. Only the kernel and initrd images are duplicated, which is unfortunate, though SELinux won't let me give them two contexts, so symlinks are not a solution. *Otherwise* duplication is minimal. """ # clean out all of /tftpboot for x in os.listdir(self.settings.webdir): path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,x) if os.path.isfile(path): if not x.endswith(".py"): self.rmfile(path) if os.path.isdir(path): if not x in ["localmirror","repo_mirror","ks_mirror","kickstarts","kickstarts_sys","distros","images","systems","profiles"] : # delete directories that shouldn't exist self.rmtree(path) if x in ["kickstarts","kickstarts_sys","images","systems","distros","profiles"]: # clean out directory contents self.rmtree_contents(path) self.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "pxelinux.cfg")) self.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "images")) # no real reason to delete these # self.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "pxelinux.0")) # self.rmfile(os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "elilo-3.6-ia64.efi")) def copy_distros(self): """ A distro is a kernel and an initrd. Copy all of them and error out if any files are missing. The conf file was correct if built via the CLI or API, though it's possible files have been moved since or perhaps they reference NFS directories that are no longer mounted. NOTE: this has to be done for both tftp and http methods """ # copy is a 4-letter word but tftpboot runs chroot, thus it's required. for d in self.distros: self.copy_single_distro_files(d) def copy_single_distro_files(self, d): for dirtree in [self.settings.tftpboot, self.settings.webdir]: distros = os.path.join(dirtree, "images") distro_dir = os.path.join(distros,d.name) self.mkdir(distro_dir) kernel = utils.find_kernel(d.kernel) # full path initrd = utils.find_initrd(d.initrd) # full path if kernel is None or not os.path.isfile(kernel): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("sync_kernel", d.kernel, d.name) if initrd is None or not os.path.isfile(initrd): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("sync_initrd", d.initrd, d.name) b_kernel = os.path.basename(kernel) b_initrd = os.path.basename(initrd) self.copyfile(kernel, os.path.join(distro_dir, b_kernel)) self.copyfile(initrd, os.path.join(distro_dir, b_initrd)) def validate_kickstarts(self): """ Similar to what we do for distros, ensure all the kickstarts in conf file are valid. kickstarts are referenced by URL (http or ftp), can stay as is. kickstarts referenced by absolute path (i.e. are files path) will be mirrored over http. """ self.validate_kickstarts_per_profile() self.validate_kickstarts_per_system() return True def validate_kickstarts_per_profile(self): """ Koan provisioning (Virt + auto-ks) needs kickstarts per profile. Validate them as needed. Local kickstarts get template substitution. Since http:// kickstarts might get generated via magic URLs, those are *not* substituted. NFS kickstarts are also not substituted when referenced by NFS URL's as we don't copy those files over to the cobbler directories. They are supposed to be live such that an admin can update those without needing to run 'sync' again. NOTE: kickstart only uses the web directory (if it uses them at all) """ for g in self.profiles: self.validate_kickstart_for_specific_profile(g) def validate_kickstart_for_specific_profile(self,g): distro = self.distros.find(g.distro) if distro is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("orphan_distro2", g.name, g.distro) kickstart_path = utils.find_kickstart(g.kickstart) if kickstart_path is not None and os.path.exists(g.kickstart): # the input is an *actual* file, hence we have to copy it copy_path = os.path.join( self.settings.webdir, "kickstarts", # profile kickstarts go here g.name ) self.mkdir(copy_path) dest = os.path.join(copy_path, "ks.cfg") try: will_it_blend = (distro.ks_meta, g.ks_meta) meta = self.blend_options(False, will_it_blend) meta["yum_repo_stanza"] = self.generate_repo_stanza(g) meta["yum_config_stanza"] = self.generate_config_stanza(g) meta["kickstart_done"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(g, is_system=False) kfile = open(kickstart_path) self.apply_template(kfile, meta, dest) kfile.close() except: traceback.print_exc() # leave this in, for now... msg = "err_kickstart2" raise cexceptions.CobblerException(msg,kickstart_path,dest) def generate_kickstart_signal(self, obj, is_system=False): pattern = "wget http://%s/cobbler_track/watcher.py?