""" Enables the "cobbler distro import" command to seed cobbler information with available distributions. A minimal (kickstartless) profile will also be created with the same name as the distro. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import cexceptions import os import os.path import traceback import sub_process import api # MATCH_LIST uses path segments of mirror URLs to assign kickstart # files. It's not all that intelligent. # FIXME: add common FC, RHEL, and Centos path segments # it's exceedingly wrong right now and the kickstart file # for FC5 is sent everywhere. That probably WON'T work in most # places even though it's a minimalistic kickstart. This will # get patched over time. MATCH_LIST = ( ( "1/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "2/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "3/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "4/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "5/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "FC-5/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "FC-6/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc6.ks" ), ( "RHEL-4/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "6/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "5/" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ), ( "Centos/4" , "/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks" ) ) # the following is a filter to reduce import scan times, # particularly over NFS. these indicate directory segments # that we do not need to recurse into. In the case where # these path segments are important to a certain distro import, # it's a bug, and this list needs to be edited. DIRECTORY_SIEVE = [ "debuginfo", "ppc", "s390x", "s390", "variant-src", "ftp-isos", "compat-layer", "compat-layer-tree", "SRPMS", "headers", "dosutils", "Publishers", "LIVE", "RedHat", "image-template", "logs", "EMEA", "APAC", "isolinux", "debug", "repodata", "repoview", "Fedora", "stylesheet-images", "buildinstall", "partner", "noarch", "src-isos", "dvd-isos", "docs", "misc" ] # to keep serialization to a good level, serialize every # so many iterations, but not every time. class Importer: def __init__(self,api,config,path,mirror,mirror_name): self.api = api self.config = config self.path = path self.mirror = mirror self.mirror_name = mirror_name self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.serialize_counter = 0 def run(self): if self.path is None and self.mirror is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("import_failed","no path specified") if self.path and not os.path.isdir(self.path): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("import_failed","bad path") if self.mirror is not None: if self.mirror_name is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("import_failed","must specify --mirror-name") print "This will take a while..." self.path = "%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) try: os.makedirs(self.path) except: if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise cexceptions.CobblerException("couldn't create: %s" % (self.path)) if self.mirror.startswith("http://"): # http mirrors are kind of primative. rsync is better. try: os.makedirs("%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name)) except: print "- didn't create %s" % self.mirror_name cmd = "wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --directory-prefix %s/%s %s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name, self.mirror) print "- %s" % cmd sub_process.call(cmd,shell=True) else: # use rsync... spacer = "" if not self.mirror.startswith("rsync://"): spacer = ' -e "ssh" ' cmd = "rsync -a %s %s %s/ks_mirror/%s --exclude-from=/etc/cobbler/rsync.exclude --delete --delete-excluded --progress" % (spacer, self.mirror, self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) print "- %s" % cmd sub_process.call(cmd,shell=True) if self.path is not None: processed_repos = {} os.path.walk(self.path, self.walker, processed_repos) self.scrub_orphans() self.guess_kickstarts() return True raise cexceptions.CobblerException("path not specified") def scrub_orphans(self): """ This has nothing to do with parentless children that need baths. first: remove any distros with missing kernel or initrd files second: remove any profiles that depend on distros that don't exist systems will be left as orphans as the MAC info may be useful to the sysadmin and may not be recorded