path: root/cobbler
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* More generalized fix to aborted-createrepo ".olddata" problems, which nowMichael DeHaan2007-04-133-10/+20
| | | | applies to "cobbler reposync" as well as "cobbler import".
* Teaching cobbler to remove .olddata files from previous createrepo runsMichael DeHaan2007-04-121-5/+72
| | | | | so createrepo can be run repeatedly. This has been applied to ks_mirror (import) content but also needs to be done soon for cobbler_reposync.
* Kickstart tracking now mines the apache logs rather than relying on theMichael DeHaan2007-04-112-161/+113
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | mod_python script, so there is room for greater platform compatibility. A cgi-based more-portable alternative to watcher is still desirable. Since apache logs are cycled more frequently than cobbler logs, this does mean that we lose a bit of granularity with regards to start/stop times, though this can presumably be refined. Last request time (the most important bit) is still solid. Need to verify that Apache log time parsing (strptime) isn't doing anything strange with time zones as cobbler is logging GMT. I suspect it might and that would affect results and state detection.
* This commit adds a --rpm-list parameter to "cobbler repo add". --rpm-listMichael DeHaan2007-04-103-15/+112
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | allows for partial mirroring of RPM content from a yum repository using yumdownloader. An example of this would be wanting to have a local mirror of useful tools from FC6 Extras (cobbler and koan, possibly?) while not pulling down content that just takes up time/space (like 3D games). This will work for http:// and ftp:// repositories, but not RHN at this point. Incidentally this feature doesn't resolve dependencies at this point because yumdownloader is currently broken. See So, for now, give all dependencies for --rpm-list and when yumdownloader gets fixed, the "--resolve" argument can be reinserted and this will be a lot more useful.
* Disable mod_python tracking piece for RHEL5, as it is apparently causingMichael DeHaan2007-04-101-1/+1
| | | | | some problems there. Need to replace it with something more portable. Can consider working in better tracking info at the same time.
* Doc cleanup.Michael DeHaan2007-04-052-30/+32
* Some cleanup/fixing in the reposync code.Michael DeHaan2007-04-051-8/+20
* Remove unneeded param.Michael DeHaan2007-04-051-1/+1
* (no commit message)Michael DeHaan2007-04-042-9/+22
* More better (TM) repo parameterization in kickstarts.Michael DeHaan2007-04-042-5/+9
* Correct some errors in kickstart templating for the new repo stuff ...Michael DeHaan2007-04-041-2/+3
* Remove redundant cobbler.pod from repository (official copy nowMichael DeHaan2007-04-041-1/+1
| | | | docs/cobbler.pod) and continue working on import/reposync.
* Add preliminary support for RHEL5 tree management. This is ratherMichael DeHaan2007-04-033-48/+154
| | | | | | | | | | | | complicated and introduces a new variable source_repos on each 'distro' object and also has some implications for how sync completes. Basically RHEL5 has multiple comps files so createrepo must be run more than once. The main point of this support is to install and configure the "core" mirror for distros, where previously only extras/updates were dealt with. The core repo is derived from the kickstart tree (cobbler import) rather than the "cobbler repo add" commands (manual add).
* Preliminary support for http:// and ftp:// mirrors via yum's reposync.Michael DeHaan2007-04-031-25/+76
* Improvements/fixes to the "DVD import" code so that they know more aboutMichael DeHaan2007-04-021-5/+35
| | | | how to deal with RHEL and in-between builds of Fedora.
* Fix bug with cobbler sync and older configs.Michael DeHaan2007-04-021-1/+1
* Store repo information as a list. This unbreaks --repos on "profile add"Michael DeHaan2007-03-281-1/+1
* Bind cobbler_syslogd to everything.Michael DeHaan2007-03-271-4/+1
* This is 0.4.5Michael DeHaan2007-03-233-27/+1
* This is release 0.4.4. I mean it this time :)Michael DeHaan2007-03-233-1977/+5
* Allow watcher script to stay running when it can't get a hostname during ↵Michael DeHaan2007-03-221-1/+4
| | | | startup.
* Ongoing work for 0.4.4 -- misc tweaks/fixes, and continuation on the ↵Michael DeHaan2007-03-226-20/+20
| | | | | | | kernel-parameters-get-shorter effort as well as templating and import features. Plus some random things, like case insensitive paths and some additional argument checking.
* Ongoing work on a better DVD import...Michael DeHaan2007-03-202-121/+157
* Most of these diffs come from directory reorg/cleanup, though the main ↵Michael DeHaan2007-03-197-252/+165
| | | | feature here is the start of a better --import command that creates significantly shorter paths and can work more reliably on mounted DVD images (losetup or otherwise). Detection of kickstarts based on paths needs to be augmented by additional means for this to really work. However, changes going in here (and still more to come) result in cleaner names for imported profiles, and substantially shorter kernel option command lines, which is needed to keep under the 255 limit. There is also some work here going in to template out all of the files for PXE, reducing the amount of code in action_sync and also making PXE setups much more customizable (menu choices, titles, random parameters, ipappend 2, etc) without patching the source. "tree" on import is also attached now to the distro, not the profile. So, whew, that's a lot.