%s_%s=%s -b" if is_system: return pattern % (self.settings.server, "system", "done", obj.name) else: return pattern % (self.settings.server, "profile", "done", obj.name) def generate_repo_stanza(self, profile): # returns the line of repo additions (Anaconda supports in FC-6 and later) that adds # the list of repos to things that Anaconda can install from. This corresponds # will replace "TEMPLATE::yum_repo_stanza" in a cobbler kickstart file. buf = "" repos = profile.repos for r in repos: repo = self.repos.find(r) if repo is None: continue http_url = "http://%s/cobbler_track/repo_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.server, repo.name) buf = buf + "repo --name=%s --baseurl=%s\n" % (repo.name, http_url) return buf def generate_config_stanza(self, profile): # returns the line in post that would configure yum to use repos added with "cobbler repo add" repos = profile.repos buf = "" for r in repos: repo = self.repos.find(r) if repo is None: continue if not (repo.local_filename is None) or (repo.local_filename == ""): buf = buf + "wget http://%s/cobbler_track/repo_mirror/%s/config.repo --output-document=/etc/yum.repos.d/%s.repo\n" % (self.settings.server, repo.name, repo.local_filename) return buf def validate_kickstarts_per_system(self): """ PXE provisioning needs kickstarts evaluated per system. Profiles would normally be sufficient, but not in cases such as static IP, where we want to be able to do templating on a system basis. NOTE: kickstart only uses the web directory (if it uses them at all) """ for s in self.systems: self.validate_kickstart_for_specific_system(s) def validate_kickstart_for_specific_system(self,s): profile = self.profiles.find(s.profile) if profile is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("orphan_profile2",s.name,s.profile) distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) kickstart_path = utils.find_kickstart(profile.kickstart) if kickstart_path and os.path.exists(kickstart_path): pxe_fn = self.get_pxe_filename(s.name) copy_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "kickstarts_sys", # system kickstarts go here pxe_fn ) self.mkdir(copy_path) dest = os.path.join(copy_path, "ks.cfg") try: meta = self.blend_options(False,( distro.ks_meta, profile.ks_meta, s.ks_meta )) meta["yum_repo_stanza"] = self.generate_repo_stanza(profile) meta["yum_config_stanza"] = self.generate_config_stanza(profile) meta["kickstart_done"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(profile, is_system=True) kfile = open(kickstart_path) self.apply_template(kfile, meta, dest) kfile.close() except: msg = "err_kickstart2" raise cexceptions.CobblerException(msg,s.kickstart,dest) def apply_template(self, data_input, metadata, out_path): """ Take filesystem file kickstart_input, apply metadata using Cheetah and save as out_path. """ if type(data_input) != str: data = data_input.read() else: data = data_input # backward support for Cobbler's legacy (and slightly more readable) # template syntax. data = data.replace("TEMPLATE::","$") data = "#errorCatcher Echo\n" + data t = Template(source=data, searchList=metadata) data_out = str(t) self.mkdir(os.path.basename(out_path)) fd = open(out_path, "w+") fd.write(data_out) fd.close() def build_trees(self): """ Now that kernels and initrds are copied and kickstarts are all valid, build the pxelinux.cfg tree, which contains a directory for each configured IP or MAC address. Also build a tree for Virt info. NOTE: some info needs to go in TFTP and HTTP directories, but not all. Usually it's just one or the other. """ self.write_listings() # create pxelinux.cfg under tftpboot # and file for each MAC or IP (hex encoded 01-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) for d in self.distros: self.write_distro_file(d) for p in self.profiles: # TODO: add check to ensure all profiles have distros (=error) # TODO: add check to ensure all profiles have systems (=warning) self.write_profile_file(p) # Copy default PXE file if it exists; if there's none, ignore # FIXME: Log something inobtrusive ifthe default file is missing # src = "/etc/cobbler/default.pxe" # if os.path.exists(src): # nocopy = False # for system in self.systems: # if system.name == "default": # nocopy = True # break # if not nocopy: # dst = os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "pxelinux.cfg", "default") # self.copyfile(src, dst) for system in self.systems: self.write_all_system_files(system) def write_all_system_files(self,system): profile = self.profiles.find(system.profile) if profile is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("orphan_profile2",system.name,system.profile) distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) if distro is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("orphan_distro2",system.profile,profile.distro) f1 = self.get_pxe_filename(system.name) # tftp only if distro.arch in [ "x86", "x86_64", "standard"]: # pxelinux wants a file named $name under pxelinux.cfg f2 = os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "pxelinux.cfg", f1) if distro.arch == "ia64": # elilo expects files to be named "$name.conf" in the root # and can not do files based on the MAC address if system.pxe_address == "" or system.pxe_address is None or not utils.is_ip(system.pxe_address): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("exc_ia64_noip",system.name) filename = "%s.conf" % self.get_pxe_filename(system.pxe_address) f2 = os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, filename) f3 = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "systems", f1) if distro.arch in [ "x86", "x86_64", "standard"]: self.write_pxe_file(f2,system,profile,distro,False) if distro.arch == "ia64": self.write_pxe_file(f2,system,profile,distro,True) self.write_system_file(f3,system) def