""" Reports on kickstart activity by examining the logs in /var/log/cobbler. Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import os.path import glob import time from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 class BootStatusReport: def __init__(self,config,mode): """ Constructor """ self.config = config self.settings = config.settings() self.mode = mode # ------------------------------------------------------- def scan_apache_logfiles(self): results = {} files = [ "/var/log/httpd/access_log" ] for x in range(1,4): consider = "/var/log/httpd/access_log.%s" % x if os.path.exists(consider): files.append(consider) for fname in files: fh = open(fname) data = fh.readline() while (data is not None and data != ""): data = fh.readline() tokens = data.split(None) if len(tokens) < 6: continue ip = tokens[0] stime = tokens[3].replace("[","") req = tokens[6] if req.find("/cblr") == -1: continue ttime = time.strptime(stime,"%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S") itime = time.mktime(ttime) if not results.has_key(ip): results[ip] = {} results[ip][itime] = req return results # ------------------------------------------------------- def scan_syslog_logfiles(self): # find all of the logged IP addrs filelist = glob.glob("/var/log/cobbler/syslog/*") filelist.sort() results = {} for fullname in filelist: #fname = os.path.basename(fullname) logfile = open(fullname, "r") # for each line in the file... data = logfile.readline() while(data is not None and data != ""): data = logfile.readline() try: (epoch, strdate, ip, request) = data.split("\t", 3) epoch = float(epoch) except: continue if not results.has_key(ip): results[ip] = {} results[ip][epoch] = request return results # ------------------------------------------------------- def run(self): """ Calculate and print a kickstart-status report. For kickstart trees not in /var/lib/cobbler (or a symlink off of there) tracking will be incomplete. This should be noted in the docs. """ apache_results = self.scan_apache_logfiles() syslog_results = self.scan_syslog_logfiles() ips = apache_results.keys() ips.sort() ips2 = syslog_results.keys() ips2.sort() ips.extend(ips2) ip_printed = {} last_recorded_time = 0 time_collisions = 0 #header = ("Address", "State", "Started", "Last Request", "Seconds", "Log Entries") print _("%-20s | %-15s | %-25s | %-25s | %-10s | %-6s") % ( _("Address"), _("State"), _("Last Request"), _("Started"), _("Seconds"), _("Log Entries") ) for ip in ips: if ip_printed.has_key(ip): continue ip_printed[ip] = 1 entries = {} # hash of access times and messages if apache_results.has_key(ip): times = apache_results[ip].keys() for logtime in times: request = apache_results[ip][logtime] if request.find("?system_done") != -1: entries[logtime] = "DONE" elif request.find("?profile_done") != -1: entries[logtime] = "DONE" else: entries[logtime] = "1" # don't really care what the filename was if syslog_results.has_key(ip): times = syslog_results[ip].keys() for logtime in times: request = syslog_results[ip][logtime] if request.find("methodcomplete") != -1: entries[logtime] = "DONE" elif request.find("Method =") != -1: entries[logtime] = "START" else: entries[logtime] = "1" self.generate_report(entries,ip) return True #----------------------------------------- def generate_report(self,entries,ip): """ Given the information about transferred files and kickstart finish times, attempt to produce a report that most describes the state of the system. """ # sort the access times rtimes = entries.keys() rtimes.sort() # variables for calculating kickstart state last_request_time = 0 last_start_time = 0 last_done_time = 0 fcount = 0 if len(rtimes) == 0: print _("%s: ?") % ip return # for each request time the machine has made for rtime in rtimes: rtime = rtime fname = entries[rtime] if fname == "START": install_state = "installing" last_start_time = rtime last_request_time = rtime fcount = 0 elif fname == "DONE": # kickstart finished last_done_time = rtime install_state = "done" else: install_state = "?" last_request_time = rtime fcount = fcount + 1 # calculate elapsed time for kickstart elapsed_time = 0 if install_state == "done": elapsed_time = int(last_done_time - last_start_time) else: elapsed_time = int(last_request_time - last_start_time) # FIXME: IP to MAC mapping where cobbler knows about it would be nice. display_start = time.asctime(time.localtime(last_start_time)) display_last = time.asctime(time.localtime(last_request_time)) if display_start.find(" 1969") != -1: display_start = "?" elapsed_time = "?" # print the status line for this IP address print "%-20s | %-15s | %-25s | %-25s | %-10s | %-6s" % ( ip, install_state, display_start, display_last, elapsed_time, fcount )