#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: CheetahWrapper.py,v 1.25 2006/02/04 00:59:46 tavis_rudd Exp $ """Cheetah command-line interface. 2002-09-03 MSO: Total rewrite. 2002-09-04 MSO: Bugfix, compile command was using wrong output ext. 2002-11-08 MSO: Another rewrite. Meta-Data ================================================================================ Author: Tavis Rudd and Mike Orr Version: $Revision: 1.25 $ Start Date: 2001/03/30 Last Revision Date: $Date: 2006/02/04 00:59:46 $ """ __author__ = "Tavis Rudd and Mike Orr " __revision__ = "$Revision: 1.25 $"[11:-2] import getopt, glob, os, pprint, re, shutil, sys import cPickle as pickle from Cheetah.Version import Version from Cheetah.Template import Template, DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS from Cheetah.Utils.Misc import mkdirsWithPyInitFiles from Cheetah.Utils.optik import OptionParser optionDashesRE = re.compile( R"^-{1,2}" ) moduleNameRE = re.compile( R"^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$" ) def fprintfMessage(stream, format, *args): if format[-1:] == '^': format = format[:-1] else: format += '\n' if args: message = format % args else: message = format stream.write(message) class Error(Exception): pass class Bundle: """Wrap the source, destination and backup paths in one neat little class. Used by CheetahWrapper.getBundles(). """ def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def __repr__(self): return "" % self.__dict__ class MyOptionParser(OptionParser): standard_option_list = [] # We use commands for Optik's standard options. def error(self, msg): """Print our usage+error page.""" usage(HELP_PAGE2, msg) def print_usage(self, file=None): """Our usage+error page already has this.""" pass ################################################## ## USAGE FUNCTION & MESSAGES def usage(usageMessage, errorMessage="", out=sys.stderr): """Write help text, an optional error message, and abort the program. """ out.write(WRAPPER_TOP) out.write(usageMessage) exitStatus = 0 if errorMessage: out.write('\n') out.write("*** USAGE ERROR ***: %s\n" % errorMessage) exitStatus = 1 sys.exit(exitStatus) WRAPPER_TOP = """\ __ ____________ __ \ \/ \/ / \/ * * \/ CHEETAH %(Version)s Command-Line Tool \ | / \ ==----== / by Tavis Rudd \__________/ and Mike Orr """ % globals() HELP_PAGE1 = """\ USAGE: ------ cheetah compile [options] [FILES ...] : Compile template definitions cheetah fill [options] [FILES ...] : Fill template definitions cheetah help : Print this help message cheetah options : Print options help message cheetah test [options] : Run Cheetah's regression tests : (same as for unittest) cheetah version : Print Cheetah version number You may abbreviate the command to the first letter; e.g., 'h' == 'help'. If FILES is a single "-", read standard input and write standard output. Run "cheetah options" for the list of valid options. """ HELP_PAGE2 = """\ OPTIONS FOR "compile" AND "fill": --------------------------------- --idir DIR, --odir DIR : input/output directories (default: current dir) --iext EXT, --oext EXT : input/output filename extensions (default for compile: tmpl/py, fill: tmpl/html) -R : recurse subdirectories looking for input files --debug : print lots of diagnostic output to standard error --env : put the environment in the searchList --flat : no destination subdirectories --nobackup : don't make backups --pickle FILE : unpickle FILE and put that object in the searchList --stdout, -p : output to standard output (pipe) --settings : a string representing the compiler settings to use e.g. --settings='useNameMapper=False,useFilters=False' This string is eval'd in Python so it should contain valid Python syntax. --templateAPIClass : a string representing a subclass of Cheetah.Template:Template to use for compilation Run "cheetah help" for the main help screen. """ ################################################## ## CheetahWrapper CLASS class CheetahWrapper: MAKE_BACKUPS = True BACKUP_SUFFIX = ".bak" _templateClass = None _compilerSettings = None def __init__(self): self.progName = None self.command = None self.opts = None self.pathArgs = None self.sourceFiles = [] self.searchList = [] ################################################## ## MAIN ROUTINE def main(self, argv=None): """The main program controller.