path: root/bootconf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bootconf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/bootconf b/bootconf
deleted file mode 100755
index e52e5ac..0000000
--- a/bootconf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Michael DeHaan <>
-Command line interface for BootConf, a network boot configuration
-import os
-import sys
-import getopt
-import traceback
-import api
-import util
-from msg import *
-class BootCLI:
- def __init__(self,args):
- """
- Build the command line parser and API instances, etc.
- """
- self.args = args
- self.api = api.BootAPI()
- self.commands = {}
- self.commands['distro'] = {
- 'add' : self.distro_edit,
- 'edit' : self.distro_edit,
- 'delete' : self.distro_remove,
- 'remove' : self.distro_remove,
- 'list' : self.distro_list
- }
- self.commands['profile'] = {
- 'add' : self.profile_edit,
- 'edit' : self.profile_edit,
- 'delete' : self.profile_remove,
- 'remove' : self.profile_remove,
- 'list' : self.profile_list
- }
- self.commands['system'] = {
- 'add' : self.system_edit,
- 'edit' : self.system_edit,
- 'delete' : self.system_remove,
- 'remove' : self.system_remove,
- 'list' : self.system_list
- }
- self.commands['toplevel'] = {
- 'check' : self.check,
- 'distros' : self.distro,
- 'distro' : self.distro,
- 'profiles' : self.profile,
- 'profile' : self.profile,
- 'systems' : self.system,
- 'system' : self.system,
- 'sync' : self.sync,
- 'help' :
- }
- def run(self):
- """
- Run the command line
- """
- rc = self.curry_args(self.args[1:], self.commands['toplevel'])
- if not rc:
- print self.api.last_error
- return rc
- def usage(self):
- """
- Print out abbreviated help if user gives bad syntax
- """
- print m("usage")
- return False
- def help(self,args):
- """
- Print out tediously wrong help: 'bootconf help'
- """
- print m("help")
- return False
- def system_list(self,args):
- """
- Print out the list of systems: 'bootconf system list'
- """
- print str(self.api.get_systems())
- def profile_list(self,args):
- """
- Print out the list of profiles: 'bootconf profile list'
- """
- print str(self.api.get_profiles())
- def distro_list(self,args):
- """
- Print out the list of distros: 'bootconf distro list'
- """
- print str(self.api.get_distros())
- def system_remove(self,args):
- """
- Delete a system: 'bootconf system remove --name=foo'
- """
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.get_systems().remove(a)
- }
- on_ok = lambda: True
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def profile_remove(self,args):
- """
- Delete a profile: 'bootconf profile remove --name=foo'
- """
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.get_profiles().remove(a)
- }
- on_ok = lambda: True
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def distro_remove(self,args):
- """
- Delete a distro: 'bootconf distro remove --name='foo'
- """
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a): self.api.get_distros().remove(a)
- }
- on_ok = lambda: True
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def system_edit(self,args):
- """
- Create/Edit a system: 'bootconf system edit --name='foo' ...
- """
- sys = self.api.new_system()
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a) : sys.set_name(a),
- '--profile' : lambda(a) : sys.set_profile(a),
- '--profiles' : lambda(a) : sys.set_profile(a), # alias
- '--kopts' : lambda(a) : sys.set_kernel_options(a)
- }
- on_ok = lambda: self.api.get_systems().add(sys)
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def profile_edit(self,args):
- """
- Create/Edit a profile: 'bootconf profile edit --name='foo' ...
- """
- profile = self.api.new_profile()
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a) : profile.set_name(a),
- '--distro' : lambda(a) : profile.set_distro(a),
- '--kickstart' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kickstart(a),
- '--kopts' : lambda(a) : profile.set_kernel_options(a),
- '--xen-name' : lambda(a) : profile.set_xen_name(a),
- '--xen-file-size' : lambda(a) : profile.set_xen_file_size(a),
- '--xen-ram' : lambda(a) : profile.set_xen_ram(a),
- '--xen-mac' : lambda(a) : profile.set_xen_mac(a),
- '--xen-paravirt' : lambda(a) : profile.set_xen_paravirt(a),
- # FIXME: more Xen opts that xen-guest-install needs
- }
- on_ok = lambda: self.api.get_profiles().add(profile)
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def distro_edit(self,args):
- """
- Create/Edit a distro: 'bootconf distro edit --name='foo' ...
- """
- distro = self.api.new_distro()
- commands = {
- '--name' : lambda(a) : distro.set_name(a),
- '--kernel' : lambda(a) : distro.set_kernel(a),
- '--initrd' : lambda(a) : distro.set_initrd(a),
- '--kopts' : lambda(a) : distro.set_kernel_options(a)
- }
- on_ok = lambda: self.api.get_distros().add(distro)
- return self.apply_args(args,commands,on_ok,True)
- def apply_args(self,args,input_routines,on_ok,serialize):
- """
- Instead of getopt...
- Parses arguments of the form --foo=bar, see profile_edit for example
- """
- if len(args) == 0:
- print m("no_args")
- return False
- for x in args:
- try:
- key, value = x.split("=",1)
- value = value.replace('"','').replace("'",'')
- except:
- print m("bad_arg") % x
- return False
- if key in input_routines:
- if not input_routines[key](value):
- print m("reject_arg") % key
- return False
- else:
- print m("weird_arg") % key
- return False
- rc = on_ok()
- if rc and serialize:
- self.api.serialize()
- return rc
- def curry_args(self, args, commands):
- """
- Helper function to make subcommands a bit more friendly.
- See profiles(), system(), or distro() for examples
- """
- if args is None or len(args) == 0:
- print m("help")
- return False
- if args[0] in commands:
- rc = commands[args[0]](args[1:])
- if not rc:
- return False
- else:
- print m("unknown_cmd") % args[0]
- return False
- return True
- def sync(self, args):
- """
- Sync the config file with the system config: 'bootconf sync [--dryrun]'
- """
- status = None
- if args is not None and "--dryrun" in args:
- status = self.api.sync(dry_run=True)
- else:
- status = self.api.sync(dry_run=False)
- return status
- def check(self,args):
- """
- Check system for network boot decency/prereqs: 'bootconf check'
- """
- status = self.api.check()
- if status is None:
- return False
- elif len(status) == 0:
- print m("check_ok")
- return True
- else:
- print m("need_to_fix")
- for i,x in enumerate(status):
- print "#%d: %s" % (i,x)
- return False
- def distro(self,args):
- """
- Handles any of the 'bootconf distro' subcommands
- """
- return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['distro'])
- def profile(self,args):
- """
- Handles any of the 'bootconf profile' subcommands
- """
- return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['profile'])
- def system(self,args):
- """
- Handles any of the 'bootconf system' subcommands
- """
- return self.curry_args(args, self.commands['system'])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if os.getuid() != 0: # FIXME
- print m("need_root")
- sys.exit(1)
- if BootCLI(sys.argv).run():
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- sys.exit(1)