cobbler TODO list need to fix: - turn on locking in production - For "enchant", try to verify that syslinux and mkinitrd are installed on the remote. - "enchant" would be better if it didn't need to know the password - "enchant" has issues with ssh key changes locking it out - "enchant" should be written in a more distro-agnostic way. - "cobbler add" should be distinguished from "edit" so as to not overwrite really nice to have: - GTK (or Web) UI for Cobbler ? making things more standardized/flexible: - Port over to xeninst python module once available for something other than Rawhide - abstract out the --pxe-arch system, possibly pseudonym it to arch, and make the multiple-bootloader system more plugin oriented to allow for alternative bootloaders (not neccessarily kickstart related) to be added - look into what it would take to make kickstart *more optional* bells and whistles: - Wake on lan integration for PXE - Integration with stonnith or other up/down devices? internal code cleanup: - an argument parsing overhaul is probably due - remove the cobbler_msg logic since i18n isn't likely