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # Step 1: Determine the command and arguments. try: self.progName = progName = os.path.basename(argv[0]) self.command = command = optionDashesRE.sub("", argv[1]) if command == 'test': self.testOpts = argv[2:] else: self.parseOpts(argv[2:]) except IndexError: usage(HELP_PAGE1, "not enough command-line arguments") # Step 2: Call the command meths = (self.compile, self.fill, self.help, self.options, self.test, self.version) for meth in meths: methName = meth.__name__ # Or meth.im_func.func_name # Or meth.func_name (Python >= 2.1 only, sometimes works on 2.0) methInitial = methName[0] if command in (methName, methInitial): sys.argv[0] += (" " + methName) # @@MO: I don't necessarily agree sys.argv[0] should be # modified. meth() return # If none of the commands matched. usage(HELP_PAGE1, "unknown command '%s'" % command) def parseOpts(self, args): C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn self.isCompile = isCompile = self.command[0] == 'c' defaultOext = isCompile and ".py" or ".html" parser = MyOptionParser() pao = parser.add_option pao("--idir", action="store", dest="idir", default="") pao("--odir", action="store", dest="odir", default="") pao("--iext", action="store", dest="iext", default=".tmpl") pao("--oext", action="store", dest="oext", default=defaultOext) pao("-R", action="store_true", dest="recurse", default=False) pao("--stdout", "-p", action="store_true", dest="stdout", default=False) pao("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) pao("--env", action="store_true", dest="env", default=False) pao("--pickle", action="store", dest="pickle", default="") pao("--flat", action="store_true", dest="flat", default=False) pao("--nobackup", action="store_true", dest="nobackup", default=False) pao("--settings", action="store", dest="compilerSettingsString", default=None) pao("--templateAPIClass", action="store", dest="templateClassName", default=None) self.opts, self.pathArgs = opts, files = parser.parse_args(args) D("""\ cheetah compile %s Options are %s Files are %s""", args, pprint.pformat(vars(opts)), files) #cleanup trailing path separators seps = [sep for sep in [os.sep, os.altsep] if sep] for attr in ['idir', 'odir']: for sep in seps: path = getattr(opts, attr, None) if path and path.endswith(sep): path = path[:-len(sep)] setattr(opts, attr, path) break self._fixExts() if opts.env: self.searchList.insert(0, os.environ) if opts.pickle: f = open(opts.pickle, 'rb') unpickled = pickle.load(f) f.close() self.searchList.insert(0, unpickled) opts.verbose = not opts.stdout ################################################## ## COMMAND METHODS def compile(self): self._compileOrFill() def fill(self): from Cheetah.ImportHooks import install install() self._compileOrFill() def help(self): usage(HELP_PAGE1, "", sys.stdout) def options(self): usage(HELP_PAGE2, "", sys.stdout) def test(self): # @@MO: Ugly kludge. TEST_WRITE_FILENAME = 'cheetah_test_file_creation_ability.tmp' try: f = open(TEST_WRITE_FILENAME, 'w') except: sys.exit("""\ Cannot run the tests because you don't have write permission in the current directory. The tests need to create temporary files. Change to a directory you do have write permission to and re-run the tests.""") else: f.close() os.remove(TEST_WRITE_FILENAME) # @@MO: End ugly kludge. from Cheetah.Tests import Test import Cheetah.Tests.unittest_local_copy as unittest del sys.argv[1:] # Prevent unittest from misinterpreting options. sys.argv.extend(self.testOpts) #unittest.main(testSuite=Test.testSuite) #unittest.main(testSuite=Test.testSuite) unittest.main(module=Test) def version(self): print Version # If you add a command, also add it to the 'meths' variable in main(). ################################################## ## LOGGING METHODS def chatter(self, format, *args): """Print a verbose message to stdout. But don't if .opts.stdout is true or .opts.verbose is false. """ if self.opts.stdout or not