* Updated cobbler TODO with messages from list.Michael DeHaan2007-03-151-0/+1
* dirname, not basename.Michael DeHaan2007-03-081-1/+1
* Tabs are evil.Michael DeHaan2007-03-021-1/+1
* Fixes to import tree URL's and repo parameter splitting, thanks to ↵Michael DeHaan2007-03-022-3/+6
| | | | et-mgmt-tools list folks for pointing these out.
* Kickstart metadata items are seperated by whitespace, not commas.Michael DeHaan2007-02-281-1/+1
* sseago's patch to set_kernel_options, plus some additional error handling ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-272-3/+4
| | | | | | around kernel options processing. Plus some manpage/NEWS updates.
* Some defensive programming around kernel options rendering, based on a error ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-221-2/+2
| | | | report to et-mgmt-tools. I have not been able to reproduce the actual error.
* Disabling of anchors in YAML serialization, which makes configuration files ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-201-7/+9
| | | | | | | | | | much easier to read/edit/understand once disabled. Anchors are basically pointers to pieces of text strings that prevent them from being repeated, but in cobbler, they really don't add any value. For users with configuration files that are still using anchors (&1, *1, etc), running "cobbler reserialize" can remove them once upgraded to this version -- though that is not neccessary.
* Adding disable_netboot option for cobbler, which can be programatically ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-204-39/+72
| | | | | | | | exercised by API users to prevent install-loop scenarios by taking action as a result of some event in post. Also making syncless code modifications work with IA64 tftp locations.
* Be a little nicer on file deletes, release housekeeping.Michael DeHaan2007-02-191-1/+1
* Fixes to work with older versions of Cheetah, small fix to system delete ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-192-3/+6
| | | | code so it deletes the right file in kickstarts_sys.
* Unbundling Cheetah.Michael DeHaan2007-02-191-8/+0
* Removing Cheetah, RHEL4/Centos users can find an RPM, so that's fair.Michael DeHaan2007-02-1953-18000/+0
* Bundle and install menu.c32 for those distros (like RHEL4) that don't ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-191-1/+1
| | | | package it.
* Fix the backwards compatibility code around TEMPLATE:: and also changemdehaan@mdehaan.rdu.redhat.com2007-02-191-1/+1
| | | | the template files to use basic $placeholders instead of TEMPLATE::
* Bundling Cheetah for backwards compatibility, and associated changes to ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-1956-10/+19995
| | | | specfiles/etc.
* A few thingsMichael DeHaan2007-02-162-1/+2
| | | | | | - manpage clarification/correction (including a parameter typo in "cobbler repo add") - don't write the etc/yum.repos.d file if no --local-filename - print out createrepo command for debug purposes (during cobbler import)
* Temporary menu support hack to work around menu.c32 timeout problems. User ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-151-3/+3
| | | | | | | | can type "menu" at the prompt to get a menu, or they can type "local" (or just wait 20 seconds) for a local boot. Once the user starts typing, the absolute timeout is 10 minutes, ensuring a machine doesn't get left at the menu screen. All of this will probably be user configurable later.
* More work on PXE menus. Getting there, just need timeout logic to work.Michael DeHaan2007-02-152-52/+35
* Working on adding pxemenu support.Michael DeHaan2007-02-145-37/+130
* Further changes related to making cobbler own the directories it's using in ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-142-39/+27
| | | | | | /var/www and /tftpboot. Plus some minor bugfixes down the error path.
* Run check in post to ensure cobbler tree setup, such that ↵mdehaan@mdehaan.rdu.redhat.com2007-02-142-23/+36
| | | | distros/systems/profiles can be added immediately, without the need to run "sync" to create the base directories.
* Converting storage for template parameters, kernel options, and repo lists ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-148-105/+162
| | | | | | | (basically anything that's not really a string or a number) to a list or hash, as appropriate. This will allow the cobbler API to accept list/hash input as appropriate in addition to strings, allowing for more advanced use of the templating engine. This also extends more power to the user to add their own entries in /var/lib/cobbler files for ksmeta, as opposed to having to enter in --ksmeta options on the command line, which previously did not tolerate newlines. All of this is backwards compatible with the old format (both should load fine). Files will convert over to the new format once any add commands are run.
* Moving back to Cheetah for templatingMichael DeHaan2007-02-131-12/+30
* Kickstart metadata variable can't be None.Michael DeHaan2007-02-121-0/+2
* Allow some variables to be None that really shouldn't ever be None, though ↵Michael DeHaan2007-02-121-8/+9
| | | | for some reason they are None. Make sense? Good :)