get_pxe_filename(self,name_input): """ The configuration file for each system pxe uses is either a form of the MAC address of the hex version of the IP. Not sure about ipv6 (or if that works). The system name in the config file is either a system name, an IP, or the MAC, so figure it out, resolve the host if needed, and return the pxe directory name. """ if name_input == "default": return "default" name = utils.find_system_identifier(name_input) if utils.is_ip(name): return utils.get_host_ip(name) elif utils.is_mac(name): return "01-" + "-".join(name.split(":")).lower() else: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("err_resolv", name) def make_pxe_menu(self): # only do this if there is NOT a system named default. default = self.systems.find("default") if default is not None: return # generate the defaults file: fname = os.path.join(self.settings.tftpboot, "pxelinux.cfg", "default") defaults = open(fname, "w") defaults.write("DEFAULT local\n") defaults.write("PROMPT 1\n") defaults.write("MENU TITLE Cobbler | http://cobbler.et.redhat.com\n") defaults.write("TIMEOUT 200\n") defaults.write("TOTALTIMEOUT 6000\n") defaults.write("ONTIMEOUT local\n") defaults.write("\n") defaults.write("LABEL local\n") defaults.write("\tMENU LABEL (local)\n") defaults.write("\tMENU DEFAULT\n") defaults.write("\tLOCALBOOT 0\n") defaults.write("\n") profile_list = [profile for profile in self.profiles] def sort_name(a,b): return cmp(a.name,b.name) profile_list.sort(sort_name) for profile in profile_list: defaults.write("LABEL %s\n" % profile.name) # a evil invocation of the pxe file creation tool that only generates bits and pieces # without a filename to write to, and without system interpolation, so it's basically just # bits and pieces relevant to the profile. distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) contents = self.write_pxe_file(None,None,profile,distro,False,include_header=False) defaults.write(contents + "\n") defaults.write("\n") defaults.close() def write_pxe_file(self,filename,system,profile,distro,is_ia64, include_header=True): """ Write a configuration file for the boot loader(s). More system-specific configuration may come in later, if so that would appear inside the system object in api.py NOTE: relevant to tftp only """ buffer = "" kernel_path = os.path.join("/images",distro.name,os.path.basename(distro.kernel)) initrd_path = os.path.join("/images",distro.name,os.path.basename(distro.initrd)) kickstart_path = profile.kickstart #fd = self.open_file(filename,"w+") if not is_ia64: # pxelinux tree if include_header: buffer = buffer + "default linux\n" buffer = buffer + "prompt 0\n" buffer = buffer + "timeout 1\n" buffer = buffer + "label linux\n" buffer = buffer + "\tkernel %s\n" % kernel_path else: # elilo thrown in root buffer = buffer + "image=%s\n" % kernel_path buffer = buffer + "\tlabel=netinstall\n" buffer = buffer + "\tinitrd=%s\n" % initrd_path buffer = buffer + "\tread-only\n" buffer = buffer + "\troot=/dev/ram\n" # now build the kernel command line if system is not None: kopts = self.blend_options(True,( self.settings.kernel_options, profile.kernel_options, distro.kernel_options, system.kernel_options )) else: kopts = self.blend_options(True,( self.settings.kernel_options, profile.kernel_options, distro.kernel_options )) # the kernel options line is common to elilo and pxelinux append_line = "%s" % self.hash_to_string(kopts) # if not ia64, include initrd on this line # for ia64, it's already done if not is_ia64: append_line = "%s initrd=%s" % (append_line,initrd_path) # kickstart path (if kickstart is used) if kickstart_path is not None and kickstart_path != "": # if kickstart path is on disk, we've already copied it into # the HTTP mirror, so make it something anaconda can get at. if system is not None and kickstart_path.startswith("/") or kickstart_path.find("/cobbler/kickstarts/") != -1: pxe_fn = self.get_pxe_filename(system.name) kickstart_path = "http://%s/cobbler_track/kickstarts_sys/%s/ks.cfg" % (self.settings.server, pxe_fn) elif kickstart_path.startswith("/") or kickstart_path.find("/cobbler/kickstarts/") != -1: kickstart_path = "http://%s/cobbler_track/kickstarts/%s/ks.cfg" % (self.settings.server, profile.name) if distro.breed is None or distro.breed == "redhat": append_line = "%s ks=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path) elif distro.breed == "suse": append_line = "%s autoyast=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path) # now to add the append line to the file if not is_ia64: if system is None: buffer = buffer + "\tMENU LABEL %s\n" % profile.name # pxelinux.cfg syntax buffer = buffer + "\tappend %s" % append_line else: # elilo.conf syntax buffer = buffer + "\tappend=\"%s\"" % append_line if filename is not None: fd = self.open_file(filename, "w") self.tee(fd, buffer) self.close_file(fd) return buffer def write_listings(self): """ Creates a very simple index of available systems and profiles that cobbler knows about. Just the names, no details. """ names1 = [x.name for x in self.profiles] names2 = [x.name for x in self.systems] data1 = yaml.dump(names1) data2 = yaml.dump(names2) fd1 = self.open_file(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "profile_list"), "w+") fd2 = self.open_file(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "system_list"), "w+") self.tee(fd1, data1) self.tee(fd2, data2) self.close_file(fd1) self.close_file(fd2) def write_distro_file(self,distro): """ Create distro information for virt install NOTE: relevant to http only """ clone = item_distro.Distro(self.config) clone.from_datastruct(distro.to_datastruct()) filename = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,"distros",clone.name) will_it_blend = (self.settings.kernel_options, distro.kernel_options) clone.kernel_options = self.blend_options(True,will_it_blend) fd = self.open_file(filename,"w+") # resolve to current values clone.kernel = utils.find_kernel(clone.kernel) clone.initrd = utils.find_initrd(clone.initrd) # convert storage to something that's koan readable clone.kernel_options = self.hash_to_string(clone.kernel_options) clone.ks_meta = self.hash_to_string(clone.ks_meta) self.tee(fd,yaml.dump(clone.to_datastruct())) self.close_file(fd) def write_profile_file(self,profile): """ Create profile information for virt install NOTE: relevant to http only """ clone = item_profile.Profile(self.config) clone.from_datastruct(profile.to_datastruct()) filename = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,"profiles",clone.name) distro = self.distros.find(clone.distro) if distro is not None: will_it_blend = (self.settings.kernel_options, distro.kernel_options, clone.kernel_options) clone.kernel_options = self.blend_options(True,will_it_blend) # yaml file: http only fd = self.open_file(filename,"w+") # if kickstart path is local, we've already copied it into # the HTTP mirror, so make it something anaconda can get at # NOTE: we only want to write this to the webdir, not the settings # file, so we must make a clone, outside of the collection. # convert storage to something that's koan readable clone.kernel_options = self.hash_to_string(clone.kernel_options) clone.ks_meta = self.hash_to_string(clone.ks_meta) # make URLs for koan if the kickstart files are locally managed (which is preferred) if clone.kickstart and clone.kickstart.startswith("/"): clone.kickstart = "http://%s/cobbler_track/kickstarts/%s/ks.cfg" % (self.settings.server, clone.name) self.tee(fd,yaml.dump(clone.to_datastruct())) self.close_file(fd) def write_system_file(self,filename,system): """ Create system information for virt install NOTE: relevant to http only """ # no real reason to clone this yet, but in case changes come later, might as well be safe. clone = item_system.System(self.config) clone.from_datastruct(system.to_datastruct()) # koan expects strings, not cobbler's storage format clone.kernel_options = self.hash_to_string(clone.kernel_options) clone.ks_meta = self.hash_to_string(clone.ks_meta) fd = self.open_file(filename,"w+") self.tee(fd,yaml.dump(clone.to_datastruct())) self.close_file(fd) def tee(self,fd,text): #if self.verbose: # print text fd.write(text) def open_file(self,filename,mode): return open(filename,mode) def close_file(self,fd): fd.close() def copyfile(self,src,dst): if self.verbose: print "%s -> %s" % (src,dst) try: return shutil.copyfile(src,dst) except IOError, ioe: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("need_perms2",src,dst) def rmfile(self,path): try: os.unlink(path) return True except OSError, ioe: if not ioe.errno == errno.ENOENT: # doesn't exist traceback.print_exc() raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_delete",path) return True def rmtree_contents(self,path): what_to_delete = glob.glob("%s/*" % path) for x in what_to_delete: self.rmtree(x) def rmtree(self,path): if self.verbose: print "del %s" % (path) try: if os.path.isfile(path): return self.rmfile(path) else: return shutil.rmtree(path,ignore_errors=False) except OSError, ioe: traceback.print_exc() if not ioe.errno == errno.ENOENT: # doesn't exist raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_delete",path) return True def mkdir(self,path,mode=0777): if self.verbose: print "mkdir %s" % (path) try: return os.makedirs(path,mode) except OSError, oe: if not oe.errno == 17: # already exists (no constant for 17?) traceback.print_exc() print oe.errno raise cexceptions.CobblerException("no_create", path) def service(self, name, action): """ Call /sbin/service NAME ACTION """ cmd = "/sbin/service %s %s" % (name, action) if self.verbose: print cmd return sub_process.call(cmd, shell=True) def blend_options(self, is_for_kernel, list_of_opts): """ Given a list of options, take the values used by the first argument in the list unless overridden by those in the second (or further on). """ results = {} buffer = "" for optslist in list_of_opts: for key in optslist: results[key] = optslist[key] if is_for_kernel and self.settings.syslog_port != 0: results["syslog"] = "%s:%s" % (self.settings.server, self.settings.syslog_port) return results def hash_to_string(self, hash): buffer = "" for key in hash: value = hash[key] if value is None: buffer = buffer + key + " " else: buffer = buffer + key + "=" + value + " " return buffer