""" Enables the "cobbler import" command to seed cobbler information with available distribution from rsync mirrors and mounted DVDs. Copyright 2006-2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ from cexceptions import * import os import os.path import traceback import sub_process import glob import api import utils import shutil from rhpl.translate import _, N_, textdomain, utf8 WGET_CMD = "wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --directory-prefix %s/%s %s" RSYNC_CMD = "rsync -a %s %s %s/ks_mirror/%s --exclude-from=/etc/cobbler/rsync.exclude --delete --delete-excluded --progress" TRY_LIST = [ "Fedora", "RedHat", "Client", "Server", "Centos", "CentOS", "Fedora/RPMS", "RedHat/RPMS", "Client/RPMS", "Server/RPMS", "Centos/RPMS", "CentOS/RPMS", "RPMS" ] class Importer: def __init__(self,api,config,mirror,mirror_name): self.api = api self.config = config self.mirror = mirror self.mirror_name = mirror_name self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.distros_added = [] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(self): if self.mirror is None: raise CX(_("import failed. no --mirror specified")) if self.mirror_name is None: raise CX(_("import failed. no --name specified")) if self.mirror_name is None: raise CX(_("import failed. no --name specified")) # make the output path self.path = "%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) self.mkdir(self.path) # prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice if not self.mirror.endswith("/"): self.mirror = "%s/" % self.mirror if self.mirror.startswith("http://"): # http mirrors are kind of primative. rsync is better. self.run_this(WGET_CMD, (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name, self.mirror)) else: # use rsync.. no SSH for public mirrors and local files. # presence of user@host syntax means use SSH spacer = "" if not self.mirror.startswith("rsync://") and not self.mirror.startswith("/"): spacer = ' -e "ssh" ' self.run_this(RSYNC_CMD, (spacer, self.mirror, self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name)) self.processed_repos = {} print _("---------------- (adding distros)") os.path.walk(self.path, self.distro_adder, {}) print _("---------------- (associating repos)") self.repo_finder() print _("---------------- (associating kickstarts)") self.kickstart_finder() print _("---------------- (syncing)") self.api.sync() return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def mkdir(self, dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except: pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def run_this(self, cmd, args): my_cmd = cmd % args print _("- %s") % my_cmd rc = sub_process.call(my_cmd,shell=True) if rc != 0: raise CX(_("Command failed")) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def kickstart_finder(self): """ For all of the profiles in the config w/o a kickstart, look at the kernel path, from that, see if we can guess the distro, and if we can, assign a kickstart if one is available for it. """ for profile in self.profiles: distro = self.distros.find(profile.distro) if distro is None or not (distro in self.distros_added): print _("- skipping distro %s since it wasn't imported this time") % profile.distro continue if not distro.kernel.startswith("%s/ks_mirror/" % self.settings.webdir): # this isn't a mirrored profile, so we won't touch it print _("- skipping %s since profile isn't mirrored") % profile.name continue kdir = os.path.dirname(distro.kernel) base_dir = "/".join(kdir.split("/")[0:-2]) for try_entry in TRY_LIST: try_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, try_entry) if os.path.exists(try_dir): rpms = glob.glob(os.path.join(try_dir, "*release-*")) for rpm in rpms: if rpm.find("notes") != -1: continue results = self.scan_rpm_filename(rpm) if results is None: continue (flavor, major, minor) = results print _("- determining best kickstart for %(flavor)s %(major)s") % { "flavor" : flavor, "major" : major } kickstart = self.set_kickstart(profile, flavor, major, minor) print _("- kickstart=%s") % kickstart self.configure_tree_location(distro) self.distros.add(distro) # re-save self.api.serialize() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def configure_tree_location(self, distro): # find the tree location dirname = os.path.dirname(distro.kernel) tokens = dirname.split("/") tokens = tokens[:-2] base = "/".join(tokens) dest_link = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "links", distro.name) if not os.path.exists(dest_link): try: os.symlink(base, dest_link) except: # this shouldn't happen but