""" Validates whether the system is reasonably well configured for serving up content. This is the code behind 'cobbler check'. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import os import re import cobbler_msg import action_sync class BootCheck: def __init__(self,config): """ Constructor """ self.config = config self.settings = config.settings() def run(self): """ Returns None if there are no errors, otherwise returns a list of things to correct prior to running application 'for real'. (The CLI usage is "cobbler check" before "cobbler sync") """ status = [] self.check_name(status) self.check_dhcpd_bin(status) self.check_bootloaders(status) self.check_tftpd_bin(status) self.check_tftpd_dir(status) self.check_tftpd_conf(status) self.check_dhcpd_conf(status) self.check_httpd(status) return status def check_name(self,status): """ If the server name in the config file is still set to localhost kickstarts run from koan will not have proper kernel line parameters. """ if self.settings.server == "": status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("bad_server")) if self.settings.next_server == "": status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("bad_next")) def check_httpd(self,status): """ Check if Apache is installed. """ if not os.path.exists(self.settings.httpd_bin): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_httpd")) def check_dhcpd_bin(self,status): """ Check if dhcpd is installed """ if not os.path.exists(self.settings.dhcpd_bin): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_dhcpd")) def check_bootloaders(self,status): """ Check if network bootloaders are installed """ for loader in self.settings.bootloaders.keys(): filename = self.settings.bootloaders[loader] if not os.path.exists(filename): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_bootloader")) return def check_tftpd_bin(self,status): """ Check if tftpd is installed """ if not os.path.exists(self.settings.tftpd_bin): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_tftpd")) def check_tftpd_dir(self,status): """ Check if cobbler.conf's tftpboot directory exists """ if not os.path.exists(self.settings.tftpboot): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_dir") % self.settings.tftpboot) def check_tftpd_conf(self,status): """ Check that configured tftpd boot directory matches with actual Check that tftpd is enabled to autostart """ if os.path.exists(self.settings.tftpd_conf): f = open(self.settings.tftpd_conf) re_disable = re.compile(r'disable.*=.*yes') found_bootdir = False for line in f.readlines(): if re_disable.search(line): status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("chg_attrib") % ('disable','no',self.settings.tftpd_conf)) if line.find("-s %s" % self.settings.tftpboot) != -1: found_bootdir = True if not found_bootdir: status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("chg_attrib") % ('server_args',"-s %s" % self.settings.tftpboot, self.settings.tftpd_conf)) else: status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_exist") % self.settings.tftpd_conf) def check_dhcpd_conf(self,status): """ NOTE: this code only applies if cobbler is *NOT* set to generate a dhcp.conf file Check that dhcpd *appears* to be configured for pxe booting. We can't assure file correctness. Since a cobbler user might have dhcp on another server, it's okay if it's not there and/or not configured correctly according to automated scans. """ if not (self.settings.manage_dhcp == 0): return if os.path.exists(self.settings.dhcpd_conf): match_next = False match_file = False f = open(self.settings.dhcpd_conf) for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("next-server") != -1: match_next = True if line.find("filename") != -1: match_file = True if not match_next: status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_next_server") % (self.settings.dhcpd_conf)) if not match_file: status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_filename") % (self.settings.dhcpd_conf)) else: status.append(cobbler_msg.lookup("no_exist") % self.settings.dhcpd_conf)