elsewhere. We will report the orphaned systems. FIXME: this should also be a seperate API command as it's useful elsewhere """ print "- Removing orphaned distributions" for distro in self.distros: remove = False if not os.path.exists(distro.kernel): print "- Orphaned distro (no kernel): %s" % distro.name remove = True if not os.path.exists(distro.initrd): print "- Orphaned distro (no initrd): %s" % distro.name remove = True if not remove: continue # cascade removal for profile in self.profiles: if profile.distro == distro.name: # cascade removal of systems for system in self.systems: if system.profile == profile.name: print "- System removed: %s" % system.name self.systems.remove(system.name) print "- Profile removed: %s" % profile.name self.profiles.remove(profile.name) print "- Distro removed: %s" % distro.name self.distros.remove(distro.name) def guess_kickstarts(self): """ For all of the profiles in the config w/o a kickstart, look at the kernel path, from that, see if we can guess the distro, and if we can, assign a kickstart if one is available for it. """ for profile in self.profiles: distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) if distro is None: raise cexceptions.CobblerException("orphan_distro2",profile.name,profile.distro) kpath = distro.kernel if not kpath.startswith("%s/ks_mirror/" % self.settings.webdir): continue for entry in MATCH_LIST: (part, kickstart) = entry if kpath.find(part) != -1: if os.path.exists(kickstart): print "*** ASSIGNING kickstart: %s" % kickstart profile.set_kickstart(kickstart) # from the kernel path, the tree path is always two up. dirname = os.path.dirname(kpath) print "dirname = %s" % dirname tokens = dirname.split("/") tokens = tokens[:-2] base = "/".join(tokens) base = base.replace(self.settings.webdir,"") tree = "tree=http://%s/%s" % (self.settings.server, base) print "*** KICKSTART TREE = %s" % tree profile.set_ksmeta(tree) self.serialize_counter = self.serialize_counter + 1 if (self.serialize_counter % 5) == 0: self.api.serialize() def walker(self,processed_repos,dirname,fnames): initrd = None kernel = None for tentative in fnames: for filter_out in DIRECTORY_SIEVE: if tentative == filter_out: fnames.remove(tentative) print "%s" % dirname if not self.is_pxe_or_virt_dir(dirname): return # keep track of where we've run create repo for x in fnames: if x.startswith("initrd"): initrd = os.path.join(dirname,x) if x.startswith("vmlinuz"): kernel = os.path.join(dirname,x) if initrd is not None and kernel is not None: self.add_entry(dirname,kernel,initrd) # repo is up two locations and down in repodata path_parts = kernel.split("/")[:-3] comps_path = "/".join(path_parts) print "- looking for comps in %s" % comps_path comps_file = os.path.join(comps_path, "repodata", "comps.xml") if not os.path.exists(comps_file): print "- no comps file found: %s" % comps_file try: # don't run creatrepo twice -- this can happen easily for Xen and PXE, when # they'll share same repo files. if not processed_repos.has_key(comps_path): cmd = "createrepo --groupfile %s %s" % (comps_file, comps_path) sub_process.call(cmd,shell=True) print "- repository updated" processed_repos[comps_path] = 1 except: print "- error launching createrepo, ignoring for now..." traceback.print_exc() def add_entry(self,dirname,kernel,initrd): pxe_arch = self.get_pxe_arch(dirname) name = self.get_proposed_name(dirname) if self.distros.find(name) is not None: print "already registered: %s" % name else: distro = self.config.new_distro() distro.set_name(name) distro.set_kernel(kernel) distro.set_initrd(initrd) distro.set_arch(pxe_arch) self.distros.add(distro) print "(distro added)" if self.profiles.find(name) is None: profile = self.config.new_profile() profile.set_name(name) profile.set_distro(name) self.profiles.add(profile) print "(profile added)" self.serialize_counter = self.serialize_counter + 1 if (self.serialize_counter % 5) == 0: self.api.serialize() def get_proposed_name(self,dirname): name = "_".join(dirname.split("/")) if name.startswith("_"): name = name[1:] return name def get_pxe_arch(self,dirname): t = dirname if t.find("x86_64") != -1: return "x86_64" if t.find("ia64") != -1: return "ia64" if t.find("i386") != -1 or t.find("386") != -1 or t.find("x86") != -1: return "x86" return "x86" def is_pxe_or_virt_dir(self,dirname): if dirname.find("pxe") != -1 or dirname.find("xen") != -1 or dirname.find("virt") != -1: return True return False