self.opts.verbose: return fprintfMessage(sys.stdout, format, *args) def debug(self, format, *args): """Print a debugging message to stderr, but don't if .debug is false. """ if self.opts.debug: fprintfMessage(sys.stderr, format, *args) def warn(self, format, *args): """Always print a warning message to stderr. """ fprintfMessage(sys.stderr, format, *args) def error(self, format, *args): """Always print a warning message to stderr and exit with an error code. """ fprintfMessage(sys.stderr, format, *args) sys.exit(1) ################################################## ## HELPER METHODS def _fixExts(self): assert self.opts.oext, "oext is empty!" iext, oext = self.opts.iext, self.opts.oext if iext and not iext.startswith("."): self.opts.iext = "." + iext if oext and not oext.startswith("."): self.opts.oext = "." + oext def _compileOrFill(self): C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn opts, files = self.opts, self.pathArgs if files == ["-"]: self._compileOrFillStdin() return elif not files and opts.recurse: which = opts.idir and "idir" or "current" C("Drilling down recursively from %s directory.", which) sourceFiles = [] dir = os.path.join(self.opts.idir, os.curdir) os.path.walk(dir, self._expandSourceFilesWalk, sourceFiles) elif not files: usage(HELP_PAGE1, "Neither files nor -R specified!") else: sourceFiles = self._expandSourceFiles(files, opts.recurse, True) sourceFiles = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in sourceFiles] D("All source files found: %s", sourceFiles) bundles = self._getBundles(sourceFiles) D("All bundles: %s", pprint.pformat(bundles)) if self.opts.flat: self._checkForCollisions(bundles) for b in bundles: self._compileOrFillBundle(b) def _checkForCollisions(self, bundles): """Check for multiple source paths writing to the same destination path. """ C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn isError = False dstSources = {} for b in bundles: if dstSources.has_key(b.dst): dstSources[b.dst].append(b.src) else: dstSources[b.dst] = [b.src] keys = dstSources.keys() keys.sort() for dst in keys: sources = dstSources[dst] if len(sources) > 1: isError = True sources.sort() fmt = "Collision: multiple source files %s map to one destination file %s" W(fmt, sources, dst) if isError: what = self.isCompile and "Compilation" or "Filling" sys.exit("%s aborted due to collisions" % what) def _expandSourceFilesWalk(self, arg, dir, files): """Recursion extension for .expandSourceFiles(). This method is a callback for os.path.walk(). 'arg' is a list to which successful paths will be appended. """ iext = self.opts.iext for f in files: path = os.path.join(dir, f) if path.endswith(iext) and os.path.isfile(path): arg.append(path) elif os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isdir(path): os.path.walk(path, self._expandSourceFilesWalk, arg) # If is directory, do nothing; 'walk' will eventually get it. def _expandSourceFiles(self, files, recurse, addIextIfMissing): """Calculate source paths from 'files' by applying the command-line options. """ C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn idir = self.opts.idir iext = self.opts.iext files = [] for f in self.pathArgs: oldFilesLen = len(files) D("Expanding %s", f) path = os.path.join(idir, f) pathWithExt = path + iext # May or may not be valid. if os.path.isdir(path): if recurse: os.path.walk(path, self._expandSourceFilesWalk, files) else: raise Error("source file '%s' is a directory" % path) elif os.path.isfile(path): files.append(path) elif (addIextIfMissing and not path.endswith(iext) and os.path.isfile(pathWithExt)): files.append(pathWithExt) # Do not recurse directories discovered by iext appending. elif os.path.exists(path): W("Skipping source file '%s', not a plain file.", path) else: W("Skipping source file '%s', not found.", path) if len(files) > oldFilesLen: D(" ... found %s", files[oldFilesLen:]) return files def _getBundles(self, sourceFiles): flat = self.opts.flat idir = self.opts.idir iext = self.opts.iext nobackup = self.opts.nobackup odir = self.opts.odir oext = self.opts.oext idirSlash = idir + os.sep bundles = [] for src in sourceFiles: # 'base' is the