""" Reports on kickstart activity by examining the logs in /var/log/cobbler. Copyright 2007-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import os.path import glob import time import api as cobbler_api #from utils import _ class BootStatusReport: def __init__(self,config,mode): """ Constructor """ self.config = config self.settings = config.settings() self.ip_data = {} self.mode = mode # ------------------------------------------------------- def scan_logfiles(self): #profile foosball ? start 1208294043.58 #system neo ? start 1208295122.86 files = glob.glob("/var/log/cobbler/install.log*") for fname in files: fd = open(fname) data = fd.read() for line in data.split("\n"): tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) == 0: continue (profile_or_system, name, mac, ip, start_or_stop, ts) = tokens self.catalog(profile_or_system,name,mac,ip,start_or_stop,ts) fd.close() # ------------------------------------------------------ def catalog(self,profile_or_system,name,mac,ip,start_or_stop,ts): ip_data = self.ip_data if not ip_data.has_key(ip): ip_data[ip] = {} elem = ip_data[ip] ts = float(ts) if not elem.has_key("most_recent_start"): elem["most_recent_start"] = -1 if not elem.has_key("most_recent_stop"): elem["most_recent_stop"] = -1 if not elem.has_key("most_recent_target"): elem["most_recent_target"] = "?" if not elem.has_key("seen_start"): elem["seen_start"] = 0 if not elem.has_key("seen_stop"): elem["seen_stop"] = 0 if not elem.has_key("mac"): elem["mac"] = "?" mrstart = elem["most_recent_start"] mrstop = elem["most_recent_stop"] mrtarg = elem["most_recent_target"] snstart = elem["seen_start"] snstop = elem["seen_stop"] snmac = elem["mac"] if start_or_stop == "start": if mrstart < ts: mrstart = ts mrtarg = "%s:%s" % (profile_or_system, name) snmac = mac elem["seen_start"] = elem["seen_start"] + 1 if start_or_stop == "stop": if mrstop < ts: mrstop = ts mrtarg = "%s:%s" % (profile_or_system, name) snmac = mac elem["seen_stop"] = elem["seen_stop"] + 1 elem["most_recent_start"] = mrstart elem["most_recent_stop"] = mrstop elem["most_recent_target"] = mrtarg elem["mac"] = mac # ------------------------------------------------------- def process_results(self): # FIXME: this should update the times here print "DEBUG: %s" % self.ip_data return self.ip_data def get_printable_results(self): # ip | last mac | last target | start | stop | count format = "%-15s %-17s %-20s %-17s %-17s %5s" ip_data = self.ip_data ips = ip_data.keys() ips.sort() line = ( "ip", "mac", "target", "start", "stop", "count", ) print "DEBUG:", line buf = format % line for ip in ips: elem = ip_data[ip] line = ( ip, elem["mac"], elem["most_recent_target"], elem["most_recent_start"], # clean up elem["most_recent_stop"], # clean up elem["seen_stop"] ) print "DEBUG: ", line buf = buf + "\n" + format % line return buf # ------------------------------------------------------- def run(self): """ Calculate and print a kickstart-status report. """ self.scan_logfiles() self.process_results() print self.get_printable_results() return True