cobbler TODO list core: - turn on locking in production (or think about it) - import over http://, ftp:// in addition to existing file and rsync:// - make "cobbler sync" only change what needs to change, to be more efficient (though is this really a problem? Copying doesn't take THAT long...) - make the "scrub orphans" bit a seperate command, warn by default, with an option for "--delete". Seperate from "import". This could probably be a part of "check" to avoid making another command. user interface: - "cobbler add" should be distinguished from "edit" so as to not overwrite - GTK (or Web) UI for Cobbler ? - make sync have less output code cleanup: - an argument parsing overhaul is probably due - remove the cobbler_msg logic since i18n isn't likely ideas: - make the multiple-bootloader system more plugin oriented to allow for alternative bootloaders (not neccessarily kickstart related) to be added