I've seen it ... debug ... print _("- symlink creation failed: %(base)s, %(dest)s") % { "base" : base, "dest" : dest_link } base = base.replace(self.settings.webdir,"") meta = distro.ks_meta meta["tree"] = "http://%s/cblr/links/%s" % (self.settings.server, distro.name) print _("- tree: %s") % meta["tree"] distro.set_ksmeta(meta) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_kickstart(self, profile, flavor, major, minor): if flavor == "fedora": if major >= 6: return profile.set_kickstart("/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc6.ks") if flavor == "redhat" or flavor == "centos": if major >= 5: return profile.set_kickstart("/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc6.ks") print _("- using default kickstart file choice") return profile.set_kickstart("/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc5.ks") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def scan_rpm_filename(self, rpm): """ Determine what the distro is based on the release RPM filename. """ rpm = os.path.basename(rpm) # if it looks like a RHEL RPM we'll cheat. # it may be slightly wrong, but it will be close enough # for RHEL5 we can get it exactly. for x in [ "4AS", "4ES", "4WS" ]: if rpm.find(x) != -1: return ("redhat", 4, 0) for x in [ "3AS", "3ES", "3WS" ]: if rpm.find(x) != -1: return ("redhat", 3, 0) for x in [ "2AS", "2ES", "2WS" ]: if rpm.find(x) != -1: return ("redhat", 2, 0) # now get the flavor: flavor = "redhat" if rpm.lower().find("fedora") != -1: flavor = "fedora" if rpm.lower().find("centos") != -1: flavor = "centos" # get all the tokens and try to guess a version accum = [] tokens = rpm.split(".") for t in tokens: tokens2 = t.split("-") for t2 in tokens2: try: float(t2) accum.append(t2) except: pass major = float(accum[0]) minor = float(accum[1]) return (flavor, major, minor) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def distro_adder(self,foo,dirname,fnames): initrd = None kernel = None if not self.is_relevant_dir(dirname): return for x in fnames: if x.startswith("initrd"): initrd = os.path.join(dirname,x) if x.startswith("vmlinuz"): kernel = os.path.join(dirname,x) if initrd is not None and kernel is not None and dirname.find("isolinux") == -1: self.add_entry(dirname,kernel,initrd) path_parts = kernel.split("/")[:-2] comps_path = "/".join(path_parts) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def repo_finder(self): for distro in self.distros_added: print _("- traversing distro %s") % distro.name if distro.kernel.find("ks_mirror") != -1: basepath = os.path.dirname(distro.kernel) top = "/".join(basepath.split("/")[0:-2]) # up one level print _("- descent into %s") % top os.path.walk(top, self.repo_scanner, distro) else: print _("- this distro isn't mirrored") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def repo_scanner(self,distro,dirname,fnames): for x in fnames: if x == "base": # don't do "repodata" self.process_comps_file(dirname, distro) continue # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_comps_file(self, comps_path, distro): # all of this is mainly to set up the core repos in a sane # way and shouldn't fail if the tree structure is too foreign masterdir = "repodata" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(comps_path, "repodata")): # older distros... masterdir = "base" print _("- scanning: %(path)s (distro: %(name)s)") % { "path" : comps_path, "name" : distro.name } # figure out what our comps file is ... print _("- looking for %(p1)s/%(p2)s/comps*.xml") % { "p1" : comps_path, "p2" : masterdir } files = glob.glob("%s/%s/comps*.xml" % (comps_path, masterdir)) if len(files) == 0: print _("- no comps found here: %s") % os.path.join(comps_path, masterdir) return # no comps xml file found # pull the filename from the longer part comps_file = files[0].split("/")[-1] try: # store the yum configs on the filesystem so we can use them later. # and configure them in the kickstart post, etc counter = len(distro.source_repos) # find path segment for yum_url (changing filesystem path to http:// trailing fragment) seg = comps_path.rfind("ks_mirror") urlseg = comps_path[seg+10:] # write a yum config file that shows how to use the repo. if counter == 0: dotrepo = "%s.repo" % distro.name else: dotrepo = "%s-%s.repo" % (distro.name, counter) fname = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "ks_mirror", "config", "%s-%s.repo" % (distro.name, counter)) repo_url = "http://%s/cobbler/ks_mirror/config/%s-%s.repo" % (self.settings.server, distro.name, counter) repo_url2 = "http://%s/cobbler/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.server, urlseg) distro.source_repos.append([repo_url,repo_url2]) print _("- url: %s") % repo_url config_file = open(fname, "w+") config_file.write("[%s]\n" % "core-%s" % counter) config_file.write("name=%s\n" % "core-%s " % counter) config_file.write("baseurl=http://%s/cobbler/ks_mirror/%s\n" % (self.settings.server, urlseg)) config_file.write("enabled=1\n") config_file.write("gpgcheck=0\n") config_file.close() # don't run creatrepo twice -- this can happen easily for Xen and PXE, when # they'll share same repo files. if not self.processed_repos.has_key(comps_path): utils.remove_yum_olddata(comps_path) #cmd = "createrepo --basedir / --groupfile %s %s" % (os.path.join(comps_path, masterdir, comps_file), comps_path) cmd = "createrepo -c cache --groupfile %s %s" % (os.path.join(comps_path, masterdir, comps_file), comps_path) print _("- %s") % cmd sub_process.call(cmd,shell=True) self.processed_repos[comps_path] = 1 # for older distros, if we have a "base" dir parallel with "repodata", we need to copy comps.xml up one... p1 = os.path.join(comps_path, "repodata", "comps.xml") p2 = os.path.join(comps_path, "base", "comps.xml") if os.path.exists(p1) and os.path.exists(p2): print _("- cp %s %s") % (p1, p2) shutil.copyfile(p1,p2) except: print _("- error launching createrepo, ignoring...") traceback.print_exc() def add_entry(self,dirname,kernel,initrd): pxe_arch = self.get_pxe_arch(dirname) name = self.get_proposed_name(dirname, pxe_arch) existing_distro = self.distros.find(name) if existing_distro is not None: print _("- modifying existing distro: %s") % name distro = existing_distro else: print _("- creating new distro: %s") % name distro = self.config.new_distro() distro.set_name(name) distro.set_kernel(kernel) distro.set_initrd(initrd) distro.set_arch(pxe_arch) distro.source_repos = [] self.distros.add(distro) self.distros_added.append(distro) existing_profile = self.profiles.find(name) if existing_profile is None: print _("- creating new profile: %s") % name profile = self.config.new_profile() else: print _("- modifying existing profile: %s") % name profile = existing_profile profile.set_name(name) profile.set_distro(name) self.profiles.add(profile) self.api.serialize() return distro def get_proposed_name(self,dirname,pxe_arch): archname = pxe_arch if archname == "x86": archname = "i386" name = "-".join(dirname.split("/")) if name.startswith("-"): name = name[1:] name = name.replace("-os","") name = name.replace("-images","") name = name.replace("-tree","") name = name.replace("var-www-cobbler-", "") name = name.replace("ks_mirror-","") name = name.replace("-pxeboot","") name = name.replace("--","-") name = name.replace("-i386","") name = name.replace("_i386","") name = name.replace("-x86_64","") name = name.replace("_x86_64","") name = name.replace("-ia64","") name = name.replace("_ia64","") # ensure arch is on the end, regardless of path used. name = name + "-" + archname return name def arch_walker(self,foo,dirname,fnames): """ See docs on learn_arch_from_tree """ # don't care about certain directories match = False for x in TRY_LIST: if dirname.find(x) != -1: match = True continue if not match: return # try to find a kernel header RPM and then look at it's arch. for x in fnames: if not x.endswith("rpm"): continue if x.find("kernel-header") != -1: print _("- kernel header found: %s") % x if x.find("i386") != -1: foo["result"] = "x86" return elif x.find("x86_64") != -1: foo["result"] = "x86_64" return elif x.find("ia64") != -1: foo["result"] = "ia64" return def learn_arch_from_tree(self,dirname): """ If a distribution is imported from DVD, there is a good chance the path doesn't contain the arch and we should add it back in so that it's part of the meaningful name ... so this code helps figure out the arch name. This is important for producing predictable distro names (and profile names) from differing import sources """ dirname2 = "/".join(dirname.split("/")[:-2]) # up two from images, then down as many as needed print _("- scanning %s for architecture info") % dirname2 result = { "result" : "x86" } # default, but possibly not correct ... os.path.walk(dirname2, self.arch_walker, result) return result["result"] def get_pxe_arch(self,dirname): t = dirname.lower() if t.find("x86_64") != -1: return "x86_64" if t.find("ia64") != -1: return "ia64" if t.find("i386") != -1 or t.find("386") != -1 or t.find("x86") != -1: return "x86" return self.learn_arch_from_tree(dirname) def is_relevant_dir(self,dirname): for x in [ "pxe", "xen", "virt" ]: if dirname.find(x) != -1: return True return False