subdirectory plus basename. base = src if idir and src.startswith(idirSlash): base = src[len(idirSlash):] if iext and base.endswith(iext): base = base[:-len(iext)] basename = os.path.basename(base) if flat: dst = os.path.join(odir, basename + oext) else: dbn = basename if odir and base.startswith(os.sep): odd = odir while odd != '': idx = base.find(odd) if idx == 0: dbn = base[len(odd):] if dbn[0] == '/': dbn = dbn[1:] break odd = os.path.dirname(odd) if odd == '/': break dst = os.path.join(odir, dbn + oext) else: dst = os.path.join(odir, base + oext) bak = dst + self.BACKUP_SUFFIX b = Bundle(src=src, dst=dst, bak=bak, base=base, basename=basename) bundles.append(b) return bundles def _getTemplateClass(self): C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn modname = None if self._templateClass: return self._templateClass modname = self.opts.templateClassName if not modname: return Template p = modname.rfind('.') if ':' not in modname: self.error('The value of option --templateAPIClass is invalid\n' 'It must be in the form "module:class", ' 'e.g. "Cheetah.Template:Template"') modname, classname = modname.split(':') C('using --templateAPIClass=%s:%s'%(modname, classname)) if p >= 0: mod = getattr(__import__(modname[:p], {}, {}, [modname[p+1:]]), modname[p+1:]) else: mod = __import__(modname, {}, {}, []) klass = getattr(mod, classname, None) if klass: self._templateClass = klass return klass else: self.error('**Template class specified in option --templateAPIClass not found\n' '**Falling back on Cheetah.Template:Template') def _getCompilerSettings(self): if self._compilerSettings: return self._compilerSettings def getkws(**kws): return kws if self.opts.compilerSettingsString: try: exec 'settings = getkws(%s)'%self.opts.compilerSettingsString except: self.error("There's an error in your --settings option." "It must be valid Python syntax.\n" +" --settings='%s'\n"%self.opts.compilerSettingsString +" %s: %s"%sys.exc_info()[:2] ) validKeys = DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS.keys() if [k for k in settings.keys() if k not in validKeys]: self.error( 'The --setting "%s" is not a valid compiler setting name.'%k) self._compilerSettings = settings return settings else: return {} def _compileOrFillStdin(self): TemplateClass = self._getTemplateClass() compilerSettings = self._getCompilerSettings() if self.isCompile: pysrc = TemplateClass.compile(file=sys.stdin, compilerSettings=compilerSettings, returnAClass=False) output = pysrc else: output = str(TemplateClass(file=sys.stdin, compilerSettings=compilerSettings)) sys.stdout.write(output) def _compileOrFillBundle(self, b): C, D, W = self.chatter, self.debug, self.warn TemplateClass = self._getTemplateClass() compilerSettings = self._getCompilerSettings() src = b.src dst = b.dst base = b.base basename = b.basename dstDir = os.path.dirname(dst) what = self.isCompile and "Compiling" or "Filling" C("%s %s -> %s^", what, src, dst) # No trailing newline. if os.path.exists(dst) and not self.opts.nobackup: bak = b.bak C(" (backup %s)", bak) # On same line as previous message. else: bak = None C("") if self.isCompile: if not moduleNameRE.match(basename): tup = basename, src raise Error("""\ %s: base name %s contains invalid characters. It must be named according to the same rules as Python modules.""" % tup) pysrc = TemplateClass.compile(file=src, returnAClass=False, moduleName=basename, className=basename, compilerSettings=compilerSettings) output = pysrc else: #output = str(TemplateClass(file=src, searchList=self.searchList)) tclass = TemplateClass.compile(file=src, compilerSettings=compilerSettings) output = str(tclass(searchList=self.searchList)) if bak: shutil.copyfile(dst, bak) if dstDir and not os.path.exists(dstDir): if self.isCompile: mkdirsWithPyInitFiles(dstDir) else: os.makedirs(dstDir) if self.opts.stdout: sys.stdout.write(output) else: f = open(dst, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() ################################################## ## if run from the command line if __name__ == '__main__': CheetahWrapper().main() # vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab