path: root/cobbler/
diff options
authorMichael DeHaan <>2008-04-18 17:31:26 -0400
committerMichael DeHaan <>2008-04-18 17:31:26 -0400
commitefbcc041464733e90af670a5d1dfe13e70aaa05c (patch)
treee04450dfaed37ad8757f0e96d5314d36a46444b0 /cobbler/
parentb15ca0fe01a01ee6792c857e766642d9d50ab760 (diff)
Kickstarts are now dynamically generated by mod_python, CGI's now fall
under mod_python, kickstart templating code now moved out of sync function.
Diffstat (limited to 'cobbler/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/cobbler/ b/cobbler/
index 5b7b546..aa53d12 100644
--- a/cobbler/
+++ b/cobbler/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import errno
import utils
from cexceptions import *
import templar
+import kickgen
import item_distro
import item_profile
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class BootSync:
self.settings = config.settings()
self.repos = config.repos()
self.templar = templar.Templar(config)
+ self.kickgen = kickgen.KickGen(config)
self.bootloc = utils.tftpboot_location()
def run(self):
@@ -82,9 +83,9 @@ class BootSync:
+ for x in
+ self.write_all_system_files(x)
- self.validate_kickstarts()
- self.build_trees()
if self.settings.manage_dhcp:
# these functions DRT for ISC or dnsmasq
@@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ class BootSync:
if not x.endswith(".py"):
if os.path.isdir(path):
- if not x in ["web", "webui", "localmirror","repo_mirror","ks_mirror","kickstarts","kickstarts_sys","distros","images","systems","profiles","links","repo_profile","repo_system"] :
+ if not x in ["web", "webui", "localmirror","repo_mirror","ks_mirror","images","links","repo_profile","repo_system","svc"] :
# delete directories that shouldn't exist
if x in ["kickstarts","kickstarts_sys","images","systems","distros","profiles","repo_profile","repo_system"]:
@@ -324,294 +325,6 @@ class BootSync:
utils.copyfile(initrd, os.path.join(distro_dir, b_initrd))
- def validate_kickstarts(self):
- """
- Similar to what we do for distros, ensure all the kickstarts
- in conf file are valid. kickstarts are referenced by URL
- (http or ftp), can stay as is. kickstarts referenced by absolute
- path (i.e. are files path) will be mirrored over http.
- """
- self.validate_kickstarts_per_profile()
- self.validate_kickstarts_per_system()
- return True
- def validate_kickstarts_per_profile(self):
- """
- Koan provisioning (Virt + auto-ks) needs kickstarts
- per profile. Validate them as needed. Local kickstarts
- get template substitution. Since http:// kickstarts might
- get generated via magic URLs, those are *not* substituted.
- NFS kickstarts are also not substituted when referenced
- by NFS URL's as we don't copy those files over to the cobbler
- directories. They are supposed to be live such that an
- admin can update those without needing to run 'sync' again.
- NOTE: kickstart only uses the web directory (if it uses them at all)
- """
- for g in self.profiles:
- print _("sync profile: %s") %
- self.validate_kickstart_for_specific_profile(g)
- def validate_kickstart_for_specific_profile(self,g):
- distro = g.get_conceptual_parent()
- meta = utils.blender(self.api, False, g)
- if distro is None:
- raise CX(_("profile %(profile)s references missing distro %(distro)s") % { "profile" :, "distro" : g.distro })
- kickstart_path = utils.find_kickstart(meta["kickstart"])
- if kickstart_path is not None and os.path.exists(kickstart_path):
- # the input is an *actual* file, hence we have to copy it
- copy_path = os.path.join(
- self.settings.webdir,
- "kickstarts", # profile kickstarts go here
- )
- utils.mkdir(copy_path)
- dest = os.path.join(copy_path, "ks.cfg")
- try:
- meta = utils.blender(self.api, False, g)
- ksmeta = meta["ks_meta"]
- del meta["ks_meta"]
- meta.update(ksmeta) # make available at top level
- meta["yum_repo_stanza"] = self.generate_repo_stanza(g,True)
- meta["yum_config_stanza"] = self.generate_config_stanza(g,True)
- meta["kickstart_done"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(0, g, None)
- meta["kickstart_start"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(1, g, None)
- meta["kernel_options"] = utils.hash_to_string(meta["kernel_options"])
- kfile = open(kickstart_path)
- self.templar.render(kfile, meta, dest, g)
- kfile.close()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc() # leave this in, for now...
- msg = "err_kickstart2"
- raise CX(_("Error while rendering kickstart file %(src)s to %(dest)s") % { "src" : kickstart_path, "dest" : dest })
- def generate_kickstart_signal(self, is_pre=0, profile=None, system=None):
- """
- Do things that we do at the start/end of kickstarts...
- * start: signal the status watcher we're starting
- * end: signal the status watcher we're done
- * end: disable PXE if needed
- * end: save the original kickstart file for debug
- """
- # FIXME: watcher is more of a request than a packaged file
- # we should eventually package something and let it do something important"
- nopxe = "\nwget \"http://%s/cgi-bin/cobbler/nopxe.cgi?system=%s\""
- saveks = "\nwget \"http://%s/cobbler/%s/%s/ks.cfg\" -O /root/cobbler.ks"
- runpost = "\nwget \"http://%s/cgi-bin/cobbler/install_trigger.cgi?mode=post&%s=%s\""
- runpre = "\nwget \"http://%s/cgi-bin/cobbler/install_trigger.cgi?mode=pre&%s=%s\""
- what = "profile"
- blend_this = profile
- if system:
- what = "system"
- blend_this = system
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, blend_this)
- kickstart = blended.get("kickstart",None)
- buf = ""
- srv = blended["http_server"]
- if system is not None:
- if not is_pre:
- if str(self.settings.pxe_just_once).upper() in [ "1", "Y", "YES", "TRUE" ]:
- buf = buf + nopxe % (srv,
- if kickstart and os.path.exists(kickstart):
- buf = buf + saveks % (srv, "kickstarts_sys",
- if self.settings.run_install_trigger:
- buf = buf + runpost % (srv, what,
- else:
- if self.settings.run_install_trigger:
- buf = buf + runpre % (srv, what,
- else:
- if not is_pre:
- if kickstart and os.path.exists(kickstart):
- buf = buf + saveks % (srv, "kickstarts",
- if self.settings.run_install_trigger:
- buf = buf + runpost % (srv, what,
- else:
- if self.settings.run_install_trigger:
- buf = buf + runpre % (srv, what,
- return buf
- def get_repo_segname(self, is_profile):
- if is_profile:
- return "repos_profile"
- else:
- return "repos_system"
- def generate_repo_stanza(self, obj, is_profile=True):
- """
- Automatically attaches yum repos to profiles/systems in kickstart files
- that contain the magic $yum_repo_stanza variable.
- """
- buf = ""
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj)
- configs = self.get_repo_filenames(obj,is_profile)
- repos = self.repos
- for c in configs:
- name = c.split("/")[-1].replace(".repo","")
- (is_core, baseurl) = self.analyze_repo_config(c)
- for repo in repos:
- if == name:
- if not repo.yumopts.has_key('enabled') or repo.yumopts['enabled'] == '1':
- buf = buf + "repo --name=%s --baseurl=%s\n" % (name, baseurl)
- return buf
- def analyze_repo_config(self, filename):
- fd = open(filename)
- data =
- lines = data.split("\n")
- ret = False
- baseurl = None
- for line in lines:
- if line.find("ks_mirror") != -1:
- ret = True
- if line.find("baseurl") != -1:
- first, baseurl = line.split("=")
- fd.close()
- return (ret, baseurl)
- def get_repo_baseurl(self, server, repo_name, is_repo_mirror=True):
- """
- Construct the URL to a repo definition.
- """
- if is_repo_mirror:
- return "http://%s/cobbler/repo_mirror/%s" % (server, repo_name)
- else:
- return "http://%s/cobbler/ks_mirror/config/%s" % (server, repo_name)
- def get_repo_filenames(self, obj, is_profile=True):
- """
- For a given object, return the paths to repo configuration templates
- that will be used to generate per-object repo configuration files and
- baseurls
- """
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj)
- urlseg = self.get_repo_segname(is_profile)
- topdir = "%s/%s/%s/*.repo" % (self.settings.webdir, urlseg, blended["name"])
- files = glob.glob(topdir)
- return files
- def generate_config_stanza(self, obj, is_profile=True):
- """
- Add in automatic to configure /etc/yum.repos.d on the remote system
- if the kickstart file contains the magic $yum_config_stanza.
- """
- if not self.settings.yum_post_install_mirror:
- return ""
- urlseg = self.get_repo_segname(is_profile)
- distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent()
- if not is_profile:
- distro = distro.get_conceptual_parent()
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj)
- configs = self.get_repo_filenames(obj, is_profile)
- buf = ""
- # for each kickstart template we have rendered ...
- for c in configs:
- name = c.split("/")[-1].replace(".repo","")
- # add the line to create the yum config file on the target box
- conf = self.get_repo_config_file(blended["http_server"],urlseg,blended["name"],name)
- buf = buf + "wget \"%s\" --output-document=/etc/yum.repos.d/%s.repo\n" % (conf, name)
- return buf
- def get_repo_config_file(self,server,urlseg,obj_name,repo_name):
- """
- Construct the URL to a repo config file that is usable in kickstart
- for use with yum. This is different than the templates cobbler reposync
- creates, as this file will allow the server to migrate and have different
- variables for different subnets/profiles/etc.
- """
- return "http://%s/cblr/%s/%s/%s.repo" % (server,urlseg,obj_name,repo_name)
- def validate_kickstarts_per_system(self):
- """
- PXE provisioning needs kickstarts evaluated per system.
- Profiles would normally be sufficient, but not in cases
- such as static IP, where we want to be able to do templating
- on a system basis.
- NOTE: kickstart only uses the web directory (if it uses them at all)
- """
- for s in
- print _("sync system: %s") %
- self.validate_kickstart_for_specific_system(s)
- def validate_kickstart_for_specific_system(self,s):
- profile = s.get_conceptual_parent()
- if profile is None:
- raise CX(_("system %(system)s references missing profile %(profile)s") % { "system" :, "profile" : s.profile })
- distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
- meta = utils.blender(self.api, False, s)
- kickstart_path = utils.find_kickstart(meta["kickstart"])
- if kickstart_path and os.path.exists(kickstart_path):
- copy_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,
- "kickstarts_sys", # system kickstarts go here
- )
- utils.mkdir(copy_path)
- dest = os.path.join(copy_path, "ks.cfg")
- try:
- ksmeta = meta["ks_meta"]
- del meta["ks_meta"]
- meta.update(ksmeta) # make available at top level
- meta["yum_repo_stanza"] = self.generate_repo_stanza(s, False)
- meta["yum_config_stanza"] = self.generate_config_stanza(s, False)
- meta["kickstart_done"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(0, profile, s)
- meta["kickstart_start"] = self.generate_kickstart_signal(1, profile, s)
- meta["kernel_options"] = utils.hash_to_string(meta["kernel_options"])
- kfile = open(kickstart_path)
- self.templar.render(kfile, meta, dest, s)
- kfile.close()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise CX(_("Error templating file %(src)s to %(dest)s") % { "src" : meta["kickstart"], "dest" : dest })
- def build_trees(self):
- """
- Now that kernels and initrds are copied and kickstarts are all valid,
- build the pxelinux.cfg tree, which contains a directory for each
- configured IP or MAC address. Also build a tree for Virt info.
- NOTE: some info needs to go in TFTP and HTTP directories, but not all.
- Usually it's just one or the other.
- """
- self.write_listings()
- # create pxelinux.cfg under tftpboot
- # and file for each MAC or IP (hex encoded 01-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX)
- for d in self.distros:
- self.write_distro_file(d)
- for p in self.profiles:
- self.write_profile_file(p)
- for system in
- self.write_all_system_files(system)
def retemplate_all_yum_repos(self):
for p in self.profiles:
@@ -619,8 +332,6 @@ class BootSync:
def retemplate_yum_repos(self,obj,is_profile):
- # FIXME: blender could use caching for performance
- # FIXME: make stanza generation code load stuff from the right place
Yum repository management files are in self.settings.webdir/repo_mirror/$name/config.repo
and also potentially in listed in the source_repos structure of the distro object, however
@@ -670,7 +381,7 @@ class BootSync:
self.templar.render(infile_data, blended, outfile, None)
- def write_all_system_files(self,system,just_edit_pxe=False):
+ def write_all_system_files(self,system):
profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
if profile is None:
@@ -713,11 +424,6 @@ class BootSync:
# ensure the file doesn't exist
- if not just_edit_pxe:
- # allows netboot-disable to be highly performant
- # by not invoking the Cheetah engine
- self.write_system_file(f3,system)
counter = counter + 1
@@ -849,9 +555,9 @@ class BootSync:
if kickstart_path is not None and kickstart_path != "":
if system is not None and kickstart_path.startswith("/"):
- kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/kickstarts_sys/%s/ks.cfg" % (blended["http_server"],
+ kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/?op=ks&system=%s" % (blended["http_server"],
elif kickstart_path.startswith("/") or kickstart_path.find("/cobbler/kickstarts/") != -1:
- kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/kickstarts/%s/ks.cfg" % (blended["http_server"],
+ kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/?op=ks&profile=%s" % (blended["http_server"],
if distro.breed is None or distro.breed == "redhat":
append_line = "%s ks=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path)
@@ -884,60 +590,5 @@ class BootSync:
return buffer
- def write_listings(self):
- """
- Creates a very simple index of available systems and profiles
- that cobbler knows about. Just the names, no details.
- """
- names1 = [ for x in self.profiles]
- names2 = [ for x in]
- data1 = yaml.dump(names1)
- data2 = yaml.dump(names2)
- fd1 = open(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "profile_list"), "w+")
- fd2 = open(os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "system_list"), "w+")
- fd1.write(data1)
- fd2.write(data2)
- fd1.close()
- fd2.close()
- def write_distro_file(self,distro):
- """
- Create distro information for koan install
- """
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, distro)
- filename = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,"distros",
- fd = open(filename, "w+")
- fd.write(yaml.dump(blended))
- fd.close()
- def write_profile_file(self,profile):
- """
- Create profile information for virt install
- NOTE: relevant to http only
- """
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile)
- filename = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,"profiles",
- fd = open(filename, "w+")
- if blended.has_key("kickstart") and blended["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
- # write the file location as needed by koan
- blended["kickstart"] = "http://%s/cblr/kickstarts/%s/ks.cfg" % (blended["http_server"],
- fd.write(yaml.dump(blended))
- fd.close()
- def write_system_file(self,filename,system):
- """
- Create system information for virt install
- NOTE: relevant to http only
- """
- blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system)
- filename = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,"systems",
- fd = open(filename, "w+")
- fd.write(yaml.dump(blended))
- fd.close()